18 research outputs found

    Developing Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Ability to Design for Active Learning: A Design-based Research Study

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    This paper describes an approach to working with secondary preservice mathematics and science (M&S) teachers to develop their ability to design for active learning. It presents the design of a studio-style intervention that augments existing teacher education. It describes the way that these studios can be organised, with specific suggestions that a specialised learning designer, a subject matter expert, and administrative support be included to aid in the design for learning—on the justification that this can both improve the learning design as well as advance teacher learning. It describes a study in which 10 secondary M&S preservice teachers experienced this style of studio, through iterations of learning design sessions and teaching practice. The studio differs from existing models (such as the ‘clinical model’) through its focus on learning design, the structure of the learning network, and the way that it augments (rather than replaces) existing teacher education. The paper presents results from the study in terms of teacher self-efficacy and self-reported perceptions. It discusses a set of design principles that emerged through the process of developing and testing this model and proposes considerations for researchers or teacher educators looking to use a similar approach in future by focusing on the roles, tasks, and activities for members within the network

    Innovations in initial teacher education through integration for self-determination: Two examples and a model

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    Initial teacher education (ITE) programs are still experimenting with how best to make use of the connectivity provided by digital technology. This paper uses two examples to develop a model of how connectivity can be used to enrich ITE by harnessing the intrinsic motivation of teachers. The model draws upon theories of networked learning (Jones, 2015; Steeples, Jones, & Goodyear, 2002) and self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000). A networked learning perspective places a focus upon the connections that facilitate learning, and how to improve them. Pre-service teachers can connect with and learn from the world outside of the university and/or their school, especially from the greater community of experienced teachers, teacher educators, and subject experts (Kelly, Clará, Kehrwald, & Danaher, In press). This paper describes two interventions that aim to have a positive impact upon ITE: TeachConnect and the Digital Portfolio project. TeachConnect is an online platform that supports Queensland teachers (currently over 600 from 8 universities) from their pre-service education into their career, through online mentoring and through development of a shared community knowledge base. Much of its potential arises from connecting pre-service and early-career teachers with experienced and well-established teachers. TeachConnect is currently being integrated into a number of university programs during practical experience, to integrate online support and gathering of evidence (Kelly, Clará, & Kickbusch, 2015). The Digital Portfolio project experiments with the effectiveness of an online portfolio as a means to support pre service teachers as they collect evidence of achievement at the Graduate level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Portfolios allowed for the integration of evidence gathering by enabling pre-service teachers to co-create knowledge along with their supervising teachers and university co-ordinators using the Apple iTunes U platform, which could then be used to provide evidence for achieving graduate standards. Both projects have been designed with a focus upon harnessing intrinsic motivation. In self-determination theory intrinsic motivation is described as having three main aspects (Ryan & Deci, 2000): (i) a need for autonomy to be able to carry out the task in a way that is in harmony with the beliefs of the learner; (ii) a need for competence to have the ability needed to carry out the task; and (iii) a need for relatedness to feel that the task promotes, at some level, human connections. We articulate a model for these and future networked learning interventions in ITE to guide design towards intrinsic motivation for learning

    How to develop an online community for pre-service and early career teachers

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    This paper contributes a number of design principles for developing large-scale online communities of pre-service and early career teachers (PS&ECTs). It presents the paradigms of connected learning, networked learning and communities of practice and contrasts them. It describes the potential for online communities to meet the needs of PS&ECTs and it identifies gaps that exist within certain types of existing online communities that currently support PS&ECTs. The paper proposes design principles for a new type of online community for PS&ECTs. These principles are drawn from the literature and from the preliminary outcomes of a pilot study

    How learning designers work with teachers

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    This thesis investigates the relationship between learning designers and teachers by addressing the question: How do learning designers work with teachers to develop their capability to design for learning? It explores the role of learning designers as both co-designer and coach through studies into the way that these roles play out during learning design sessions and the methods available for investigating them. It investigates how learning designers facilitate teachers’ development in three ways: design mindshift progression, design for learning skills and processes, and pedagogical skills for enacting learning designs

    Representing teacher coaching sessions: understanding coaching that develops teachers' capability to design for learning

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    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to develop representations for teacher coaching sessions that are (1) useful for communicating the session to other coaches or researchers and (2) capture the roles of the coach as convener of dialogue for teacher development as well as facilitator of design for learning.Design/methodology/approachTwo coaching sessions with preservice science teachers are analysed using two forms of discourse analysis: (1) the T-SEDA coding scheme (Vrikki et al., 2019) to analyse the dialogic interaction; and (2) a novel coding scheme to show the development of the design for learning over time. A synthetic representation is developed that combines and communicates the results of both analyses.FindingsResults show a novel way of representing coaching sessions with teachers during design for learning. Theoretical claims about the utility of this representation are made with reference to the literature.Practical implicationsThe representations and methods for developing them are useful to researchers in analysing coaching sessions. They have application for helping coaches to communicate their practice with one another. They are a step towards understanding the scalability and transferability of coaching programmes for school improvement.Originality/valueThe paper highlights shortcomings of existing representations for teacher coaching sessions and produces a novel representation that has value for researchers

    What are beginning teachers looking for online? The TeachConnect story (and what can be learnt from it)

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    TeachConnect is a platform to support pre-service secondary maths and science teachers through their professional experience and into the profession. It has been developed over four years as a design-based research project and now has over 500 users across Queensland. This presentation aims to share everything that we have discovered during this journey. It contributes a discussion of : - the unrealised potential for online support for pre-service and early career teachers (to augment rather than replace existing support) - the design principles for online communities of teachers that have been developed through analysis of existing platforms and multiple iterations of TeachConnect development with input from participants - the design of the engagement strategy for involving all stakeholders within the state education system, with a particular focus upon the development of the online group and peer mentoring program - real-world impacts and discussion of future steps Finally, the presentation describes how the open-source platform could be used in other states. The work can be understood as a contribution to the vision of an online platform that is as useful as possible for pre-service and early career teachers. In summary, we believe this will continue to be achieved through: (i) widespread collaboration between universities, government and accreditation bodies; (ii) ongoing participant-led design and redesign; and (iii) convergence, for maximising benefits of a large community whilst retaining the benefits of enclosed spaces where deep reflection can occur

    TeachConnect: An online platform for teachers

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    TeachConnect is a project is an online platform and linked approach to facilitation that supports teachers in their transition into the profession. It is an online community centred on teaching knowledge, peer support, and the professional development of teaching practices. It addresses the research question of How can online communities of teachers provide support for developing situational knowledge about teaching practice? TeachConnect is currently in its third iteration as a Design-Based Research project. Phase 1 was a proof of concept (ending 2013). Phase 2 was a custom-built platform with significant innovation that saw TeachConnect awarded international design prizes (ending 2017). Phase 3 has seen a shift towards supporting and integrating existing teacher communities (ongoing). The design and implementation of TeachConnect as a designed platform for teachers represents the application of six years of research into how online communities can better support Australian teachers. The most significant contributions from the project have been: - Design heuristics for researchers who wish to create networks of teachers in future; - An approach to facilitating online networks of teachers by working sequentially with existing communities of teachers and bringing them into the fabric of a larger online community; - An example of facilitation of online mentoring for teachers through training of mentors and mentees. The instantiations of design seen in stage two and stage three of the platform, to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing in the Australian teaching profession; and The design and integration of tools to allow teachers to use their activity in the platform as evidence of meeting professional standards (and related discussions with accreditation bodies)

    Authentic learning using mobile applications and contemporary geospatial information requirements related to environmental science

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    In this paper, we examine the potential of authentic learning activities and assessment to enhance the student learning experience in a standalone introductory geospatial information science module. Computer laboratory sessions form seventy-five percent of contact hours and final grade, so authentic learning used a field-based project with specified features, study area and aerial photo form the basis of assessment. The class collects all relevant geospatial information using mobile devices. Students present personally collected, and class-merged geospatial information as workplace style reports in scaffolded assessments. All submitted data are collected by the class and managed by the students. Essential skills and employment opportunities using GIS skills form the basis of authenticity of this module and guide student expectations. We evaluate outcomes through a two-year case study examining design, implementation and revision of the Unit, by using a mixed-methods approach including multiple, staged student surveys, focus groups, and student results. A focus on authenticity increased student appreciation of employability in GIS-related positions, and students reported increased motivation to learn