1 research outputs found

    Distance-based, online Bioinformatics training in Africa - the H3ABioNet experience

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    Presented  at the ECCB2016, den Haag, NL, Sept 2016<br><br>Africa is not unique in its need for basic bioinformatics training for individuals from a molecular biology background. However, unique logistical challenges in Africa, most notably access to bioinformatics expertise and internet stability, must be addressed in order to meet this need on the continent. H3ABioNet (<a href="http://www.h3abionet.org">www.h3abionet.org</a>), the Pan African Bioinformatics Network for H3Africa, has therefore developed an innovative, free Introduction to bioinformatics course taking these challenges into account. A distance-based learning model has been selected for this 3 month course (July-September 2016) to increase access to expert African and European Bioinformatics trainers covering several bioinformatics topics, including: databases and resources; genomics; Linux; sequence alignment; and phylogenetics. <br><br>Classrooms with a total of >350 participants are hosted at 20 institutions, across 11 African countries, in order to provide local administrative and academic support. Classroom selection was based on certain infrastructure criteria, including: computer resources; Internet access; and availability of local teaching assistants. Although lectures are delivered live to remote sites via an online platform, to ensure that classroom success does not rely on stable Internet, classrooms can watch pre-recorded and pre-downloaded lecture videos, as well as work through practical assignments on the lecture content, during biweekly contact sessions. Lecture recordings are available on the course website <a href="http://training.h3abionet.org/IBT_2016/">http://training.h3abionet.org/IBT_2016/</a>. While trainers are available via video conferencing to take questions during contact sessions, online ‘question and discussion’ forums, hosted on the course management platform, are also available. This distance based model, developed for a resource limited setting, could easily be adapted to other settings.<br><br