191 research outputs found

    Determinants of Capital Structure in the Presence of Supply Chain Activities of Listed Construction Firms in Vietnam

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    The study aims to identify the capital structure determinants in the presence of the supply chain of the listed construction firms in Vietnam. The determinants of capital structure are factors affecting firm financial leverage, including firm profitability, size, growth rate, fixed assets, liquidity, interest coverage and state ownership along with the supply chain activities. The study is based on a data of 53 listed construction firms in the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange over the period 2014-2018. The results indicated that the supply chain activities along with other determinants except profits and liquidity have a positive association with the capital structure of the listed construction firm in Vietnam. These findings guided to the policymakers that they should enhance the intensions towards the determinant of the capital structure along with supply chain activities to improve the organizational performance.

    Preliminary establishment of a multiplex PCR method for the identification of pork and beef meat based on cytochrome-B Gene

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    Molecular species detection in food has become common in the last years. In this study, multiplex PCR (mPCR) technique was applied to discriminate between the pork and beef with the aim of detecting the pork in food products made from beef. We developed a m-PCR protocol detected the presence of pork in food products made from beef based on Cytochrome-b gene by a general primer pair F and primer pair (RP, RC), specific two private with pig and cow. The m-PCR method was successfully designed with technical parameters, such as the annealing temperature of 590C and the final concentration of each primer in a reaction of 0,4µM. The minimum DNA concentration of pig and cow could be detected by m-PCR, which was 0,1ng/µl. This process was tested on 24 different beef sausage samples tagged no pork, resulting in 11/24 (46%) of samples, were found the presence of pork and 54% (13/24) of samples no beef and pork. According to this sequencing result that are completely accordant, we affirm primer-specific amplification in this study can be applied to experiment on large number of sample and the ton other types food made from beef


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    In social interaction, people need to pay attention to the face of others to maintain relationships and avoid losing their faces. To do this, people should use politeness strategies in communication. This study aims to investigate which type of politeness strategies are mostly used and the level of politeness shown by English major students in the High Quality Program in requesting help. This study is based on the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987). Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire, negative politeness strategies were applied the most. This also performs a high degree of politeness. It shows that students majoring in English studies (High Quality Program) had an awareness of using politeness strategies in requesting help.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0704/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p&gt

    Multifunctional nanocarriers of Fe3O4@PLA-PEG/curcumin for MRI, magnetic hyperthermia and drug delivery

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    Background: Despite medicinal advances, cancer is still a big problem requiring better diagnostic and treatment tools. Magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-based nanosystems for multiple-purpose applications were developed for these unmet needs. Methods: This study fabricated novel trifunctional MNPs of Fe3O4@PLA-PEG for drug release, MRI and magnetic fluid hyperthermia. Result: The MNPs provided a significant loading of curcumin (∼11%) with controllable release ability, a high specific absorption rate of 82.2 W/g and significantly increased transverse relaxivity (r2 = 364.75 mM-1 s-1). The in vivo study confirmed that the MNPs enhanced MRI contrast in tumor observation and low-field magnetic fluid hyperthermia could effectively reduce the tumor size in mice bearing sarcoma 180. Conclusion: The nanocarrier has potential for drug release, cancer treatment monitoring and therapy.The authors are grateful for the financial support by AOARD under award FA2386-17-1-4042. The Spanish government is acknowledged for the “Nanotechnology in translational hyperthermia (HIPERNANO)” research network (RED2018102626-T) and for funding under the project number MAT2017-83631-C3. NTK Thanh thanks EPSRC (EP/M015157/1). The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed


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    The paper presents a new method for tracking control of EOTS (Electro-Optical Tracking System) operating in mobile environment such as ship, air plane, tank and so on. This makes the base body of the EOTS has angular motion. The control alogorithm used in this paper is adaptive fuzzy sliding mode. The overall control is built and simulated in Matlab and compared with a sliding mode controller and a conventional PID controller. The simulation result illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed controlle

    ACTIVE: Towards Highly Transferable 3D Physical Camouflage for Universal and Robust Vehicle Evasion

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    Adversarial camouflage has garnered attention for its ability to attack object detectors from any viewpoint by covering the entire object's surface. However, universality and robustness in existing methods often fall short as the transferability aspect is often overlooked, thus restricting their application only to a specific target with limited performance. To address these challenges, we present Adversarial Camouflage for Transferable and Intensive Vehicle Evasion (ACTIVE), a state-of-the-art physical camouflage attack framework designed to generate universal and robust adversarial camouflage capable of concealing any 3D vehicle from detectors. Our framework incorporates innovative techniques to enhance universality and robustness, including a refined texture rendering that enables common texture application to different vehicles without being constrained to a specific texture map, a novel stealth loss that renders the vehicle undetectable, and a smooth and camouflage loss to enhance the naturalness of the adversarial camouflage. Our extensive experiments on 15 different models show that ACTIVE consistently outperforms existing works on various public detectors, including the latest YOLOv7. Notably, our universality evaluations reveal promising transferability to other vehicle classes, tasks (segmentation models), and the real world, not just other vehicles.Comment: Accepted for ICCV 2023. Main Paper with Supplementary Material. Project Page: https://islab-ai.github.io/active-iccv2023

    Transitions in diatom assemblages and pigments through dry and wet season conditions in the Red River, Hanoi (Vietnam)

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    Background and aims – Biomonitoring is an important tool for assessing river water quality, but is not routinely applied in tropical rivers. Marked hydrological changes can occur between wet and dry season conditions in the tropics. Thus, a prerequisite for ecological assessment is that the influence of ‘natural’ hydrological change on biota can be distinguished from variability driven by water quality parameters of interest. Here we aimed to (a) assess seasonal changes in water quality, diatoms and algal assemblages from river phytoplankton and artificial substrates through the dry-wet season transition (February–July 2018) in the Red River close to Hanoi and (b) evaluate the potential for microscopic counts and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments for biomonitoring in large tropical rivers.Methods – River water (phytoplankton) and biofilms grown on artificial glass substrates were sampled monthly through the dry (February–April) to wet (May–August) season transition and analysed via microscopic and HPLC techniques.Key results – All phototrophic communities shifted markedly between the dry and wet seasons. Phytoplankton concentrations were low (ca. thousands of cells/mL) and declined as the wet season progressed. The dominant phytoplankton taxa were centric diatoms (Aulacoseira granulata and Aulacoseira distans) and chlorophytes (Scenedesmus and Pediastrum spp.), with chlorophytes becoming more dominant in the wet season. Biofilm diatoms were dominated by Melosira varians, and areal densities declined in the wet season when fast-growing pioneer diatom taxa (e.g. Achnanthidium minutissimum, Planothidium lanceolatum) and non-degraded Chlorophyll a concentrations increased, suggesting active phytobenthos growth in response to scour damage. Otherwise, a-phorbins were very abundant in river seston and biofilms indicating in situ Chlorophyll a degradation which may be typical of tropical river environments. The very large range of total suspended solids (reaching > 120 mg L-1) and turbidity appears to be a key driver of photoautotrophs through control of light availability.Conclusions – Hydrological change and associated turbidity conditions exceed nutrient influences on photoautotrophs at inter-seasonal scales in this part of the Red River. Inter-seasonal differences might be a useful measure for biomonitoring to help track how changes in suspended solids, a major water quality issue in tropical rivers, interact with other variables of interest

    Can a Short Food Supply Chain Create Sustainable Benefits for Small Farmers in Developing Countries? An Exploratory Study of Vietnam

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    A number of studies have indicated that short food supply chains could create economic, social, and environmental benefits, but most of those chains were implemented in developed countries. This research aims to find out the characteristics of short food supply chains and their benefits to small farmers in Vietnam, which is a developing country, based on the survey results from 338 small farmers in the third quarter of 2020, with the support of Stata 14 software. The results showed that the short food supply chains in the survey sample in Vietnam were characterized by two main actors: small farmers and distributors. Farmers could sell products flexibly at the local market. There was some initial evidence to prove that these chains helped to stabilize the input, output price, and revenue; formulated sustainable income; and increased the satisfaction and confidence of farmers. They eliminated gender discrimination in rural areas and improved livelihood for ethnic minorities. These chains also enhanced the mindset on green, organic, and clean production of farmers, which in turn created environmental benefits. COVID-19 has posed a negative impact on the income of farmers and made them change their production and sales method. Therefore, the research could suggest some policies to sustainably develop the short food supply chains in Vietnam in the future

    Surveying of acid-tolerant thermophilic lignocellulolytic fungi in Vietnam reveals surprisingly high genetic diversity

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    Thermophilic fungi can represent a rich source of industrially relevant enzymes. Here, 105 fungal strains capable of growing at 50 degrees C and pH 2.0 were isolated from compost and decaying plant matter. Maximum growth temperatures of the strains were in the range 50 degrees C to 60 degrees C. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions indicated that 78 fungi belonged to 12 species of Ascomycota and 3 species of Zygomycota, while no fungus of Basidiomycota was detected. The remaining 27 strains could not be reliably assigned to any known species. Phylogenetically, they belonged to the genus Thielavia, but they represented 23 highly divergent genetic groups different from each other and from the closest known species by 12 to 152 nucleotides in the ITS region. Fungal secretomes of all 105 strains produced during growth on untreated rice straw were studied for lignocellulolytic activity at different pH and temperatures. The endoglucanase and xylanase activities differed substantially between the different species and strains, but in general, the enzymes produced by the novel Thielavia spp. strains exhibited both higher thermal stability and tolerance to acidic conditions. The study highlights the vast potential of an untapped diversity of thermophilic fungi in the tropics