32 research outputs found

    Discrete denoising of heterogenous two-dimensional data

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    We consider discrete denoising of two-dimensional data with characteristics that may be varying abruptly between regions. Using a quadtree decomposition technique and space-filling curves, we extend the recently developed S-DUDE (Shifting Discrete Universal DEnoiser), which was tailored to one-dimensional data, to the two-dimensional case. Our scheme competes with a genie that has access, in addition to the noisy data, also to the underlying noiseless data, and can employ mm different two-dimensional sliding window denoisers along mm distinct regions obtained by a quadtree decomposition with mm leaves, in a way that minimizes the overall loss. We show that, regardless of what the underlying noiseless data may be, the two-dimensional S-DUDE performs essentially as well as this genie, provided that the number of distinct regions satisfies m=o(n)m=o(n), where nn is the total size of the data. The resulting algorithm complexity is still linear in both nn and mm, as in the one-dimensional case. Our experimental results show that the two-dimensional S-DUDE can be effective when the characteristics of the underlying clean image vary across different regions in the data.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Visual Concept Reasoning Networks

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    A split-transform-merge strategy has been broadly used as an architectural constraint in convolutional neural networks for visual recognition tasks. It approximates sparsely connected networks by explicitly defining multiple branches to simultaneously learn representations with different visual concepts or properties. Dependencies or interactions between these representations are typically defined by dense and local operations, however, without any adaptiveness or high-level reasoning. In this work, we propose to exploit this strategy and combine it with our Visual Concept Reasoning Networks (VCRNet) to enable reasoning between high-level visual concepts. We associate each branch with a visual concept and derive a compact concept state by selecting a few local descriptors through an attention module. These concept states are then updated by graph-based interaction and used to adaptively modulate the local descriptors. We describe our proposed model by split-transform-attend-interact-modulate-merge stages, which are implemented by opting for a highly modularized architecture. Extensive experiments on visual recognition tasks such as image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, scene recognition, and action recognition show that our proposed model, VCRNet, consistently improves the performance by increasing the number of parameters by less than 1%.Comment: Preprin

    Regularization and Kernelization of the Maximin Correlation Approach

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    Robust classification becomes challenging when each class consists of multiple subclasses. Examples include multi-font optical character recognition and automated protein function prediction. In correlation-based nearest-neighbor classification, the maximin correlation approach (MCA) provides the worst-case optimal solution by minimizing the maximum misclassification risk through an iterative procedure. Despite the optimality, the original MCA has drawbacks that have limited its wide applicability in practice. That is, the MCA tends to be sensitive to outliers, cannot effectively handle nonlinearities in datasets, and suffers from having high computational complexity. To address these limitations, we propose an improved solution, named regularized maximin correlation approach (R-MCA). We first reformulate MCA as a quadratically constrained linear programming (QCLP) problem, incorporate regularization by introducing slack variables in the primal problem of the QCLP, and derive the corresponding Lagrangian dual. The dual formulation enables us to apply the kernel trick to R-MCA so that it can better handle nonlinearities. Our experimental results demonstrate that the regularization and kernelization make the proposed R-MCA more robust and accurate for various classification tasks than the original MCA. Furthermore, when the data size or dimensionality grows, R-MCA runs substantially faster by solving either the primal or dual (whichever has a smaller variable dimension) of the QCLP.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Acces

    Complementary Domain Adaptation and Generalization for Unsupervised Continual Domain Shift Learning

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    Continual domain shift poses a significant challenge in real-world applications, particularly in situations where labeled data is not available for new domains. The challenge of acquiring knowledge in this problem setting is referred to as unsupervised continual domain shift learning. Existing methods for domain adaptation and generalization have limitations in addressing this issue, as they focus either on adapting to a specific domain or generalizing to unseen domains, but not both. In this paper, we propose Complementary Domain Adaptation and Generalization (CoDAG), a simple yet effective learning framework that combines domain adaptation and generalization in a complementary manner to achieve three major goals of unsupervised continual domain shift learning: adapting to a current domain, generalizing to unseen domains, and preventing forgetting of previously seen domains. Our approach is model-agnostic, meaning that it is compatible with any existing domain adaptation and generalization algorithms. We evaluate CoDAG on several benchmark datasets and demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art models in all datasets and evaluation metrics, highlighting its effectiveness and robustness in handling unsupervised continual domain shift learning

    Meta-Learning with Adaptive Weighted Loss for Imbalanced Cold-Start Recommendation

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    Sequential recommenders have made great strides in capturing a user's preferences. Nevertheless, the cold-start recommendation remains a fundamental challenge as they typically involve limited user-item interactions for personalization. Recently, gradient-based meta-learning approaches have emerged in the sequential recommendation field due to their fast adaptation and easy-to-integrate abilities. The meta-learning algorithms formulate the cold-start recommendation as a few-shot learning problem, where each user is represented as a task to be adapted. While meta-learning algorithms generally assume that task-wise samples are evenly distributed over classes or values, user-item interactions in real-world applications do not conform to such a distribution (e.g., watching favorite videos multiple times, leaving only positive ratings without any negative ones). Consequently, imbalanced user feedback, which accounts for the majority of task training data, may dominate the user adaptation process and prevent meta-learning algorithms from learning meaningful meta-knowledge for personalized recommendations. To alleviate this limitation, we propose a novel sequential recommendation framework based on gradient-based meta-learning that captures the imbalanced rating distribution of each user and computes adaptive loss for user-specific learning. Our work is the first to tackle the impact of imbalanced ratings in cold-start sequential recommendation scenarios. Through extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.Comment: Accepted by CIKM 202