191 research outputs found

    Orbital selective Fermi surface shifts and mechanism of high Tc_c superconductivity in correlated AFeAs (A=Li,Na)

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    Based on the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we have investigated the mechanism of high TcT_c superconductivity in stoichiometric LiFeAs. The calculated spectrum is in excellent agreement with the observed ARPES measurement. The Fermi surface (FS) nesting, which is predicted in the conventional density functional theory method, is suppressed due to the orbital-dependent correlation effect with the DMFT method. We have shown that such marginal breakdown of the FS nesting is an essential condition to the spin-fluctuation mediated superconductivity, while the good FS nesting in NaFeAs induces a spin density wave ground state. Our results indicate that fully charge self-consistent description of the correlation effect is crucial in the description of the FS nesting-driven instabilities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, supporting informatio

    Physical properties of transparent perovskite oxides (Ba,La)SnO3 with high electrical mobility at room temperature

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    Transparent electronic materials are increasingly in demand for a variety of optoelectronic applications. BaSnO3 is a semiconducting oxide with a large band gap of more than 3.1 eV. Recently, we discovered that La doped BaSnO3 exhibits unusually high electrical mobility of 320 cm^2(Vs)^-1 at room temperature and superior thermal stability at high temperatures [H. J. Kim et al. Appl. Phys. Express. 5, 061102 (2012)]. Following that work, we report various physical properties of (Ba,La)SnO3 single crystals and films including temperature-dependent transport and phonon properties, optical properties and first-principles calculations. We find that almost doping-independent mobility of 200-300 cm^2(Vs)^-1 is realized in the single crystals in a broad doping range from 1.0x10^19 to 4.0x10^20 cm^-3. Moreover, the conductivity of ~10^4 ohm^-1cm^-1 reached at the latter carrier density is comparable to the highest value. We attribute the high mobility to several physical properties of (Ba,La)SnO3: a small effective mass coming from the ideal Sn-O-Sn bonding, small disorder effects due to the doping away from the SnO2 conduction channel, and reduced carrier scattering due to the high dielectric constant. The observation of a reduced mobility of ~70 cm^2(Vs)^-1 in the film is mainly attributed to additional carrier-scatterings which are presumably created by the lattice mismatch between the substrate SrTiO3 and (Ba,La)SnO3. The main optical gap of (Ba,La)SnO3 single crystals remained at about 3.33 eV and the in-gap states only slightly increased, thus maintaining optical transparency in the visible region. Based on these, we suggest that the doped BaSnO3 system holds great potential for realizing all perovskite-based, transparent high-frequency high-power functional devices as well as highly mobile two-dimensional electron gas via interface control of heterostructured films.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    High Mobility in a Stable Transparent Perovskite Oxide

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    We discovered that La-doped BaSnO3 with the perovskite structure has an unprecedentedly high mobility at room temperature while retaining its optical transparency. In single crystals, the mobility reached 320 cm^2(Vs)^-1 at a doping level of 8x10^19 cm^-3, constituting the highest value among wide-band-gap semiconductors. In epitaxial films, the maximum mobility was 70 cm^2(Vs)^-1 at a doping level of 4.4x10^20 cm^-3. We also show that resistance of (Ba,La)SnO3 changes little even after a thermal cycle to 530 Deg. C in air, pointing to an unusual stability of oxygen atoms and great potential for realizing transparent high-frequency, high-power functional devices.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure


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    During image-guided radiation therapy, the patient is exposed to unwanted radiation from imaging devices built into the medical LINAC. In the present study, the effective dose delivered to a patient from a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) machine was measured. Absorbed doses in specific organs listed in ICRP Publication 103 were measured with glass dosimeters calibrated with kilovolt (kV) X-rays using a whole body physical phantom for typical radiotherapy sites, including the head and neck, chest, and pelvis. The effective dose per scan for the head and neck, chest, and pelvis were 3.37±0.29, 7.36±0.33, and 4.09±0.29 mSv, respectively. The results highlight the importance of the compensation of treatment dose by managing imaging dose

    CT and MR Imaging of the Buccal Space: Normal Anatomy and Abnormalities

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    The buccal space is an anatomical compartment lying anterior to the masticator space and lateral to the buccinator muscle. Since the major purpose of imaging is to define the likely anatomic origin and also the extent of a given lesion, thorough knowledge of the normal anatomy of the buccal space is essential, and this knowledge can aid the physician in narrowing down the list of possible maladies on the differential diagnosis. We illustrate here in this paper the important anatomic landmarks and typical pathologic conditions of the buccal space such as the developmental lesions and the neoplastic lesions. Knowledge of the expected pathologic conditions is useful for the radiologist when interpreting facial CT and MR images

    Aerobic Methanotrophy and Co-occurrence Networks of a Tropical Rainforest and Oil Palm Plantations in Malaysia

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    Oil palm (OP) plantations are gradually replacing tropical rainforest in Malaysia, one of the largest palm oil producers globally. Conversion of lands to OP plantations has been associated with compositional shifts of the microbial community, with consequences on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While the impact of the change in land use has recently been investigated for microorganisms involved in N2O emission, the response of the aerobic methanotrophs to OP agriculture remains to be determined. Here, we monitored the bacterial community composition, focusing on the aerobic methanotrophs, in OP agricultural soils since 2012, 2006, and 1993, as well as in a tropical rainforest, in 2019 and 2020. High-affinity methane uptake was confirmed, showing significantly lower rates in the OP plantations than in the tropical rainforest, but values increased with continuous OP agriculture. The bacterial, including the methanotrophic community composition, was modified with ongoing OP agriculture. The methanotrophic community composition was predominantly composed of unclassified methanotrophs, with the canonical (Methylocystis) and putative methanotrophs thought to catalyze high-affinity methane oxidation present at higher relative abundance in the oldest OP plantation. Results suggest that the methanotrophic community was relatively more stable within each site, exhibiting less temporal variations than the total bacterial community. Uncharacteristically, a 16S rRNA gene-based co-occurrence network analysis revealed a more complex and connected community in the OP agricultural soil, which may influence the resilience of the bacterial community to disturbances. Overall, we provide a first insight into the ecology and role of the aerobic methanotrophs as a methane sink in OP agricultural soils


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    Brief Communications Arising: arising from X. Dong, B. Milholland & J. Vijg Nature 538, 257–259 (2016); doi:10.1038/nature19793. Comments by: Beer, J.A.A. de, Bardoutsos, A. & Janssen, F. (2017)