4 research outputs found

    Violence Prevention in Middle School: A Preliminary Study

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    Violence in schools continues reflecting violence within society. There is a growing need for violence prevention programs within the schools that provide students with the skills needed to cope with interpersonal and relationship is-sues effectively. This study was conducted at a middle school and there were 345 middle school students (6th to 8th grade) who participated in the study. The students participated in a violence prevention program. In this study, the researchers used a pre-test/post-test design and the results indicated that there were some changes in attitudes towards violence that occurred after the intervention

    Utilization of the Social Determinants of Mental Health Framework with Older Adults for Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and Treatment Planning

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    This conceptual paper will aid counselors and mental health professionals in obtaining insight to utilizing a Social Determinants of Mental Health Framework with older adult clients. Further, the article incorporates the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies to further contextualize the therapeutic alliance. The authors utilize the Social Determinants of Mental Health Framework to frame counseling assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning to improve the mental health outcomes of older adults. The article utilizes a specific case example to assess, conceptualize, and plan treatment for an older adult client contextualized in their environment

    Group Development and Group Leadership in Student Affairs

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    Group Development and Group Leadership in Student Affairs provides readers with an overview of basic group dynamics and techniques that are effective in higher education and student affairs settings. Student affairs professionals frequently use group work and team projects that require them to engage undergraduate students in ways that are unlike the classroom or less formal social setting. To help these individuals navigate their new roles, this book will provide an overview of basic group dynamics and leadership skills that facilitate productive group functioning. The book will be both a textbook that provides content regarding group dynamics, group theory and group leadership, and a workbook/guidebook that provides information and scenarios that encourage readers to consider how the basic group principals can be applied in various areas of student affairs