137 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Decisions and Actions of Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers in Three Plausible NextGen Environments

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    In the current air traffic management (ATM) system, pilots and air traffic controllers have well-established roles and responsibilities: pilots fly aircraft and are concerned with energy management, fuel efficiency, and passenger comfort; controllers separate aircraft and are concerned with safety and management of traffic flows. Despite having different goals and obligations, both groups must be able to effectively communicate and interact with each other for the ATM system to work. This interaction will become even more challenging as traffic volume increases dramatically in the near future. To accommodate this increase, by 2025 the national air transportation system in the U.S. will go through a transformation that will modernize the ATM system and make it safer, more effective, and more efficient. This new system, NextGen, will change how pilots and controllers perform their tasks by incorporating advanced technologies and employing new procedures. It will also distribute responsibility between pilots, controllers and automation over such tasks as maintaining aircraft separation. The present chapter describes three plausible concepts of operations that allocate different ATM responsibilities to these groups. We describe how each concept changes the role of each operator and the types of decisions and actions performed by them

    Intuitiveness of Symbol Features for Air Traffic Management

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    We present the results of two online surveys asking participants to indicate what type of air traffic information might be conveyed by a number of symbols and symbol features (color, fill, text, and shape). The results of this initial study suggest that the well-developed concepts of ownership, altitude, and trajectory are readily associated with certain symbol features, while the relatively novel concept of equipage was not clearly associated with any specific symbol feature

    Effects of Force Feedback and Distractor Location on a CDTI Target Selection Task

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    AbstractNew flight deck technologies need to be implemented in order to support the projected rises in traffic levels. Future cockpit displays of traffic information (CDTIs) shall accommodate the altered responsibilities of pilots by facilitating more efficient routes and minimizing conflicts. However, the unstable nature of the cockpit may present challenges when precise inputs are required. The present study investigated the effects of force feedback and distractors on point-and-click movement times in a CDTI environment. Participants performed target selection tasks with multiple levels of force feedback and distractor location. Results implied that force feedback failed to benefit movement times relative to the standard computer mouse. However, substantial interactions between distractor effects, force levels, and other target characteristics are explored

    Human Automation Teaming: Lessons Learned and Future Directions

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    Full autonomy seems to be the goal for system developers in almost every area of the economy. However, as we move from automated systems to autonomous systems, designers have needed to insert humans to oversee automation that has traditionally been brittle or incomplete. This creates its own problems as the operator is usually out of the loop when the automation hands over problems that it cannot handle. To better handle these situations, it has been proposed that we develop human automation teams that have shared goals and objectives to support task performance. This paper will describe an initial model of Human Automation Teaming (HAT) which has three elements: transparency, bi-directional communications, and human-directed execution. Transparency in our model is a method for giving insight into the reasoning behind automated recommendations and actions, bi-directional communication allows the operator to communicate directly with the automation, and finally the automation defers execution to the human. The model was implemented through a number of features on an electronic flight bag (EFB) which are described in the paper. The EFB was installed in a mid-fidelity flight simulator and used by 12 airline pilots to support diversion decisions during off-nominal flight scenarios. Pilots reported that working with the HAT automation made diversion decisions easier and reduced their workload. They also reported that the information provided about diversion airports was similar to what they would receive from ground dispatch, thus making coordination with dispatch easier and less time consuming. These HAT features engender more trust in the automation when appropriate, and less when not, allowing improved supervision of automated functions by flight crews

    Air Traffic Controller Performance and Acceptability of Multiple UAS in a Simulated NAS Environment

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    Previously, we showed that air traffic controllers (ATCos) rated UAS pilot verbal response latencies as acceptable when a 1.5 s delay was added to the UAS pilot responses, but a 5 s delay was rated as mostly unacceptable. In the present study we determined whether a 1.5 s added delay in the UAS pilots' verbal communications would affect ATCos interactions with UAS and other conventional aircraft when the number and speed of the UAS were manipulated. Eight radar-certified ATCos participated in this simulation. The ATCos managed a medium altitude sector containing arrival aircraft, en route aircraft, and one to four UAS. The UAS were conducting a surveillance mission and flew at either a "slow" or "fast" speed. We measured both UAS and conventional pilots' verbal communication latencies, and obtained ATCos' acceptability ratings for these latencies. Although the UAS pilot response latencies were longer than those of conventional pilots, the ATCos rated UAS pilot verbal communication latencies to be as acceptable as those of conventional pilots. Because the overall traffic load within the sector was held constant, ATCos only performed slightly worse when multiple UAS were in their sector compared to when only one UAS was in the sector. Implications of these findings for UAS integration in the NAS are discussed

    Pilot and Controller Workload and Situation Awareness with Three Traffic Management Concept

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    This paper reports on workload and situation awareness of pilots and controllers participating in a human-in-the-loop simulation using three different distributed air-ground traffic management concepts. Eight experimental pilots started the scenario in an en-route phase of flight and were asked to avoid convective weather while performing spacing and merging tasks along with a continuous descent approach (CDA) into Louisville Standiford Airport (SDF). Two controllers managed the sectors through which the pilots flew, with one managing a sector that included the Top of Descent, and the other managing a sector that included the merge point for arrival into SDF. At 3-minute intervals in the scenario, pilots and controllers were probed on their workload or situation awareness. We employed one of three concepts of operation that distributed separation responsibility across human controllers, pilots, and automation to measure changes in operator situation awareness and workload. We found that when pilots were responsible for separation, they had higher levels of awareness, but not necessarily higher levels of workload. When controllers are responsible and actively engaged, they showed higher workload levels compared to pilots and changes in awareness that were dependent on sector characteristics

    Assessing the situation awareness of pilots engaged in self spacing

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    We measured situation awareness (SA) of pilots in a simulation of an approach to a large metropolitan airport (DFW), using both SAGAT and SPAM probe techniques. Both methods of SA measurement significantly predicted pilot performance on a self-spacing task but in SPAM scenarios, probe latency predicted IAS variability, and in SAGAT scenarios, accuracy predicted IAS variability

    Measured Response for UAS Integration into the National Airspace System

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    The measured response (MR) is the response time of aircraft to Air Traffic Controller (ATCo) commands and clearances. The overall MR can be broken up into several components, including the pilot verbal latencies (MR1), the time between the end of an ATCo clearance and the beginning of the pilots read back, and the execution initiation latency (MR2), the time between the end of the ATCos clearance and when the pilot begins to execute a maneuver. The MR is a crucial concern for the integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS) due to potentially greater latencies stemming from remote pilot communication and command execution. As a result, it is important to quantify what latencies in verbal responding and command execution are acceptable for safe and efficient operations in the NAS. The present studies begin to address these issues in a series of four simulations supported by the UAS Integration into the NAS program

    Situation Awareness, Workload, and Performance in Midterm Nextgen: Effect of Dynamic Variations in Aircraft Equipage Levels

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    NextGen changes in air traffic management promise to bring many benefits to the current airspace system, but these changes must be evaluated for their impact on mid-term air traffic management in which mixed-equipage is certain. We examined mixed equipage environments in which the equipage levels changed over the course of the scenario to reflect changes in sector characteristic over the course of a day or controller’s work shift. Six retired ATCs managed mixed-equipage traffic that either began with low levels of NextGen equipped aircraft and increased midway through the scenario or vice-versa. These were compared to a scenario in which the equipage mix was held constant. ATC performance, workload and situation awareness were affected differently by these scenarios

    Metrics for Operator Situation Awareness, Workload, and Performance in Automated Separation Assurance Systems

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    A research consortium of scientists and engineers from California State University Long Beach (CSULB), San Jose State University Foundation (SJSUF), California State University Northridge (CSUN), Purdue University, and The Boeing Company was assembled to evaluate the impact of changes in roles and responsibilities and new automated technologies, being introduced in the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), on operator situation awareness (SA) and workload. To meet these goals, consortium members performed systems analyses of NextGen concepts and airspace scenarios, and concurrently evaluated SA, workload, and performance measures to assess their appropriateness for evaluations of NextGen concepts and tools. The following activities and accomplishments were supported by the NRA: a distributed simulation, metric development, systems analysis, part-task simulations, and large-scale simulations. As a result of this NRA, we have gained a greater understanding of situation awareness and its measurement, and have shared our knowledge with the scientific community. This network provides a mechanism for consortium members, colleagues, and students to pursue research on other topics in air traffic management and aviation, thus enabling them to make greater contributions to the fiel