65 research outputs found


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    Compact Three Mirror Anastigmat Space Telescope Design using 6.5m Monolithic Primary Mirror

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    The utilization of a 6.5m monolithic primary mirror in a compact three-mirror anastigmat (TMA) telescope design offers unprecedented capabilities to accommodate various next generation science instruments. This design enables the rapid and efficient development of a large aperture telescope without segmented mirrors while maintaining a compact overall form factor. With its exceptional photon collection area and diffraction-limited resolving power, the TMA design is ideally suited for both the ground and space active/adaptive optics concepts, which require the capture of natural guide stars within the field of view for wavefront measurement to correct for misalignments and shape deformation caused by thermal gradients. The wide field of view requirement is based on a statistical analysis of bright natural guide stars available during observation. The primary mirror clear aperture, compactness requirement, and detector pixel sizes led to the choice of TMA over simpler two-mirror solutions like Ritchey-Chretien (RC) telescopes, and the TMA design offers superior diffraction-limited performance across the entire field of view. The standard conic surfaces applied to all three mirrors (M1, M2, and M3) simplify the optical fabrication, testing, and alignment process. Additionally, the TMA design is more tolerant than RC telescopes. Stray light control is critical for UV science instrumentation, and the field stop and Lyot stop are conveniently located in the TMA design for this purpose.Comment: Presented at SPIE, Optics+Photonics 2023, Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems IV in San Diego, CA, US

    Hybrid propagation physics for the design and modeling of astronomical observatories: a coronagraphic example

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    For diffraction-limited optical systems an accurate physical optics model is necessary to properly evaluate instrument performance. Astronomical observatories outfitted with coronagraphs for direct exoplanet imaging require physical optics models to simulate the effects of misalignment and diffraction. Accurate knowledge of the observatory's PSF is integral for the design of high-contrast imaging instruments and simulation of astrophysical observations. The state of the art is to model the misalignment, ray aberration, and diffraction across multiple software packages, which complicates the design process. Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition (GBD) is a ray-based method of diffraction calculation that has been widely implemented in commercial optical design software. By performing the coherent calculation with data from the ray model of the observatory, the ray aberration errors can be fed directly into the physical optics model of the coronagraph, enabling a more integrated model of the observatory. We develop a formal algorithm for the transfer-matrix method of GBD, and evaluate it against analytical results and a traditional physical optics model to assess the suitability of GBD for high-contrast imaging simulations. Our GBD simulations of the observatory PSF, when compared to the analytical Airy function, have a sum-normalized RMS difference of ~10^-6. These fields are then propagated through a Fraunhofer model of a exoplanet imaging coronagraph where the mean residual numerical contrast is 4x10^-11, with a maximum near the inner working angle at 5x10^-9. These results show considerable promise for the future development of GBD as a viable propagation technique in high-contrast imaging. We developed this algorithm in an open-source software package and outlined a path for its continued development to increase the fidelity and flexibility of diffraction simulations using GBD.Comment: 58 pages, 15 figures, preprint version for article in press. Accepted to SPIE's Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems on October 23 202

    Focus diverse phase retrieval testbed development of continuous wavefront sensing for space telescope applications

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    Continuous wavefront sensing on future space telescopes allows relaxation of stability requirements while still allowing on-orbit diffraction-limited optical performance. We consider the suitability of phase retrieval to continuously reconstruct the phase of a wavefront from on-orbit irradiance measurements or point spread function (PSF) images. As phase retrieval algorithms do not require reference optics or complicated calibrations, it is a preferable technique for space observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope or the James Webb Space Telescope. To increase the robustness and dynamic range of the phase retrieval algorithm, multiple PSF images with known amount of defocus can be utilized. In this study, we describe a recently constructed testbed including a 97 actuator deformable mirror, changeable entrance pupil stops, and a light source. The aligned system wavefront error is below ~30nm. We applied various methods to generate a known wavefront error, such as defocus and/or other aberrations, and found the accuracy and precision of the root mean squared error of the reconstructed wavefronts to be less than ~10nm and ~2nm, respectively. Further, we discuss the signal-to-noise ratios required for continuous dynamic wavefront sensing. We also simulate the case of spacecraft drifting and verify the performance of the phase retrieval algorithm for continuous wavefront sensing in the presence of realistic disturbances

    Approaches to developing tolerance and error budget for active three mirror anastigmat space telescopes

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    The size of the optics used in observatories is often limited by fabrication, metrology, and handling technology, but having a large primary mirror provides significant benefits for scientific research. The evolution of rocket launch options enables heavy payload carrying on orbit and outstretching the telescope's form-factor choices. Moreover, cost per launch is lower than the traditional flight method, which is obviously advantageous for various novel space observatory concepts. The University of Arizona has successfully fabricated many large-scale primary optics for ground-based observatories including the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT, 8.4 meter diameter two primary mirrors), Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (now renamed to Vera C. Rubin Observatory, 8.4 meter diameter monolithic primary and tertiary mirror), and the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT, 8.4 meter diameter primary mirror seven segments). Launching a monolithic primary mirror into space could bypass many of the difficulties encountered during the assembly and deployment of the segmented primary mirrors. However, it might bring up unprecedented challenges and hurdles, also. We explore and foresee the expected challenges and evaluate them. To estimate the tolerance and optical error budget of a large optical system in space such as three mirror anastigmat telescope, we have developed a methodology that considers various errors from design, fabrication, assembly, and environmental factors.Comment: 6 pages, presented August 2023 at SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA, US

    Analysis of active optics correction for a large honeycomb mirror

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    In the development of space-based large telescope systems, having the capability to perform active optics correction allows correcting wavefront aberrations caused by thermal perturbations so as to achieve diffraction-limited performance with relaxed stability requirements. We present a method of active optics correction used for current ground-based telescopes and simulate its effectiveness for a large honeycomb primary mirror in space. We use a finite-element model of the telescope to predict misalignments of the optics and primary mirror surface errors due to thermal gradients. These predicted surface error data are plugged into a Zemax ray trace analysis to produce wavefront error maps at the image plane. For our analysis, we assume that tilt, focus and coma in the wavefront error are corrected by adjusting the pointing of the telescope and moving the secondary mirror. Remaining mid- to high-order errors are corrected through physically bending the primary mirror with actuators. The influences of individual actuators are combined to form bending modes that increase in stiffness from low-order to high-order correction. The number of modes used is a variable that determines the accuracy of correction and magnitude of forces. We explore the degree of correction that can be made within limits on actuator force capacity and stress in the mirror. While remaining within these physical limits, we are able to demonstrate sub-25 nm RMS surface error over 30 hours of simulated data. The results from this simulation will be part of an end-to-end simulation of telescope optical performance that includes dynamic perturbations, wavefront sensing, and active control of alignment and mirror shape with realistic actuator performance.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, presented at SPIE Optics + Photonics 202

    Polarimetric modeling and assessment of science cases for Giant Magellan Telescope-Polarimeter (GMT-Pol)

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    Polarization observations through the next-generation large telescopes will be invaluable for exploring the magnetic fields and composition of jets in AGN, multi-messenger transients follow-up, and understanding interstellar dust and magnetic fields. The 25m Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is one of the next-generation large telescopes and is expected to have its first light in 2029. The telescope consists of a primary mirror and an adaptive secondary mirror comprising seven circular segments. The telescope supports instruments at both Nasmyth as well as Gregorian focus. However, none of the first or second-generation instruments on GMT has the polarimetric capability. This paper presents a detailed polarimetric modeling of the GMT for both Gregorian and folded ports for astronomical B-K filter bands and a field of view of 5 arc minutes. At 500nm, The instrumental polarization is 0.1% and 3% for the Gregorian and folded port, respectively. The linear to circular crosstalk is 0.1% and 30% for the Gregorian and folded ports, respectively. The Gregorian focus gives the GMT a significant competitive advantage over TMT and ELT for sensitive polarimetry, as these telescopes support instruments only on the Nasmyth platform. We also discuss a list of polarimetric science cases and assess science case requirements vs. the modeling results. Finally, we discuss the possible routes for polarimetry with GMT and show the preliminary optical design of the GMT polarimeter.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures,SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023 conference proceeding, Paper no 12690-2

    Generalized large optics fabrication multiplexing

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    High precision astronomical optics are manufactured through deterministic computer controlled optical surfacing processes, such as subaperture small tool polishing, magnetorheological finishing, bonnet tool polishing, and ion beam figuring. Due to the small tool size and the corresponding tool influence function, large optics fabrication is a highly time-consuming process. The framework of multiplexed figuring runs for the simultaneous use of two or more tools is presented. This multiplexing process increases the manufacturing efficiency and reduces the overall cost using parallelized subaperture tools