18 research outputs found
Abstrak- Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesadaran masyarakat pesisir kota kupang terhadap kebersihan lingkungan sekitarnya. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara, Data dari hasil observasi dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif sedangkan data dari hasil wawancara diaanalisis menggunakan tekin skoring berdasarkan skala data dan dilanjutkan dengan penentuan sebaran frekuensi dari masing-masing skor disetiap skala data, kemudian dari data sebaran frekuensi tersebut ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik dan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif dan kuantittaif. Selanjutnya hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat kesadaran masyarakat di pesisir Kota Kupang akan kebersihan lingkungan sekitarnya sudah tinggi yang dipicu oleh adanya dukungan perintah dalam menerapkan program-program tertentu seperti adanya jumat bersih, adanya penerapan efek jerah bagi masyarakat yang membuang sampah sembarangan dan bahkan juga dipicu oleh adanya berbagai komunitas pegiat kebersihan yang sering melibatkan masyarakat sekitar untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam aksi menjaga kebersihan lingkungan pesisir serta adanya instansi-instansi terkait seperti perguruan tinggi yang sering melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa sosialisasi dan juga aktivitas bersih pantai dengan terus melibatkan masyarakat pesisir, sehingga memberi dampak positif bagi masyarakat setempat untuk terus sasar akan kebersihan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Kata Kunci : Kesadaran, Masyarakat Pesisir, Kebersihan Lingkungan
Abstrak â Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui partisipasi masyarakat di Desa Hansisi, Kecamatan Semau, Kabupaten Kupang dalam Menjaga Kebersihan Lingkungan Pesisir. Teknik Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara. Jumlah responden yang diwawancarai adalah sebanyak 20 orang. Data dari hasil wawancara kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis menggunakan teknik skoring berdasarkan skala data dan dilanjutkan dengan penentuan sebaran frekuensi dari masing-masing skor disetiap skala data, kemudian dari data sebaran frekuensi tersebut ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik dan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif dan kuantittaif. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat di Desa Hansisi, Kecamatan Semau, Kabupaten Kupang dalam Menjaga Kebersihan Lingkungan Pesisir sudah tinggi. Hal ini dipicu oleh adanya dukungan pemerintah Desa dalam menerapkan program-program tertentu seperti adanya kegiatan bersih pantai yang dilakukan secara rutin dan juga adanya penerapan efek jerah bagi masyarakat yang membuang sampah serta adanya instansi-instansi terkait seperti perguruan tinggi yang sering melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa sosialisasi dan juga aktivitas bersih pantai dengan terus melibatkan masyarakat pesisir, sehingga memberi dampak positif bagi masyarakat setempat untuk terus sadar akan kebersihan lingkungan pesisir.
Kata Kunci : Partisipasi, Lingkungan Pesisir, Desa Hansis
Abstrak - Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menentukan taraf kesadaran masyarakat pesisir di kota Kelapa Lima dan Pasir Panjang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengujian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode Obsevasi dan Wawancara. Informasi observasional diperiksa dengan menggunakan pemeriksaan pencerahan subjektif, sementara pembicaraan dengan informasi dipecah menggunakan prosedur penilaian berdasarkan skala informasi, kemudian, pada saat itu, informasi diperkenalkan dalam struktur yang rata dan kemudian digambarkan secara kuantitatif dan subjektif. Wilayah tempat pengumpulan informasi adalah RT/RW yang berada di kawasan pesisir pantai. Hasil yang didapat dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa taraf kesadaran masyarakat pesisir Kelapa Lima dan Pasir Panjang dalam hal kebersihan lingungannya secara umum berada pada klasifikasi yang sangat tinggi yang dipicu oleh bantuan dari pemerintah lingkungan dan kerjasama daerah dalam pelaksanaan proyek-proyek tertentu, misalnya melakukan jumat bersih yang rutin dilaksanakan yang dibatasi oleh pimpinan RT di setiap kelurahan, selain itu daerah berkepentingan dengan kegiatan untuk menjaga kebersihan pantai yang biasanya dilakukan oleh para penggiat kebersihan daerah seperti adanya dinas terkait, misalnya beberapa perguruan tinggi yang sering melakukan kegiatan administrasi daerah sebagai sosialisasi dan kegiatan bersih pantai dengan dilanjutkan dengan mengikutsertakan masyarakat sekitar wilayah pantai, sehingga jelas akan mempengaruhi area lokasi terdekat sehingga mereka tetap fokus pada kebersihan lingkungannya.
Kata Kunci: Masyarakat Pesisir, Kesadaran, Kebersihan.
Abstrack - This study is intended to determine the level of awareness of coastal communities in the cities of Kelapa Lima and Pasir Panjang. The method used in this test is to use the method of Observation and Interview. Observational information is checked using subjective enlightenment checks, while conversations with information are broken down using a rating procedure based on an information scale, then, at that point, information is introduced in a flattened structure and then described quantitatively and subjectively. The area where information is collected is the RT/RW located in the beach front area. The results obtained in this study found that the level of awareness of the coastal communities of Kelapa Lima and Pasir Panjang in terms of climate tidiness in general was at a very high classification which was triggered by assistance from the environmental government and regional cooperation in the implementation of certain projects, such as clean Friday gymnastics. which is routinely carried out which is limited by the RT leadership in each kelurahan, in addition to the area having an interest in activities to maintain the neatness of the coastal climate. which is usually carried out by local cleaning activists such as the existence of related agencies, for example several universities that often carry out regional administration exercises as socialization and beach cleaning exercises followed by involving the community around the coastal area, so that it will clearly affect the nearest local area so that they stay focused on environmental cleanliness.
Keywords : Coastal Communities, Awareness, Cleanlines
Abstrak â Distiribusi ikan cakalang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi oseanografi secara spasial (keberadaan tempatnya). Suhu Permukaan Laut dan Klorofil-a adalah parameter osenaografi yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan ikan target tangkapan. Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan komod- iti utama hasil tangkapan dari alat tangkap pole and line. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan menggunakan penerapan teknologi Citra Aqua MODIS level 3 di wilayah Taman Nasional Perairan Laut Sawu. Data lapangan diambil selama 6 kali trip penangkapan terhitung bulan Juli, Agustus dan September tahun 2020. Distribusi SPL dan Klorofil-a cukup berfluktuatif pada setiap daerah penangka- pan ikan, kisaran Klorofil-aberada pada angka (0.42 - 0,46 mg/mÂł), dan SPL(27,22 - 28,65ÂșC)hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebaran kedua parameter mengalami perubahan pada setiap bulan. Hasil tangkapan ikan terendah berada pada trip I bulan Juli 3.761 Kg dan tertinggi pada trip VI bulan septem- ber 6.886 Kg, total keseluruhan hasil tangkapan ikan adalah 31.284 Kg. Hasil pengujian statistik ko- relasi berganda memperlihatkan adanya hubungan secara simultan antara SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap tangkapan ikan tuna cakalang dengan nilai Sig. F Change sebesar 0.281 dan R (koefisien korelasi) sebe- sar 0.756, sehingga disimpulkan kedalam kelas kategori berhubungan (korelasi kuat).
Kata Kunci : Katsuwonus pelamis, Suhu Permukaan Laut, Klorofil-a, Fishing Ground, MODIS Aqua
Abstract â The distribution of skipjack tuna is influenced by spatial oceanographic conditions (the exist- ence of its place). Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a are oceanographic parameters used to detect the presence of target fish catches. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is the main commodity caught from pole and line fishing gear. This research uses the observation method and uses the applica- tion of Aqua MODIS level 3 technology in the area of the Savu Sea National Park. Field data was taken for 6 fishing trips starting in July, August and September 2020. The distribution of SST and Chloro- phyll-a was quite fluctuating in each fishing area, the range of Chlorophyll-a was in the number (0.42 -0.46 mg/mÂł ), and SPL (27.22 - 28.65ÂșC) it can be concluded that the distribution of the two parameters changes every month. The lowest fish catch was on trip I in July 3,761 kg and the highest on trip VI in September was 6,886 kg, the total fish catch was 31,284 kg. The results of the multiple correlation sta- tistical test showed that there was a simultaneous relationship between SST and chlorophyll-a on skip- jack tuna catches with a Sig value. F Change is 0.281 and R (coefficient of correlation) is 0.756, so it can be concluded that it belongs to the related category (strong correlation).
Keywords : Katsuwonus pelamis, Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a, Fishing Ground, MODIS Aqu
Abstrak - Perairan estuari mempunyai variasi yang besar dalam parameter fisik dan kimia yang menciptakan suatu lingkungan yang sangat berpengaruh bagi organisme perairan. Zooplankton mempunyai peranan penting dalam ekosistem sebagai penghubung produsen primer dengan biota pada tingkat trofik yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan struktur komunitas zooplankton pada saat pasang dan surut di Muara Sungai Selam dan Pohon Duri Oesapa Kupang. Pengambilan sampel pada setiap lokasi dilakukan pada tiga sub lokasi dimulai dari mulut muara ke arah sungai dengan jarak antar sub lokasi sepanjang 100 m, sehingga jarak dari titik pertama sampai titik ketiga adalah 200 m. Pada tiap titik sampling disaring 100 liter sampel air ke dalam 250 ml botol sampel. Sebanyak 1 ml sub sampel yang dituangkan dalam sedgewick rafter cell diidentifikasi jenis dan jumlah individu zooplankton menggunakan mikroskop binokuler. Kajian struktur komunitas zooplankton yang dianalisis adalah komposisi, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman (Hâ), indeks keseragaman (Eâ), dan dominansi (D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi yang paling banyak ditemukan pada Kelas Ciliata dengan besar persentase antara 73,80 %-81,17 % saat pasang dan pada saat surut besar persentase antara 42,99 % 80,56 %. Kelompok predominan terdapat pada Kelas Copepoda dengan besar persentase antara 14,41 %-17,63 % pada saat pasang dan pada saat surut antara 16,87 %-42,99 %. Kelimpahan total zooplankton pada saat pasang antara 39 Ind/l-90 Ind/l, sedangkan kelimpahan pada saat surut antara 47 Ind/l-71 Ind/l. Jumlah jenis zooplankton pada saat pasang antara 10-14 jenis dan pada saat surut antara 10-12 jenis. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman (Hâ) pada saat pasang antara 1,50 â 1,79 dan pada saat surut antara 1,65-1,90. Indeks keseragaman (Eâ) pada saat pasang antara 0,64-0,68 dan pada saat surut antara 0,73-0,76. Indeks dominasi (D) pada saat pasang antara 0,26 â 0,33 dan pada saat surut antara 0,21-0,24. Tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata pada seluruh kajian struktur komunitas pada saat pasang dan surut.
Kata Kunci : Estuari, Zooplankton, Struktur Komunitas, Pasang Surut.
Abstract - Estuary waters have large variations in physical and chemical parameters that create an environment that is very influential for aquatic organisms. Zooplankton has an important role in ecosystems as a primary producer liaison with biota at higher trophic levels. This study aims to compare the community structure of zooplankton during high and low tide at Selam Estuary and Pohon Duri Oesapa Kupang. A Sampling at each location was carried out at three sub - locations starting from the mouth of the estuary towards the river with a distance between the sub - locations along 100 m, so the distance from the first point to the third point was 200 m. At each sampling point 100 liter of water samples was filtered into 250 ml sample bottles. A total of 1 ml sub-samples was poured in a sedgewick rafter cell, then examinated by identified the type and number of zooplankton using a binocular microscope. The composition, abundance, the diversity index (H'), evennes index (E'), and dominance (D) were analyzed for the study of zooplankton community structure. The results showed that the composition was dominated by Ciliata Class with a percentage of between 73.80% - 81.17% at high tide and at low tide the percentage was between 42.99 %-80.56%. The predominant group was Copepod Class with a percentage between 14.41 %-17.63 % at the time of high tide and low tide between 16.87 %-42.99 %. Total zooplankton abundance at high tide between 39 Ind/l- 90 Ind / l,while the abundance at low tide between 47 Ind/l-71 Ind/l. The number of types of zooplankton at the time of tide was between 10-14 types and at low tide between 10-12 types. Diversity index value (H') at high tide beptween 1.50 - 1.79 and at low tide between 1.65 - 1.90. The eveness index (E') at high tide is between 0.64-0.68 and at low tide was between 0.73 - 0.76. The dominance index (D) at the time of tide was between 0.26 - 0.33 and at low tide between 0.21 - 0.24. There were no significant differences in the whole study of community structure during the high and low tide.
Keywords : Estuary, Zooplankton, Community Structure, Tides
Towards a coâcrediting system for carbon and biodiversity
This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.âŻDATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT:
Data sharing is not applicable to this article because no new data were
generated or analysed in this studySocietal Impact Statement: Humankind is facing both climate and biodiversity crises. This article proposes the foundations of a scheme that offers tradable credits for combined aboveground and soil carbon and biodiversity. Multidiversityâas estimated based on high-throughput molecular identification of soil meiofauna, fungi, bacteria, protists, plants and other organisms shedding DNA into soil, complemented by acoustic and video analyses of aboveground macrobiotaâoffers a cost-effective method that captures much of the terrestrial biodiversity. Such a voluntary crediting system would increase the quality of carbon projects and contribute funding for delivering the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Summary: Carbon crediting and land offsets for biodiversity protection have been developed to tackle the challenges of increasing greenhouse gas emissions and the loss of global biodiversity. Unfortunately, these two mechanisms are not optimal when considered separately. Focusing solely on carbon captureâthe primary goal of most carbon-focused crediting and offsetting commitmentsâoften results in the establishment of non-native, fast-growing monocultures that negatively affect biodiversity and soil-related ecosystem services. Soil contributes a vast proportion of global biodiversity and contains traces of aboveground organisms. Here, we outline a carbon and biodiversity co-crediting scheme based on the multi-kingdom molecular and carbon analyses of soil samples, along with remote sensing estimation of aboveground carbon as well as video and acoustic analyses-based monitoring of aboveground macroorganisms. Combined, such a co-crediting scheme could help halt biodiversity loss by incentivising industry and governments to account for biodiversity in carbon sequestration projects more rigorously, explicitly and equitably than they currently do. In most cases, this would help prioritise protection before restoration and help promote more socially and environmentally sustainable land stewardship towards a ânature positiveâ future.Estonian Science FoundationEEA Financial Mechanism Baltic Research ProgrammeNovo Nordisk FondenSwedish Research CouncilNWO-VICISwedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (MISTRA)Royal Botanic Gardens, KewSPUNNWO Gravit
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Benefits of a ball and chain: simple environmental enrichments improve welfare and reproductive success in farmed American mink (Neovison vison)
Can simple enrichments enhance caged mink welfare? Pilot data from 756 sub-adults spanning three colour-types (strains) identified potentially practical enrichments, and suggested beneficial effects on temperament and fur-chewing. Our main experiment started with 2032 Black mink on three farms: from each of 508 families, one juvenile male-female pair was enriched (E) with two balls and a hanging plastic chain or length of hose, while a second pair was left as a non-enriched (NE) control. At 8 months, more than half the subjects were killed for pelts, and 302 new females were recruited (half enriched: âlate Eâ). Several signs of improved welfare or productivity emerged. Access to enrichment increased play in juveniles. E mink were calmer (less aggressive in temperament tests; quieter when handled; less fearful, if male), and less likely to fur-chew, although other stereotypic behaviours were not reduced. On one farm, E females had lower cortisol (inferred from faecal metabolites). E males tended to copulate for longer. E females also weaned more offspring: about 10% more juveniles per E female, primarily caused by reduced rates of barrenness (âlate Eâ females also giving birth to bigger litters on one farm), effects that our data cautiously suggest were partly mediated by reduced inactivity and changes in temperament. Pelt quality seemed unaffected, but E animals had cleaner cages. In a subsidiary side-study using 368 mink of a second colour-type (âDemisâ), similar temperament effects emerged, and while E did not reduce fur-chewing or improve reproductive success in this colour-type, E animals were judged to have better pelts. Overall, simple enrichments were thus beneficial. These findings should encourage welfare improvements on fur farms (which house 60-70 million mink p.a.) and in breeding centres where endangered mustelids (e.g. black-footed ferrets) often reproduce poorly. They should also stimulate future research into more effective practical enrichments
Saving nature or nation in the Kachin Hills: an ethnography of encounters
Amid decades of ethno-political war, northernmost Burmaâs Kachin people have increasingly come into encounters with international projects for grabbing or saving local nature. Drawing on eighteen months of ethnographic fieldwork in 2017â2019, this thesis explores encounters between the Kachin ethno-national movement and outside-led projects of resource extraction and nature conservation. The thesis argues for ethnographic approaches that do not assume certain outcomes, but instead foreground diversely situated, contradictory, and empathic voices â both local and from outside â to explain why such encounters can lead to clash, collaboration, disconnect, or other pathways. The studied encounters showed many-sided disconnect, distrust, outreach, and collaboration amid war, driven by different sidesâ comparable senses of emergency over saving natures or nations. Telling such stories of many-sided encounters can help anthropology in addressing analytical and ethical challenges when representing multi-scale conflict, conspiracy accusations, and ecological destruction.</p
Abstrak - Kesadaran adalah proses memahami dan mengerti akan suatu keadaan yang menjadikan individu itu sendiri sadar dan paham betul dengan apa yang terjadi dan yang akan terjadi. Sebagai mahkluk sosial dan dimensional, manusia seharusnya berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi antara satu sama lain, sebagai upaya dalam membangun kesadaran kolektif dalam melestarikan alam, mulai dari hal yang terkecil, seperti memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesadaran masyarakat Kelurahan Oesapa dan Lasiana terhadap kebersihan lingkungan wilayah pesisir. Kajian ini dilakukan di wilayah pesisir Kelurahan Oesapa dan Lasiana pada Bulan Februari sampai Maret 2021. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Teknik Purposive Sampling merupakan teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu. Pertimbangan tertentu dalam menentukan sampel ini dilihat dari masyarakat yang berperan aktif dalam urusan terkait kebersihan lingkungan atau juga masyarakat yang memilliki pengetahuan terhadap keadaan sesama masyarakat dalam hal ini interaksinya terhadap kebersihan lingkungan yang ditempati. Hasil dari kajian ini adalah kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kebersihan wilayah pesisir Kelurahan Oesapa dan Lasiana yaitu sebesar 82,00%, dimana kebersihan lingkungan di sekitarnya sudah sangat tinggi dan sangat baik.
Kata Kunci: Kesadaran Masyarakat, Masyarakat Pesisir, Kebersihan Lingkungan
Abstract - Awareness is the process of understanding and understanding a situation that makes the individual himself aware and well aware of what is happening and what will happen. As social and dimensional beings, humans should interact and socialize with each other, as an effort to build collective awareness in preserving nature, starting from the smallest things, such as paying attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment (Iskandar, 2012). The purpose of this study was to determine the awareness of the people of Oesapa and Lasiana Villages on the cleanliness of the coastal area environment. This study was conducted in the coastal areas of Oesapa and Lasiana Villages from February to March 2021. The method used is the Purposive Sampling Technique, which is a sampling technique based on certain considerations. Certain considerations in determining this sample are seen from the people who play an active role in matters related to environmental hygiene or also the people who have knowledge of the condition of their fellow people in this case their interaction with the cleanliness of the environment they live in. The results of this study are public awareness of the cleanliness of the coastal areas of Oesapa and Lasiana Villages, which is 82.00%, where the cleanliness of the surrounding environment is very high and very good.
Keywords: Community Awareness, Coastal Communities, Environmental Cleanli
Dodo dilemmas: conflicting ethical loyalties in conservation social science research
In a time of deepening social and ecological crises, the question of research ethics is more pertinent than ever. Our intervention grapples with the specific personal, ethical, and methodological challenges that arise at the interface of conservation and social science. We expose these challenges through the figure of Chris, a fictional anoymised composite of our fraught diverse fieldwork experiences in Australia, Burma, Indonesian Borneo, Namibia, and Vanuatu. Fundamentally, we explore fieldwork as a series of contested loyalties: loyalties to our different human and non-human research participants, to our commitments to academic rigour and to the project of wildlife conservation itself, whilst reckoning with conservation’s spotted (neo)colonial past. Our struggles and reflections illustrate: Firstly, that practical research ethics do not predetermine forms of reciprocity. Secondly, while we need to choose our concealments carefully and follow the principle of not doing harm, we also have the responsibility to reveal social and environmental injustices. Thirdly, we must acknowledge that as researchers we are complicit in the practices of human and nonhuman violence and exclusion that suffuse conservation. Finally, given how these responsibilities move the researcher beyond a position of innocence or neutrality, academic institutions should adjust their ethics support. This intervention highlights the need for greater openness about research challenges emerging from conflicting personal, ethical, and disciplinary loyalties, in order to facilitate greater cross-disciplinary understanding. Active engagement with these ethical questions through collaborative dialogue-based fora, both before and after fieldwork, would enable learning and consequently transform research practices