4,289 research outputs found

    Long Run Covariance Matrices for Fractionally Integrated Processes

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    An asymptotic expansion is given for the autocovariance matrix of a vector of stationary long-memory processes with memory parameters d satisfying 0Asymptotic expansion, Autocovariance function, Fourier integral, Long memory, Long run variance, Spectral density

    A High-Precision Micropipette Sensor for Cellular-Level Real-Time Thermal Characterization

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    We report herein development of a novel glass micropipette thermal sensor fabricated in a cost-effective manner, which is capable of measuring steady thermal fluctuation at spatial resolution of similar to 2 mu m with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 degrees C. We produced and tested various micrometer-sized sensors, ranging from 2 mu m to 30 mu m. The sensor comprises unleaded low-melting-point solder alloy (Sn-based) as a core metal inside a pulled borosilicate glass pipette and a thin film of nickel coating outside, creating a thermocouple junction at the tip. The sensor was calibrated using a thermally insulated calibration chamber, the temperature of which can be controlled with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 degrees C, and the thermoelectric power (Seebeck coefficient) of the sensor was recorded from 8.46 to 8.86 mu V/degrees C. We have demonstrated the capability of measuring temperatures at a cellular level by inserting our temperature sensor into the membrane of a live retinal pigment epithelium cell subjected to a laser beam with a focal spot of 6 mu m. We measured transient temperature profiles and the maximum temperatures were in the range of 38-55 +/- 0.5 degrees C.open111212sciescopu

    Suppressed Superconductivity of the Surface Conduction Layer in Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x} Single Crystals Probed by {\it c}-Axis Tunneling Measurements

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    We fabricated small-size stacks on the surface of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x} (BSCCO-2212) single crystals with the bulk transition temperature TcT_c\simeq90 K, each containing a few intrinsic Josephson junctions. Below a critical temperature TcT_c' (\ll TcT_c), we have observed a weakened Josephson coupling between the CuO2_2 superconducting double layer at the crystal surface and the adjacent one located deeper inside a stack. The quasiparticle branch in the IVIV data of the weakened Josephson junction (WJJ) fits well to the tunneling characteristics of a d-wave superconductor(')/insulator/d-wave superconductor (D'ID) junction. Also, the tunneling resistance in the range TcT_c'<<TT<<TcT_c agrees well with the tunneling in a normal metal/insulator/d-wave superconductor (NID) junction. In spite of the suppressed superconductivity at the surface layer the symmetry of the order parameter appears to remain unaffected.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Long Run Covariance Matrices for Fractionally Integrated Processes

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    An asymptotic expansion is given for the autocovariance matrix of a vector of stationary long-memory processes with memory parameters d satisfying 0 \u3c d \u3c 1/2. The theory is then applied to deliver formulae for the long run covariance matrices of multivariate time series with long memory

    Log Periodogram Regression: The Nonstationary Case

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    Estimation of the memory parameter ( d ) is considered for models of nonstationary fractionally integrated time series with d \u3e (1/2). It is shown that the log periodogram regression estimator of d is inconsistent when 1 \u3c d \u3c 2 and is consistent when (1/2) \u3c d = 1. For d \u3e 1, the estimator is shown to converge in probability to unity

    Phase Coupled Meta-analysis: sensitive detection of oscillations in cell cycle gene expression, as applied to fission yeast

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    Background: Many genes oscillate in their level of expression through the cell division cycle. Previous studies have identified such genes by applying Fourier analysis to cell cycle time course experiments. Typically, such analyses generate p-values; i.e., an oscillating gene has a small p-value, and the observed oscillation is unlikely due to chance. When multiple time course experiments are integrated, p-values from the individual experiments are combined using classical meta-analysis techniques. However, this approach sacrifices information inherent in the individual experiments, because the hypothesis that a gene is regulated according to the time in the cell cycle makes two independent predictions: first, that an oscillation in expression will be observed; and second, that gene expression will always peak in the same phase of the cell cycle, such as S-phase. Approaches that simply combine p-values ignore the second prediction. Results: Here, we improve the detection of cell cycle oscillating genes by systematically taking into account the phase of peak gene expression. We design a novel meta-analysis measure based on vector addition: when a gene peaks or troughs in all experiments in the same phase of the cell cycle, the representative vectors add to produce a large final vector. Conversely, when the peaks in different experiments are in various phases of the cycle, vector addition produces a small final vector. We apply the measure to ten genome-wide cell cycle time course experiments from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and detect many new, weakly oscillating genes. Conclusion: A very large fraction of all genes in S. pombe, perhaps one-quarter to one-half, show some cell cycle oscillation, although in many cases these oscillations may be incidental rather than adaptive.Statistic