28 research outputs found

    Rheumatological Diseases in Denim Sandblasters with Silicosis: What Should Pulmonologists Look for?

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    OBJECTIVE: Silica exposure is not only the cause of silicosis, also associated rheumatological diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and systemic sclerosis (SSc). This report will reveal the rheumatological diseases of silicosis patients who were exposed to silica while working as denim sandblasters. Additionally, we will describe some clinical and laboratory findings that will help pulmonologist suspect, recognize and manage rheumatological diseases related to silica exposure in patients with silicosis

    Association Between Cytomorphological and Clinicopathological Features of Nonsmall Cell Lung Carcinoma

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    The most important prognostic factor for lung carcinoma which is one of the most common cancer types, is the stage of the tumor. In this study, we assessed the prognostic importance of cytomorphological features of lung carcinoma in transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsies with their clinicopathologic correlation