1,497 research outputs found

    Deformation of thin plates subjected to impulsive load : Part III – an update 25 years on

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    In 1989, Nurick and Martin published two review papers on the deformation of thin steel plates subjected to impulsive air-blast loading. The state of the art has progressed significantly in the following 25 years, and this review paper restricts itself to experimental studies that investigate the response of monolithic metal plates subjected to air-blast loading generated by detonating plastic explosive. From the large number of experiments reported, it is shown that the failure progressions in circular and quadrangular plates are similar and can be adequately described by three “failure modes” – namely large plastic deformation (mode I), tensile tearing (mode II) and shearing (mode III) although the severity and location of these failures on the plates is primarily determined by spatial distribution of the blast loading across the plate surface, and that boundary conditions significantly influence the onset of shearing and tearing failures due to variation in the in-plane movement of the plate material. The non-dimensional analysis approaches used by Nurick and Martin have been expanded to include the effects of load localisation and stand-off distance, and show good correlation with the expanded sets of test data published since 1989. It is concluded that these approaches still hold merit as simple tools for evaluating the likely effect of a close proximity air blast load on a flat metal plate

    Evolution of Tachyon Kink with Electric Field

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    We investigate the decay of an inhomogeneous D1-brane wrapped on a S1S^1 with an electric field. The model that we consider consists of an array of tachyon kink and anti-kink with a constant electric flux. Beginning with an initially static configuration, we numerically evolve the tachyon field with some perturbations under a fixed boundary condition at diametrically opposite points on the circle S1S^1. When the electric flux is smaller than the critical value, the tachyon kink becomes unstable; the tachyon field rolls down the potential, and the lower dimensional D0- and Dˉ0\bar {\rm D}0-brane become thin, which resembles the caustic formation known for this type of the system in the literature. For the supercritical values of the electric flux, the tachyon kink remains stable.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, some changes, one reference added, version to appear in JHE

    D-Brane Effective Actions and Particle Production near the Beginning of the Tachyon Condensation

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    In this paper we will study the quantum field theory of fluctuation modes around the classical solution that describes tachyon condensation on unstable D-brane.We will calculate the number of particle produced near the beginning of the rolling tachyon process. We will perform this calculation for different tachyon effective actions and we will find that the rate of the particle production strongly depends on the form of the effective action used for the description of the early stage of the tachyon condensation.Comment: 21 page

    On the Extra Mode and Inconsistency of Horava Gravity

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    We address the consistency of Horava's proposal for a theory of quantum gravity from the low-energy perspective. We uncover the additional scalar degree of freedom arising from the explicit breaking of the general covariance and study its properties. The analysis is performed both in the original formulation of the theory and in the Stueckelberg picture. A peculiarity of the new mode is that it satisfies an equation of motion that is of first order in time derivatives. At linear level the mode is manifest only around spatially inhomogeneous and time-dependent backgrounds. We find two serious problems associated with this mode. First, the mode develops very fast exponential instabilities at short distances. Second, it becomes strongly coupled at an extremely low cutoff scale. We also discuss the "projectable" version of Horava's proposal and argue that this version can be understood as a certain limit of the ghost condensate model. The theory is still problematic since the additional field generically forms caustics and, again, has a very low strong coupling scale. We clarify some subtleties that arise in the application of the Stueckelberg formalism to Horava's model due to its non-relativistic nature.Comment: Discussion expanded; a figure added; accepted to JHE

    Inhomogeneous tachyon condensation

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    We investigate the spacetime-dependent condensation of the tachyon in effective field theories. Previous work identified singularities in the field which appear in finite time: infinite gradients at the kinks, and (in the eikonal approximation) caustics near local minima. By performing a perturbation analysis, and with numerical simulations, we demonstrate and explain key features of the condensation process: perturbations generically freeze, and minima develop singular second derivatives in finite time (caustics). This last has previously been understood in terms of the eikonal approximation to the dynamics. We show explicitly from the field equations how this approximation emerges, and how the caustics develop, both in the DBI and BSFT effective actions. We also investigate the equation of state parameter of tachyon matter showing that it is small, but generically non-zero. The energy density tends to infinity near field minima with a charateristic profile. A proposal to regulate infinities by modifying the effective action is also studied. We find that although the infinities at the kinks are successfully regularised in the time-dependent case, caustics still present.Comment: 4 figures,19p

    Electromagnetic String Fluid in Rolling Tachyon

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    We study Born-Infeld type effective action for unstable D3-brane system including a tachyon and an Abelian gauge field, and find the rolling tachyon with constant electric and magnetic fields as the most general homogeneous solution. Tachyonic vacua are characterized by magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields and the angle between them. Analysis of small fluctuations in this background shows that the obtained configuration may be interpreted as a fluid consisting of string-like objects carrying electric and magnetic fields. They are stretched along one direction and the rolling tachyon move in a perpendicular direction to the strings. Direction of the propagating waves coincides with that of strings with velocity equal to electric field.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 1 figure, minor correction

    Density Fluctuations in Thermal Inflation and Non-Gaussianity

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    We consider primordial fluctuations in thermal inflation scenario. Since the thermal inflation drives about 10 ee-folds after the standard inflation, the time of horizon-exit during inflation corresponding to the present observational scale shifts toward the end of inflation. It generally makes the primordial power spectrum more deviated from a scale-invariant one and hence renders some models inconsistent with observations. We present a mechanism of generating the primordial curvature perturbation at the end of thermal inflation utilizing a fluctuating coupling of a flaton field with the fields in thermal bath. We show that, by adopting the mechanism, some inflation models can be liberated even in the presence of the thermal inflation. We also discuss non-Gaussianity in the mechanism and show that large non-Gaussianity can be generated in this scenario.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figures, minor change

    Caustic Formation in Tachyon Effective Field Theories

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    Certain configurations of D-branes, for example wrong dimensional branes or the brane-antibrane system, are unstable to decay. This instability is described by the appearance of a tachyonic mode in the spectrum of open strings ending on the brane(s). The decay of these unstable systems is described by the rolling of the tachyon field from the unstable maximum to the minimum of its potential. We analytically study the dynamics of the inhomogeneous tachyon field as it rolls towards the true vacuum of the theory in the context of several different tachyon effective actions. We find that the vacuum dynamics of these theories is remarkably similar and in particular we show that in all cases the tachyon field forms caustics where second and higher derivatives of the field blow up. The formation of caustics signals a pathology in the evolution since each of the effective actions considered is not reliable in the vicinity of a caustic. We speculate that the formation of caustics is an artifact of truncating the tachyon action, which should contain all orders of derivatives acting on the field, to a finite number of derivatives. Finally, we consider inhomogeneous solutions in p-adic string theory, a toy model of the bosonic tachyon which contains derivatives of all orders acting on the field. For a large class of initial conditions we conclusively show that the evolution is well behaved in this case. It is unclear if these caustics are a genuine prediction of string theory or not.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in JHEP. Revised derivation of eikonal equation for the DBI action. Added comments concerning the relationship between p-adic string theory and tachyon matter. Added second example of inhomogeneous evolution in p-adic string theory. Misleading statements concerning caustic-free evolution removed, references adde

    D-brane anti-D-brane effective action and brane interaction in open string channel

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    We construct the effective action of a DpD_p-brane-anti-DpD_p-brane system by making use of the non-abelian extension of tachyonic DBI action. We succeed the construction by restricting the Chan-Paton factors of two non-BPS DpD_p-branes in the action to the Chan-Paton factors of a DpDˉpD_p\bar{D}_p system. For the special case that both branes are coincident, the action reduces to the one proposed by A. Sen. \\The effective DpDˉpD_p\bar{D}_p potential indicates that when branes separation is larger than the string length scale, there are two minima in the tachyon direction. As branes move toward each other under the gravitational force, the tachyon tunneling from false to true vacuum may make a bubble formation followed by a classical evolution of the bubble. On the other hand, when branes separation is smaller than the string length scale, the potential shows one maximum and one minimum. In this case, a homogeneous tachyon rolling in real time makes an attractive potential for the branes distance. This classical force is speculated to be the effective force between the two branes.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 1 figure, the version appears in JHE
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