144 research outputs found

    Osvrt na nastavu tehničkoga japanskog jezika

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    「科学技術日本語」は、Japan as No.1と言われた1980年代、すなわち日本の経済発展隆盛期の技術・経済力を学ぼうとする世界の動きによって始まった。しかし現在の日本の現状はその勢いを失い、情勢の変化とともに日本語学習動機も変貌し、新しい需要に応える日本語教育の模索が必要となってきた。 本稿では「科学技術日本語」の研究を開始した当時に立ち戻って社会にお ける日本語学習の必要性と研究方法の選択を振り返る。当時、外国人による機械翻訳のための日本語読解のための文法辞書および最小限の漢字学習による論文読解の方法論が検討され、その後コンピュータの言語処理技術に コーパス言語学が加わることで、大量の言語データを利用した読解支援および作文支援を開発することが可能になった。さらに分野別の特徴を知る 上で有効なレジスターという概念を取り入れることで、広い分野においてコーパス利用による教材および教育ツール開発の可能性があることを述べる。Technical Japanese language teaching started in the 1980s, when economy of Japan was in the most active condition. At this time people in the world including USA were eager to learn Japanese technology and economic power. However, since 1990s Japanese economic power has gradually declined, accordingly the enthusiasm became negative. Consequently Japanese language teaching had to change gears to different directions. During the period we have accumulated technology and method for language processing, thus we are able to apply those methods to new genres. Nowadays, medical care and tourism and other genres have become joining in Japanese language education genre. We recognize importance of constructing language support systems for writing Japanese with accumulated knowhow of teaching methods and technology along the changing times. Furthermore, the possibility of developing teaching materials and tools by using corpora in a wide range of fields is described by incorporating the concept of "register" which is effective for clarifying the feature of each field.Nastava tehničkoga japanskog jezika započela je 80-ih godina prošloga stoljeća kada je japansko gospodarstvo bilo u najvećem usponu. U to su vrijeme ljudi iz cijeloga svijeta, uključujući i SAD, željeli učiti o japanskoj tehnologiji i ekonomiji. Međutim, od 90-ih japanska ekonomska moć postupno opada pa se i entuzijazam smanjuje. Stoga je nastava japanskoga jezika morala krenuti drugim pravcima. Tijekom protekloga razdoblja stekli smo tehnologiju i metode za obradu jezika te smo u mogućnosti primijeniti te metode na nove žanrove. Danas su se medicinska njega, turizam i drugi žanrovi pridružili žanru obrazovanja na japanskome jeziku. U radu se sagledava važnost izgradnje sustava jezične podrške za pisanje japanskoga uz upotrebu akumuliranoga znanja o nastavnim metodama i tehnologiji u vremenima koja se mijenjaju. Zatim je opisana mogućnost razvoja nastavnih materijala i alata korištenjem korpusa koji se tematski odnose na mnogobrojna područja, i to tako što će se uključiti koncept registra, koji je učinkovit za utvrđivanje značajki svakog od tih područja

    Distant Co-occurrence Patterns of Connectives: a Corpus Study of Formulaicity in Japanese

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    Using corpus research methods, this study aims to establish whether there are two-item and, more generally, multi-item distant co-occurrence patterns of connectives in written Japanese, and further, to clarify the role these patterns play in discourse. The study is based on a hybrid corpus of written Japanese including Humanities and social science papers, Science and technology papers, and general written language data. The co-occurrence threshold was set at co-occurrence frequency > 10, PMI value > 2, and Dice coefficient > 0.01. The distribution of the observed co-occurring pairs differed according to the genre. Visualization of the connectivity potential of co-occurring pairs as directed graphs showed that these co-occurring pairs constitute longer co-occurrence chains which can be interpreted as ready-made co-occurrence patterns. Two-item and multi-item co-occurrence patterns are considered a type of Bourdieu’s habitus and contribute to both discourse development and discourse prediction

    コーパス検索ツールSketch Engineの日本語版とその利用方法

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    東京工業大学東京工業大学Tokyo Institute of TechnologyTokyo Institute of Technology近年コーパス構築と利用に関してのさまざまな研究が展開しているが,本稿ではコーパス検索ツールSketch Engineの日本語版作成と利用方法について報告する。標準的なコーパス検索ツールと異なる点は,コンコーダンス機能以外に語に付随する文法とコロケーション情報をWeb上の1頁にまとめる"Word Sketch"機能を持ち,シソーラス情報や意味的に類似する語の共通点と差異を示す"Thesaurus"と"Sketch Difference" 機能を含むことである。現在のSketch Engine 日本語版はJpWaCという4億語の大規模Webコーパスを有しており,他のコーパスを搭載することも可能である。本稿では,Sketch Engineによるコーパス利用の例として日本語学習辞書に焦点を当て,さらに日本語学研究,日本語教育などへの応用の可能性について述べる。Although corpus-based language research has been developing rapidly in recent years, there is still a lack of resources in regards to their size, textual variety, and time of creation, and of efficient and user-friendly corpus query tools. This is also the case for the Japanese corpus linguistics, which is one of the primary reasons for the recent rise in projects constructing Japanese corpora resources. In this paper, we present a method for extracting linguistic information from corpora using the Sketch Engine corpus query tool, which has recently been extended for the Japanese language. The Japanese version is based on a 400 million word Japanese Web corpus, which is linguistically annotated by the morphological analyzer ChaSen, and a Japanese grammatical relations file. The tool offers efficient and user-friendly ways of extracting concise linguistic data about words-their grammatical and collocational behavior, as well as thesaurus-like information and differences in usage for similar words. We explain, through examples, how the tool could be utilized in corpus lexicography, linguistic research and computer assisted language learning of the Japanese language. The investigation part of the article concentrates mainly on the ways that the tool could be applied within the dictionary creation process, and the results illustrate how each of the tool functions can greatly contribute to that process

    文章の難易度とパラフレーズとの関係 : 中国人・韓国人日本語学習者と日本語母語話者の比較

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    宇都宮大学東京工業大学本研究では,難易度が異なる文章をもとに中国人・韓国人日本語学習者によるパラフレーズの使用実態を調査した。その結果,難易度が高い文章,難易度が高くない文章双方において,学習者は母語話者に比べ,パラフレーズよりも原文からの抜き出しに有意に偏り,長い抜き出しが目立つこと,また,学習者は,難易度によってパラフレーズと原文からの抜き出しの割合に差がないことが明らかになった。このことから,要約において単に文章を提示しただけでは学習者が原文からの抜き出しにとどまる可能性があるため,パラフレーズを促す工夫や働きかけが必要であることが示唆された。Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills used in academic writing. This paper aims to clarify the distinguishing features of Japanese language learners\u27 use of paraphrases from the aspect of text readability in order to facilitate more effective Japanese language learning. This study examines learners\u27 use of paraphrase and copy on difficult and not so difficult texts. The results of this study can be summarized in the following two points. First, the ratio at which learners make use of paraphrases is significantly lower than that of Japanese native speakers and independent of the difficulty of the text. Second, while a significant difference was observed in the ratio of Japanese native speakers\u27 use of paraphrase and copy on difficult and not so difficult texts, no significant difference was observed in the ratio of learners\u27 use of paraphrase and copy, which was also independent of the difficulty of the text. From the above-mentioned results, we conclude that there is a possibility of learners\u27 relying on copies of the original text if only reading materials are given to learners. Therefore, providing learners with guidance on paraphrasing is a prerequisite for improving learners\u27 summary skill

    Podporni sistemi za učenje japonščine: poročilo o projektu Hinoki

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    In this report, we introduce the Hinoki project, which set out to develop web-based Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) systems for Japanese language learners more than a decade ago. Utilizing Natural Language Processing technologies and other linguistic resources, the project has come to encompass three systems, two corpora and many other resources. Beginning with the reading assistance system Asunaro, we describe the construction of Asunaro's multilingual dictionary and it's dependency grammar-based approach to reading assistance. The second system, Natsume, is a writing assistance system that uses large-scale corpora to provide an easy to use collocation search feature that is interesting for it's inclusion of the concept of genre. The final system, Nutmeg, is an extension of Natsume and the Natane learner corpus. It provides automatic correction of learners errors in compositions by using Natsume for its large corpus and genre-aware collocation data and Natane for its data on learner errors.V poročilu predstavljamo projekt Hinoki, ki je bil zastavljen pred več kot desetimi leti za izdelavo spletnih sistemov za računalniško podprto učenje japonščine kot tujega jezika. Z uporabo jezikovnih tehnologij in drugih jezikovnih virov so bili v okviru projekta razviti trije sistemi, dva korpusa in veliko drugih virov. V nadaljevanju predstavljamo sistem Asunaro za podporo branju, izgradnjo njegovega večjezičnega slovarja in pristop k podpori branju, ki sloni na odvisnostni slovnici; sistem za podporo pisanju Natsume s preprostim vmesnikom za iskanje žanrsko določenih kolokacij v obsežnih korpusih; ter sistem Nutmeg za samodejno popravljanje napak. Nutmeg je nadgradnja sistema Natsume in učnega korpusa Natane, ponuja samodejno popravljanje napak med samim pisanjem z uporabo žanrsko določenih kolokacijskih informacij iz obsežnih korpusov preko sistema Natsume in informacij o napakah piscev, ki se učijo japonščine kot tujega jezika, iz korpusa Natane


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