1 research outputs found

    Lived Experiences of Police Officers in the Implementation of Operational Plan Against Illegal Drugs

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    Illegal drugs pose a pervasive and longstanding problem in the Philippine Archipelago, requiring the efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat their proliferation. This study focused on exploring the lived experiences of Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel in dealing with the challenges associated with illegal drugs, specifically in the context of Ozamiz City. Through interviews with five police officers, using a research-made interview guide and applying Moustaka's Transcendental Analysis, the study revealed four main themes: compromised personal and family security, the need to suppress crime escalation, resistance from suspects, and the dilemma of conducting surveillance. The findings of this phenomenological study underscore the multitude of challenges faced by police officers in their mission to combat illegal drugs. One significant challenge is the compromise of personal and family security, as officers are often exposed to threats and retaliation from individuals involved in the drug trade. The escalation of crime resulting from drug-related activities further emphasizes the urgency for law enforcement to suppress this issue from the community. However, officers encounter resistance from suspects who are unwilling to cooperate and may resort to tactics that jeopardize the safety of the officers' families. To address these challenges, police officers should prioritize through surveillance to gather accurate information on suspects and their activities. This entails utilizing available resources and collaborating with other agencies and stakeholders to gather the necessary intelligence. Additionally, ensuring officers' personal and family security should be a paramount concern, with appropriate measures in place to safeguard their well-being