71 research outputs found

    Smaken hos Àppelmust

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    Fakta om musttillverkning: rÄvara och rÄvarukvalitet

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    Äpple Ă€r en utmĂ€rkt rĂ„vara för musttillverkning genom fruktens arom och naturligt behagliga balans mellan socker och syra. Eftersom sĂ„ mĂ„nga olika faktorer pĂ„verkar bĂ„de Ă€pplets och mustens kvalitet Ă€r det nödvĂ€ndigt att ha god kunskap om sĂ„vĂ€l rĂ„vara som produktionsmetoder för att kunna tillverka kvalitetsprodukter med unika egenskaper. Sortval, Ă„rsmĂ„n, odlingsplats, odlingsmetoder och mognadsstadium samt lagring bidrar till bĂ„de fruktens och mustens egenskaper. Val av metod vid juicetillverkning pĂ„verkar ocksĂ„ juicens kvalitet dĂ€r tillverkning med eller utan tillsats av enzymer och klarningshjĂ€lpmedel har stor betydelse bĂ„de pĂ„ upplevd smak, innehĂ„ll av fibrer och nyttiga Ă€mnen som t.ex. polyfenoler. Detta faktablad ger en översikt kring Ă€pple som rĂ„vara för musttillverkning

    The Systematics, Reproductive Biology, Biochemistry, and Breeding of Sea Buckthorn—A Review

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    Both the fruit flesh and seeds of sea buckthorn have multiple uses for medicinal and culinary purposes, including the valuable market for supplementary health foods. Bioactive compounds, such as essential amino acids, vitamins B, C, and E, carotenoids, polyphenols, ursolic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, and other active substances, are now being analyzed in detail for their medicinal properties. Domestication with commercial orchards and processing plants is undertaken in many countries, but there is a large need for improved plant material with high yield, tolerance to environmental stress, diseases, and pests, suitability for efficient harvesting methods, and high contents of compounds that have medicinal and/or culinary values. Applied breeding is based mainly on directed crosses between different subspecies of Hippophae rhamnoides. DNA markers have been applied to analyses of systematics and population genetics as well as for the discrimination of cultivars, but very few DNA markers have as yet been developed for use in selection and breeding. Several key genes in important metabolic pathways have, however, been identified, and four genomes have recently been sequenced

    Flera nya utlÀndska Àppelsorter har bra kvalitet men Àr kÀnsliga för sjukdomar

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    Odlarna vill ha nya sorter med bÀttre egenskaper, som gör det möjligt att bedriva hÄllbar och konkurrenskraftig odling av kvalitetsfrukt i Sverige. I detta faktablad sammanfattas resultat frÄn tvÄ projekt med syftet att utvÀrdera odlings- och kvalitetsegenskaper hos nÄgra dessert- och mustÀpplesorter, som nyligen tagits fram genom vÀxtförÀdling

    MÄnga ciderÀppelsorter Àr kÀnsliga för skorv men ger unik arom

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    I Sverige finns ingen tradition av att odla ciderÀpplen men intresset för att tillverka lokal cider har ökat markant under senare Är. I detta faktablad sammanfattas resultat frÄn tvÄ projekt som genomförts för att utvÀrdera och introducera nya ciderÀpplesorter för odling och vidareförÀdling i Sverige

    Den skÄnska Àpplemustens terroir

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    Idag ser vi ett kraftigt ökande intresse för lokalproducerad mat och dryck. MĂ„nga konsumenter lĂ€gger stor vikt vid vad de konsumerar, varifrĂ„n livsmedlen kommer och hur de produceras. I vinsammanhang har man under lĂ„ng tid anvĂ€nt sig av begreppet terroir för att sammanfatta lokalitetens betydelse för sĂ„vĂ€l upplevda som mĂ€tbara egenskaper. NĂ„got motsvarande har inte hittills dokumenterats för svenska Ă€pplen – den viktigaste rĂ„varan för must i Sverige. Finns det nĂ„got samband mellan var frukten har odlats och mustens kvalitetsegenskaper? Kan konsumenter kĂ€nna skillnad mellan must frĂ„n olika odlingar men av samma sort? Hur kan detta kommuniceras? Detta var huvudfrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna i en pilotstudie vi nyligen genomförde tillsammans med skĂ„nska Ă€ppelodlare och musterier

    Review of the Impact of Apple Fruit Ripening, Texture and Chemical Contents on Genetically Determined Susceptibility to Storage Rots

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    Fungal storage rots like blue mould, grey mould, bull's eye rot, bitter rot and brown rot destroy large amounts of the harvested apple crop around the world. Application of fungicides is nowadays severely restricted in many countries and production systems, and these problems are therefore likely to increase. Considerable variation among apple cultivars in resistance/susceptibility has been reported, suggesting that efficient defence mechanisms can be selected for and used in plant breeding. These are, however, likely to vary between pathogens, since some fungi are mainly wound-mediated while others attack through lenticels or by infecting blossoms. Since mature fruits are considerably more susceptible than immature fruits, mechanisms involving fruit-ripening processes are likely to play an important role. Significant associations have been detected between the susceptibility to rots in harvested fruit and various fruit maturation-related traits like ripening time, fruit firmness at harvest and rate of fruit softening during storage, as well as fruit biochemical contents like acidity, sugars and polyphenols. Some sources of resistance to blue mould have been described, but more research is needed on the development of spore inoculation methods that produce reproducible data and can be used for large screenings, especially for lenticel-infecting fungi

    Water and ethanol extracts of Plantago major leaves show anti-inflammatory activity on oral epithelial cells

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    Context: The leaves of Plantago major have been used for the treatment of wounds and inflammation in folk medicine from prehistoric times. However there is no report on the use of P. major to treat inflammation in oral epithelial cell lines. Objective: The present study was undertaken to reveal possible anti-inflammatory effects of Plantago major leaf extracts on oral epithelial cells in-vitro. Materials and methods: Water- and ethanol-based extracts of P. major leaves were prepared from freezedried plant material, and tested in-vitro using the oral epithelial cell line H400. The anti-inflammatory activity of P. major was tested against E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) using the nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-kB) assay. Results: Both the water- and the ethanol-based extracts, as well as a combination of the two extracts, showed anti-inflammatory activity. A concentration of 0.1 mg/mL (on dry weight basis) yielded the best results for all extracts. Discussion and conclusion: The results show that synergistic effects of both polyphenols and watersoluble compounds (possibly polysaccharides) are responsible for anti-inflammatory activities of P. major

    DjÀvulsklon frÄn Afrika

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    Nyttjar man naturmedicinska preparat, har man troligen hört talas om djÀvulsklo frÄn Afrika. I övrigt fÄr denna torrmarksvÀxt anses tÀmligen okÀnd i Sverige. För stora delar av den fattiga befolkningen pÄ landsbygden i Botswana, Namibia och Sydafrika utgör djÀvulsklo dÀremot en vÀlkÀnd och viktig inkomstkÀlla

    Genetic Characterization of the Norwegian Apple Collection

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    Commercial fruit production in Norway is located at around latitude 60 degrees north, demanding a careful choice of adapted cultivars. The most comprehensive collection of apple genetic resources in Norway is being kept in the Norwegian Apple Collection (NAC) at the Njos Fruit and Berry Centre (NJOS). The collection contains around 350 accessions and was recently genotyped with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. Curated SNP data were used for the assessment of structure and diversity, pedigree confirmation, and core collection development. In the following SNP analysis, we identified several duplicates and parent-child relationships. Across the geographic regions represented, the collection was equally diverse. Different methods for analyzing population structure were applied. K-means clustering and a Bayesian modeling approach with prior assumptions of the data revealed five subpopulations associated with geographic breeding centers. The collection has a distinct genetic structure and low relatedness among the accessions; hence, two core collections with 100 accessions in each were created. These new core collections will allow breeders and researchers to use the NAC efficiently. The results from this study suggest that several of the accessions in the Norwegian Apple Collection could be of high importance for breeding purposes
