4,075 research outputs found

    Competition between superconductivity and charge density waves

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    We derive an effective field theory for the competition between superconductivity (SC) and charge density waves (CDWs) by employing the SO(3) pseudospin representation of the SC and CDW order parameters. One important feature in the effective nonlinear σ\sigma model is the emergence of Berry phase even at half filling, originating from the competition between SC and CDWs, i.e., the pseudospin symmetry. A well known conflict between the previous studies of Oshikawa\cite{Oshikawa} and D. H. Lee et al.\cite{DHLee} is resolved by the appearance of Berry phase. The Berry phase contribution allows a deconfined quantum critical point of fractionalized charge excitations with ee instead of 2e2e in the SC-CDW quantum transition at half filling. Furthermore, we investigate the stability of the deconfined quantum criticality against quenched randomness by performing a renormalization group analysis of an effective vortex action. We argue that although randomness results in a weak disorder fixed point differing from the original deconfined quantum critical point, deconfinement of the fractionalized charge excitations still survives at the disorder fixed point owing to a nonzero fixed point value of a vortex charge.Comment: adding a renormalization group analysis with a random fugacity term as an effect of randomness on a deconfined quantum critical poin

    Crossmodal Attentive Skill Learner

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    This paper presents the Crossmodal Attentive Skill Learner (CASL), integrated with the recently-introduced Asynchronous Advantage Option-Critic (A2OC) architecture [Harb et al., 2017] to enable hierarchical reinforcement learning across multiple sensory inputs. We provide concrete examples where the approach not only improves performance in a single task, but accelerates transfer to new tasks. We demonstrate the attention mechanism anticipates and identifies useful latent features, while filtering irrelevant sensor modalities during execution. We modify the Arcade Learning Environment [Bellemare et al., 2013] to support audio queries, and conduct evaluations of crossmodal learning in the Atari 2600 game Amidar. Finally, building on the recent work of Babaeizadeh et al. [2017], we open-source a fast hybrid CPU-GPU implementation of CASL.Comment: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2018, NIPS 2017 Deep Reinforcement Learning Symposiu

    Bandwidth-control vs. doping-control Mott transition in the Hubbard model

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    We reinvestigate the bandwidth-control and doping-control Mott transitions (BCMT and DCMT) from a spin liquid Mott insulator to a Fermi liquid metal based on the slave-rotor representation of the Hubbard model,\cite{Florens} where the Mott transitions are described by softening of bosonic collective excitations. We find that the nature of the insulating phase away from half filling is different from that of half filling in the respect that a charge density wave coexists with a topological order (spin liquid) away from half filling because the condensation of vortices generically breaks translational symmetry in the presence of "dual magnetic fields" resulting from hole doping while the topological order remains stable owing to gapless excitations near the Fermi surface. Performing a renormalization group analysis, we discuss the role of dissipative gauge fluctuations due to the Fermi surface in both the BCMT and the DCMT

    Essential BIM input data study for housing refurbishment:Homeowners' preferences in the UK

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    Construction customers are persistently seeking to achieve sustainability and maximize value as sustainability has become a major consideration in the construction industry. In particular, it is essential to refurbish a whole house to achieve the sustainability agenda of 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 as the housing sector accounts for 28% of the total UK CO2 emission. However, whole house refurbishment seems to be challenging due to the highly fragmented nature of construction practice, which makes the integration of diverse information throughout the project lifecycle difficult. Consequently, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore in order to manage construction projects in a collaborative manner, although the current uptake of the housing sector is low at 25%. This research aims to investigate homeowners' decision making factors for housing refurbishment projects and to provide a valuable dataset as an essential input to BIM for such projects. One-hundred and twelve homeowners and 39 construction professionals involved in UK housing refurbishment were surveyed. It was revealed that homeowners value initial cost more while construction professionals value thermal performance. The results supported that homeowners and professionals both considered the first priority to be roof refurbishment. This research revealed that BIM requires a proper BIM dataset and objects for housing refurbishment

    Spectral Density Analysis for Wave Characteristics in Pohang New Harbor

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    The Pohang New Harbor (PNH), located at the Yongil bay in the northeastern part of Pohang city, South Korea, has experienced extreme wave hazards of about 3.0-5.0 m in elevation due to the seasonal swell from the far ocean. In this paper, both analytical and numerical studies are performed to investigate the wave-induced oscillations in an arbitrary shaped harbor with corner point consideration. By taking the consideration of the actual topography and bathymetry data, the boundary of PNH is constructed. Our theoretical model is based on the assumptions of inviscid, irrotational fluid, infinitesimal wave amplitude, and finally, the Helmholtz equation and its Weber's solution. The numerical simulations are conducted to analyze the spectral density of the standing waves in PNH at eight respective synthetic record points. The simulation results are validated with real-time measurement data, which is obtained by wave heights and tide gauges at the specified record points within and outside the PNH. To improve the harbor's design, a tactic such as building the breakwater at the entrance of the harbor is implemented and then spectral density is estimated in the modified geometry of the PNH. The consequential effects are proposed at the same time, suggesting the feasibility of the improvement measures.X1196Ysciescopu

    Superconductivity from purely repulsive interactions in the strong coupling approach : Application of the SU(2) slave-rotor theory to the Hubbard model

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    We propose a mechanism of superconductivity from purely repulsive interactions in the strong coupling regime, where the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) mechanism such as the spin-fluctuation approach is difficult to apply. Based on the SU(2) slave-rotor representation of the Hubbard model, we find that the single energy scale for the amplitude formation of Cooper pairs and their phase coherence is separated into two energy scales, allowing the so called pseudogap state where such Cooper pairs are coherent locally but not globally, interpreted as realization of the density-phase uncertainty principle. This superconducting state shows the temperature-linear decreasing ratio of superfluid weight, resulting from strong phase fluctuations

    Deconfinement in the presence of a Fermi surface

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    U(1) gauge theory of non-relativistic fermions interacting via compact U(1) gauge fields in the presence of a Fermi surface appears as an effective field theory in low dimensional quantum antiferromagnetism and heavy fermion liquids. We investigate deconfinement of fermions near the Fermi surface in the effective U(1) gauge theory. Our present analysis benchmarks the recent investigation of quantum electrodynamics in two space and one time dimensions (QED3QED_3) by Hermele et al. [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 70}, 214437 (2004)]. Utilizing a renormalization group analysis, we show that the effective U(1) gauge theory with a Fermi surface has a stable charged fixed point. Remarkably, the renormalization group equation for an internal charge ee (the coupling strength between non-relativistic fermions and U(1) gauge fields) reveals that the conductivity σ\sigma of fermions near the Fermi surface plays the same role as the flavor number NN of massless Dirac fermions in QED3QED_3. This leads us to the conclusion that if the conductivity of fermions is sufficiently large, instanton excitations of U(1) gauge fields can be suppressed owing to critical fluctuations of the non-relativistic fermions at the charged fixed point. As a result a critical field theory of non-relativistic fermions interacting via noncompact U(1) gauge fields is obtained at the charged fixed point

    Deconfined quantum criticality in the two dimensional Kondo lattice model

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    We investigate the continuous quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic metal to a heavy fermion liquid based on the Kondo lattice model in two dimensions. We propose that antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and conduction electrons fractionalize into neutral bosonic spinons and charged spinless fermions at the quantum critical point. This deconfined quantum criticality leads us to establish a critical field theory in terms of the fractionalized fields interacting via emergent U(1) gauge fields. The critical field theory not only predicts non-Fermi liquid physics near the quantum critical point but also recovers Fermi liquid physics away from the quantum critical point