5 research outputs found

    Distribution of Pseudocercospora species causing Sigatoka leaf diseases of banana in Uganda and Tanzania

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 11 Oct 2019Sigatoka leaf diseases are a major constraint to banana production. A survey was conducted in Tanzania and Uganda to assess the distribution of Pseudocercospora species and severity of Sigatoka leaf diseases. Pseudocercospora species were identified using species‐specific primers. Sigatoka‐like leaf diseases were observed in all farms and on all cultivars, but disease severity varied significantly (P < 0.001) between countries, districts/regions within countries, altitudinal ranges and banana cultivars. In all regions except Kilimanjaro, P. fijiensis, the causal agent of black Sigatoka, was the only pathogen associated with Sigatoka disease. Mycosphaerella musae was associated with Sigatoka‐like symptoms in Kilimanjaro region. Black Sigatoka disease was more severe in Uganda, with a mean disease severity index (DSI) of 37.5%, than in Tanzania (DSI = 19.9%). In Uganda, black Sigatoka disease was equally severe in Luwero district (mean DSI = 40.4%) and Mbarara district (mean DSI = 37.9%). In Tanzania, black Sigatoka was most severe in Kagera region (mean DSI = 29.2%) and least in Mbeya region (mean DSI = 11.5%). Pseudocercospora fijiensis, the most devastating sigatoka pathogen, was detected at altitudes of up to 1877 m a.s.l. This range expansion of P. fijiensis, previously confined to altitudes lower than 1350 m a.s.l. in East Africa, is of concern, especially for smallholder banana farmers growing the susceptible East African Highland bananas (EAHB). Among the banana varieties sampled, the EAHB, FHIA hybrids and Mchare were the most susceptible. Here, the loss of resistance in Yangambi KM5, a banana variety previously resistant to P. fijiensis, is reported for the first time

    Banana diseases and pests: field guide for diagnostics and data collection

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    Improvement of banana for smallholder farmers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa This unique project seeks to improve the production and productivity of banana in Tanzania and Uganda, through the development of hybrid banana varieties that are expected to have 30% higher yield compared to the current varieties grown by farmers under the same conditions through improved resistance against key pests and diseases. In particular, the project will strengthen the banana breeding programs in the two countries, towards developing new high-yielding and disease-resistant hybrid banana varieties, primarily focusing on the two most popular cooking bananas in the region: East Africa highland banana (EAHB), also known as Matooke, and on Mchare

    Sources of resistance to Pseudocercospora fijiensis

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    Black Sigatoka, caused by Pseudocercospora fijiensis, is one of the most devastating diseases of banana. In commercial banana‐growing systems, black Sigatoka is primarily managed by fungicides. This mode of disease management is not feasible for resource‐limited smallholder farmers. Therefore, bananas resistant to P. fijiensis provide a practical solution for managing the disease, especially under smallholder farming systems. Most banana and plantain hybrids with resistance to P. fijiensis were developed using few sources of resistance, which include Calcutta 4 and Pisang Lilin. To broaden the pool of resistance sources to P. fijiensis, 95 banana accessions were evaluated under field conditions in Sendusu, Uganda. Eleven accessions were resistant to P. fijiensis. Black Sigatoka symptoms did not progress past Stage 2 (narrow brown streaks) in the diploid accessions Pahang (AA), Pisang KRA (AA), Malaccensis 0074 (AA), Long Tavoy (AA), M.A. Truncata (AA), Tani (BB), and Balbisiana (BB), a response similar to the resistant control Calcutta 4. These accessions are potential sources of P. fijiensis resistance and banana breeding programmes can use them to broaden the genetic base for resistance to P. fijiensis