293 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of the superfluid dilute Bose gas with disorder

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    We generalize the Beliaev-Popov diagrammatic technique for the problem of interacting dilute Bose gas with weak disorder. Averaging over disorder is implemented by the replica method. Low energy asymptotic form of the Green function confirms that the low energy excitations of the superfluid dirty Boson system are sound waves with velocity renormalized by the disorder and additional dissipation due to the impurity scattering. We find the thermodynamic potential and the superfluid density at any temperature below the superfluid transition temperature and derive the phase diagram in temperature vs. disorder plane.Comment: 4 page

    Effect of random on-site energies on the critical temperature of a lattice Bose gas

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    We study the effect of random on-site energies on the critical temperature of a non-interacting Bose gas on a lattice. In our derivation the on-site energies are distributed according a Gaussian probability distribution function having vanishing average and variance vo2v_o^2. By using the replicated action obtained by averaging on the disorder, we perform a perturbative expansion for the Green functions of the disordered system. We evaluate the shift of the chemical potential induced by the disorder and we compute, for vo2<<1v_o^2 << 1, the critical temperature for condensation. We find that, for large filling, disorder slightly enhances the critical temperature for condensation.Comment: To appear in Laser Physics, issue on the LPHYS'08 conference (Trondheim, 2008

    Dynamics of liquid 4He in Vycor

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    We have measured the dynamic structure factor of liquid 4He in Vycor using neutron inelastic scattering. Well-defined phonon-roton (p-r) excitations are observed in the superfluid phase for all wave vectors 0.3 < Q < 2.15. The p-r energies and lifetimes at low temperature (T = 0.5 K) and their temperature dependence are the same as in bulk liquid 4He. However, the weight of the single p-r component does not scale with the superfluid fraction (SF) as it does in the bulk. In particular, we observe a p-r excitation between T_c = 1.952 K, where SF = 0, and T_(lambda)=2.172 K of the bulk. This suggests, if the p-r excitation intensity scales with the Bose condensate, that there is a separation of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature and the superfluid transition temperature T_c of 4He in Vycor. We also observe a two-dimensional layer mode near the roton wave vector. Its dispersion is consistent with specific heat and SF measurements and with layer modes observed on graphite surfaces.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Suppression of Superfluidity of 4^4He in a Nanoporous Glass by Preplating a Kr Layer

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    Helium in nanoporous media has attracted much interest as a model Bose system with disorder and confinement. Here we have examined how a change in porous structure by preplating a monolayer of krypton affects the superfluid properties of 4^4He adsorbed or confined in a nanoporous Gelsil glass, which has a three-dimensional interconnected network of nanopores of 5.8 nm in diameter. Isotherms of adsorption and desorption of nitrogen show that monolayer preplating of Kr decreases the effective pore diameter to 4.7 nm and broadens the pore size distribution by about eight times from the sharp distribution of the bare Gelsil sample. The superfluid properties were studied by a torsional oscillator for adsorbed film states and pressurized liquid states, both before and after the monolayer Kr preplating. In the film states, both the superfluid transition temperature TcT_{\mathrm c} and the superfluid density decrease about 10 percent by Kr preplating. The suppression of film superfluidity is attributed to the quantum localization of 4^4He atoms by the randomness in the substrate potential, which is caused by the preplating--induced broadening of the pore size distribution. In the pressurized liquid states, the superfluid density ρs\rho_{\mathrm s} is found to increase by 10 percent by Kr preplating, whereas TcT_{\mathrm c} is decreased by 2 percent at all pressures. The unexpected enhancement of ρs\rho_{\mathrm s} might indicate the existence of an unknown disorder effect for confined 4^4He.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Initial microbial spectrum in severe secondary peritonitis and relevance for treatment

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    This study aims to determine whether abdominal microbial profiles in early severe secondary peritonitis are associated with ongoing infection or death. The study is performed within a randomized study comparing two surgical treatment strategies in patients with severe secondary peritonitis (n = 229). The microbial profiles of cultures retrieved from initial emergency laparotomy were tested with logistic regression analysis for association with ‘ongoing infection needing relaparotomy’ and in-hospital death. No microbial profile or the presence of yeast or Pseudomonas spp. was related to the risk of ongoing infection needing relaparotomy. Resistance to empiric therapy for gram positive cocci and coliforms was moderately associated with ongoing abdominal infection (OR 3.43 95%CI 0.95–12.38 and OR 7.61, 95%CI 0.75–76.94). Presence of only gram positive cocci, predominantly Enterococcus spp, was borderline independently associated with in-hospital death (OR 3.69, 95%CI 0.99–13.80). In secondary peritonitis microbial profiles do not predict ongoing abdominal infection after initial emergency laparotomy. However, the moderate association of ongoing infection with resistance to the empiric therapy compels to more attention for resistance when selecting empiric antibiotic coverage
