52 research outputs found

    グローバル シャカイ ジダイ ニ ヒツヨウナ シシツ ノウリョク ノ ブンセキ

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    When we practice global education in the schools of compulsory education, we have to clarify the specific goals for compulsory education under today’s global and lifelong learning society in accordance with the purpose of compulsory education. Therefore, we tried to clarify them with the following two methods. Method 1: The qualities and capabilities that in−service teachers think are used to extract the target concepts and further examine them using the exercises of graduate schools. Method 2: To consider the relationship between policy issues and qualities/ capabilities required in an era of a global society. The following three points are made clear by the above−mentioned methods. 1 When “qualities and capabilities” that an in−service teacher thinks are seen with the perspective of “Knowledge”, “Attitude/ behavior” and “Skill” that should be examined while designing a curriculum, the “Knowledge” includes the understanding of cultural heritage about one’s own country and other countries, and “Skill” includes communication skills, language skills, problem−solving skills, decision making/ judgment/ expressiveness, and ability to use information. “Attitude/ behavior” includes such as harmony, intercultural interests, robustness, awareness about others, and contributions etc. 2 While taking a look at with the perspective of “Universal competence”, “Responsive competence” and “Cultural understanding” in relation to policy issues, the “Universal competence” includes abilities such as harmony, team work, respecting others, thinking skill and sense of commitment etc. 3 From the above two points, the curriculum viewpoint of “Attitude/ behavior” is similar to the “Universal competence” of the policy viewpoint. The “Knowledge” is similar to “Cultural understanding”, and “Skill” is to “Adaptive capability”

    キョウイク ジッシュウ ニオケル シャカイテキナ マナビ ノ カノウセイ オ ミイダス シロン : バ ノ ホウガ ト ソウハツ オ ムスブ ダイガク ト ジッシュウコウ トノ レンケイ エノ キタイ カラ

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    Our objective is to consider the possibilities of establishing a social learning setting in the framework of teacher training referencing the theory of Ba. In recent years, there has been extensive mention of the importance of team efforts in handling various issues of the kind that can no longer be resolved by conventional common sense responses, in the school setting. We strongly feel that teacher training should apply the experience of solving problems and reaching agreement between the parties involved through a process of discussion and cooperation. Previously, school culture was such that teachers attempted to solve such issues on their own or with other teachers who were teaching the same grade. This environment has meant that it is has been difficult to implement this aspect of teacher training, since today’s school environments are characterized by more of a culture of collegiality. We can surmise that the concept of participating in a cooperative format where participants learn and implement concepts has not yet been established. We believe it is important to create a setting in the context of teacher training where teachers can solve issues together with their colleagues, facilitating participation−and therefore boosting experiential knowledge−utilizing a cooperative format. Adopting the theory of ba in regards to participation in a cooperative format with others, we also added consideration of the two phases of development and fruition. Based on this, we see that extensive cooperation between universities and student teaching schools is indispensable in the process of Ba management, and we believe the concept will be useful in future initiatives

    ICT 教育実践を含めた学習指導力開発の提言 : 教職大学院改革における新コースのカリキュラムデザインを踏まえて

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    This paper presents the concept of a new curriculum for the course in charge of learning and teaching development, including ICT teaching practice, at Naruto University of Education, based on the philosophy of the previous courses. The basis for the new curriculum design is the direction of online education in Japan, the proposal of the direction of using ICT not only as teaching tools but also as learning materials, and the reconfirmation ofʻ the light and shade\u27 of ICT teaching materials

    ホケン タイイク ジュギョウ ニオケル フロー タイケン ト キホンテキ シンリ ヨッキュウ ノ ジュウソク ノ カンレン

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    本研究の目的は,中学生の保健体育授業への動機づけにかかわる,フロー体験と基本的心理欲求の充足の関連について検討することである。研究Ⅰでは,フロー体験尺度および基本的心理欲求尺度を開発し,中学校1・2年生の合計492名を対象に,運動・保健体育授業への意識調査と合わせ,質問紙調査を実施した。因子分析の結果,フロー体験尺度では「フロー体験」の1因子,基本的心理欲求尺度では「有能感」「関係性」「自律性」の3因子で尺度が作成された。研究Ⅱでは,共分散構造分析によってこれらの関連を検討した。フロー体験は,運動や体育の授業への意欲に正の関連を示した。基本的心理欲求の3因子「有能感」「関係性」「自律性」はフロー体験に正の関連を示した。この結果から,体育授業における基本的心理欲求の充足とフロー体験の関連が明らかとなり,運動時のフロー体験が,運動や体育の授業への意欲向上を促すことが示唆された。The purposes of this study were to examine the motivation of junior high school students on physical education and the relation between the flow experience and the basic psychological needs. This study is separated two parts. In the first part of this study named ‘study 1’, the flow experience scale and the basic psychological needs scale were developed by ourselves. After that, 492students of junior high school was investigated by these developed questionnaire. From the results by factor analysis of these questionnaire, the flow experience scale was consisted with the “flow experience factor”, and the basic psychological needs scale was consisted with the “competence”, the “relationship” and the “autonomy”. In the second part of this study named ‘study 2’, the structural equation modeling has been indicated. Flow experience is a positive association was observed in the willingness to exercise or physical education class. Basic psychological needs 3 factors, “Competence”, “relationship”, “autonomy” had a positive relationship with the flow experience. As a result, the flow experiences during sports have been shown to lead to improvement in willingness to exercise or physical education. In physical education class, the relationship of the basic psychological needs satisfaction and flow experience was shown

    Recent Results from LHD Experiment with Emphasis on Relation to Theory from Experimentalist’s View

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    he Large Helical Device (LHD) has been extending an operational regime of net-current free plasmas towardsthe fusion relevant condition with taking advantage of a net current-free heliotron concept and employing a superconducting coil system. Heating capability has exceeded 10 MW and the central ion and electron temperatureshave reached 7 and 10 keV, respectively. The maximum value of β and pulse length have been extended to 3.2% and 150 s, respectively. Many encouraging physical findings have been obtained. Topics from recent experiments, which should be emphasized from the aspect of theoretical approaches, are reviewed. Those are (1) Prominent features in the inward shifted configuration, i.e., mitigation of an ideal interchange mode in the configuration with magnetic hill, and confinement improvement due to suppression of both anomalous and neoclassical transport, (2) Demonstration ofbifurcation of radial electric field and associated formation of an internal transport barrier, and (3) Dynamics of magnetic islands and clarification of the role of separatrix

    Extension of the operational regime of the LHD towards a deuterium experiment

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    As the finalization of a hydrogen experiment towards the deuterium phase, the exploration of the best performance of hydrogen plasma was intensively performed in the large helical device. High ion and electron temperatures, Ti and Te, of more than 6 keV were simultaneously achieved by superimposing high-power electron cyclotron resonance heating onneutral beam injection (NBI) heated plasma. Although flattening of the ion temperature profile in the core region was observed during the discharges, one could avoid degradation by increasing the electron density. Another key parameter to present plasma performance is an averaged beta value β\left\langle \beta \right\rangle . The high β\left\langle \beta \right\rangle regime around 4% was extended to an order of magnitude lower than the earlier collisional regime. Impurity behaviour in hydrogen discharges with NBI heating was also classified with a wide range of edge plasma parameters. The existence of a no impurity accumulation regime, where the high performance plasma is maintained with high power heating  >10 MW, was identified. Wide parameter scan experiments suggest that the toroidal rotation and the turbulence are the candidates for expelling impurities from the core region