43 research outputs found

    Professor Hassan Saidi; a pillar of the Annals of African Surgery

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    No AbstractKeywords: Mentorship, Workshop

    Semitendinosus Tendon for Solitary Use in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Background: The use of a combined graft of both semitendinosus (ST) and gracilis (G) tendons in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction may cause weakness in knee flexion. It has since been proposed that ST be used alone since sparing G leads to near complete preservation of flexion strength. The use of the semitendinosus tendon as a solitary graft for reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament requires adequate tendon length (>28 cm) and four strand construct diameter (>8 mm). This study sought to determine the dimensions of the semitendinosus tendon graft among Kenyans. Methods: Forty pairs of ST tendons were harvested from formalin fixed cadavers by use of a tendon stripper. Their lengths were measured after which they were folded into four strand constructs whose diameter was obtained by sizing tunnels. Descriptive statistics and analysis was done using SPSS version 21.0. Results: The average ST tendon length was 29.80 ± 3.59 cm and 67.5% of all tendons had a length ≥ 28.0 cm. The mean four strand construct diameter was 7.89 ± 0.61 mm and 56% of all tendons had a thickness ≥ 8.00 mm. Considering tendon adequacy to be the presence of both sufficient ST tendon length and four strand construct thickness, 51% of all tendons were adequate for solitary use. Conclusion: The use of ST as a solitary graft in ACL reconstruction may be feasible among Kenyans as a good proportion of our sample had adequate dimensions. We suggest that the ST tendon be harvested first during reconstruction as it may be sufficient by itself hence no need to harvest gracilis tendon.Keywords: ACL Reconstruction, Semitendinosus Tendinosus, Solitary Use, Adequac

    Distribution of Scaphoid Nutrient Foramina

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    Introduction: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a frequent complication of scaphoid fractures especially those involving the proximal segment of the bone. This has been attributed to its precarious blood supply which is further compromised by the fracture and surgery. Knowledge of the distribution of scaphoid nutrient foramina, which show variation across populations, is thus important in estimating the risk of vascular damage during surgical approaches and hence the likelihood of AVN. It may also be useful in determining techniques to mitigate this risk. The purpose of this study was to describe the distribution of scaphoid nutrient foramina in adult Kenyans. Methods: One hundred and four human scaphoids were studied. Each was divided into 3 segments: proximal, middle and distal, and the nutrient foramina in each segment counted and categorized into type I (no foramina), type II (1-2 foramina) and type III (>2 foramina). The number of nutrient foramina on the dorsal and volar aspects of the bone was also compared. Results: Type I nutrient foramina were most common (54%) in the proximal segment of the bone while the middle and distal segments had predominantly type III and type II foramina respectively. More foramina were present on the dorsal aspect with a dorsal-volar ratio of 4.23:1. Conclusion: The dorsal approach may result in more damage to nutrient foramina heightening the risk of avascular necrosis. Non-unions in the proximal segment may require vascularized bone grafts.Keywords: Scaphoid, Nutrient Foramina, Non Union, Avascular Necrosi

    Gender difference in the modified Insall-Salvati ratio in a black Kenyan population

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    The patellar tendon (PT) is part of the extensor mechanism of the knee attaching to the apex of the patella and tibial tuberosity. Gender differences of the PT have been described in terms of response to tensile forces. This response may be influenced by the patella height. An index for assessment of patellar height is the modified Insall-Salvati ratio. This ratio is used to classify the patella as either high riding (alta) or low riding (baja). Patella alta has been correlated to chronic patellar tendinopathy. Patellar tendinopathy is more common in males (6:1). The hypothesis of the study was that males would have a higher ratio and there was an expectation of more cases of patella alta among males. One hundred and two pairs of patellar tendons (58 male, 44 female) were thus obtained by simple random sampling from postmortem specimens at the Kenyatta National Hospital and Nairobi City mortuary. All the patellar tendons and patella bones were used to study the modified Insall-Salvati ratio, using a digital vernier caliper. This ratio was determined by dividing the length of the posterior lamina of the patellar tendon with the maximum diagonal length of the patella. The mean of the modified Insall-Salvati ratio for the right was 1.201 +/- 0.0901 in females and 1.1275 +/- 0.133 in males, p=0.001. The mean of the modified Insall-Salvati ratio for the left was 1.206 +/- 0.085 in females and 1.132 +/- 0.123 in males, p=0.001. Therefore, using the cut off value of 2.0, no cases of patella alta were observed. The modified Insall- Salvati ratio was thus observed to be higher in females in the Kenyan population. This observation of disparity between the expected and the observed results is confounding yet similar and consistent with previous findings in other populations. Research on the prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in the Kenyan population and radiological determination of the modified Insall-Salvati ratio is recommended.Keywords: Modified Insall-Salvati ratio, black Kenyan population

    Morphometry of Placentae of Anaemic and Non-anaemic Preeclamptic Patients

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    Background The etiology of preeclampsia (PE) still remains elusive. Nevertheless, early onset PE has been hypothesized to develop following defective implantation of the conceptus into the endometrium and subsequent placentation. Defective placentation leads to insufficient remodeling of spiral arteries thus hypoperfusion of the placenta and clinical manifestations. Anaemia is highly prevalent amongst pregnant women. It is postulated that hypoxia is one of the mechanisms by which PE develops. The severity of symptoms seen in patients with coexisting preeclampsia and anaemia has been linked to uteroplacental insufficiency. Few studies however, have defined the placental morphometry when the two conditions occur concurrently.   Methods This unmatched case-control study was carried out at the Kenyatta National Hospital where 42 placentae were obtained; 21 from preeclamptic mothers who had anaemia in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy (cases) and 21 from preeclamptic mothers without a history of anaemia in pregnancy (controls). The tissues were obtained and macroscopically and microscopically examined to determine relative differences. Photographs of the placentae were taken using a 12 MP (f/1.8, 26mm wide, 1/2.55", 1.4μm, dual pixel PDAF, OIS) camera. Photomicrographs were taken using a ZeissTM digital photomicroscope at ×400 magnification for stereological analysis. SPSS (Version 25.0) was used to input data where median values, interquartile ranges and frequency tables were obtained. Mann-Whitney U tests were run to compare differences in medians of the clinical, gross and histological features between the 2 groups. A p-value of ≤ _0.05 was considered statistically significant.   Results Hemoglobin levels in the anemic group ranged between 7.0-10.5 g/dl in the 1st trimesters and 7.6-10.9g/dl in the 3rd trimester with patients being mild to moderately anemic. Gross placental infarction was observed in 17/21 (81.0%) of the cases and 15/21 (71.4%) of the controls. The gross morphometric parameters that were lower in cases were the placental weight and volume (p-values of <0.001, 0.001 respectively). The histopathological features observed were extensive perivillous and intervillous fibrin deposition and larger volumes of syncytial knots in the case group. The harmonic mean thickness of the interhaemal membrane was higher in the cases when compared to controls (p -value: <0.001). The estimated mean morphometric diffusing capacity was higher in cases when compared to controls (p-value: 0.001).   Conclusion The frequency of gross and histopathological lesions seen in the PE placentae was increased when the patients had both preeclampsia and anaemia. Anaemia may thus exacerbate the pathology caused by preeclampsia. This may be the structural basis for the uteroplacental insufficiency observed when the two morbidities co-exist. It may therefore be prudent for clinicians to monitor maternal hemoglobin levels, in order to reduce the severity of preeclampsia when the two conditions co-exist. &nbsp

    Dupuytren’s Diathesis in an African Male

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    Dupuytren’s disease is not common in the African population. Like in other populations early intervention before severe contractures is important in order to prevent recurrence. We present a case of a young African with Dupuytren’s diathesis.Keywords: Dupuytren’s, Diathesis, African, Surger

    Morphology of the anterior clinoid process in a select Kenyan population

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    Knowledge of the morphological variations of the anterior clinoid process is pertinent during anterior clinoidectomy to prevent injury to the adjacent neurovascular structures as well as in the interpretation of skull base radiographs. Fifty-one open crania (102 anterior clinoid processes) were obtained from the Departments of Human Anatomy in three Kenyan Universities. Caroticoclinoid foramen was present in nine (17.6%) out of the 51 skulls studied. Of the 9 skulls, 2 had bilateral complete foramina while the remaining 7 had unilateral foramina, all on the left side. The mean length of the anterior clinoid process ranged between 5.0 and 18.8mm with a mean of 10.92±2.79 mm. The mean width was found to be 10.43±2.67 mm (range: 5.3-18.0mm) while the average thickness was 5.43±2.02mm (range: 1.3-11.9mm). There were no statistically significant side differences in the dimensions of the anterior clinoid process. Type IIIb anterior clinoid process was the commonest (47.1%) while type IIIa was the least common (7.8%). Compared to other populations, the anterior clinoid process in our setting shows some differences involving its type and the caroticoclinoid foramen. These features should be taken into account when interpreting skull base radiographs and planning for anterior clinoidectomies.Keywords: Clinoid Process, Kenya, Morpholog

    Regional differences in the cellularity and vascularity of the patellar tendon

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    The patellar tendon (PT) attaches to the apex of the patella and  tibial tuberosity. Its response to tensile forces is influenced by the distribution of fibroblasts and its vascularity. The vascularity and distribution of fibroblasts influence the tendons ability to repair microtears. Microtears of the PT result in patellar tendinopathy. There is however, paucity of data on the regional distribution of vascular and cellular elements in the PT which might explain why microtears occur in the posterior-proximal third. One hundred and two pairs of patellar tendons were obtained from postmortem  specimens. Sections from the proximal, middle and distal third from the anterior and posterior lamina of 20 pairs of the patellar tendon (10 male, 10 female) were processed for microscopy to demonstrate the cellularity and vascularity of the tendon. The vascularity was highest in the middle third of the anterior lamina. The posterior lamina of the tendon was less vascular than the anterior lamina. The posterior lamina was more cellular than the anterior with the proximal third showing the highest number of nuclei. These findings indicate that the pre-patellar genicular anastomosis contributes significantly to the vascularity of the anterior lamina while the anastomosis located in Hoffa’s fat pad may be less rich and thus resulting in lower vascularity for the posterior lamina. Lower vascularity implies less healing ability after microtears. Therefore, orthopedic surgeons should be aware of this precarious pattern of vascularity to the posterior lamina. The posterior lamina’s high cellularity especially in the proximal third indicates that it may experience greater stress and via  durotaxis more fibroblasts migrate to that region to produce more collagen fibers for resilience. The greater tensile stress  experienced by the posterior-proximal third and its lower  vascularity may explain why it is most susceptible to microtears.Key words: Patella tendon, regional differences, cellularity, vascularity, patella tendinopath

    COP27 climate change conference: urgent action needed for Africa and the world

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    The 2022 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a dark picture of the future of life on earth, characterised by ecosystem collapse, species extinction, and climate hazards such as heatwaves and floods.1 These are all linked to physical and mental health problems, with direct and indirect consequences of increased morbidity and mortality. To avoid these catastrophic health effects across all regions of the globe, there is broad agreement—as 231 health journals argued together in 2021—that the rise in global temperature must be limited to less than 1.5oC compared with pre-industrial levels