13 research outputs found

    Mapping QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance in a tunisian-derived durum wheat population

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) damage in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum Desf., turgidum) inflicted massive economic losses worldwide. Meanwhile, FHB resistant durum wheat germplasm is extremely limited. ‘Tunisian108’ is a newly identified tetraploid wheat with FHB resistance. However, genomic regions in ‘Tunisian108’ that significantly associated with FHB resistance are yet unclear. Therefore, a population of 171 backcross inbred lines (BC1F7) derived from a cross between ‘Tunisian108’ and a susceptible durum cultivar ‘Ben’ was characterized. Fusarium graminearum (R010, R1267, and R1322) was point inoculated (greenhouse) or spawn inoculated (field) in 2010 and 2011. Disease severity, Fusarium-damaged kernel (FDK) and mycotoxins were measured. Analysis of variance showed significant genotype and genotype by environment effect on all traits. Approximately 8% of the lines in field and 25% of the lines in greenhouse were more resistance than Tunisian108. A framework linkage map of 267 DArt plus 62 SSR markers was developed representing 239 unique loci and covering a total distance of 1887.6 cM. Composite interval mapping revealed nine QTL for FHB severity, four QTL for DON, and four QTL for FDK on seven chromosomes. Two novel QTL, Qfhb.ndsu-3BL and Qfhb.ndsu-2B, were identified for disease severity, explaining 11 and 6% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Also, a QTL with large effect on severity and a QTL with negative effect on FDK on chromosome 5A were identified. Importantly, a novel region on chromosome 2B was identified with multiple FHB resistance. Validation on these QTL would facilitate the durum wheat resistance breeding

    A molecular marker map in 'Kanota' × 'Ogle' hexaploid oat (Avenaspp.) enhanced by additional markers and a robust framework

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    Molecular mapping of cultivated oats was conducted to update the previous reference map constructed using a recombinant inbred (RI) population derived from Avena byzantina C. Koch cv. Kanota × Avena sativa L. cv. Ogle. In the current work, 607 new markers were scored, many on a larger set of RI lines (133 vs. 71) than previously reported. A robust, updated framework map was developed to resolve linkage associations among 286 markers. The remaining 880 markers were placed individually within the most likely framework interval using χ2 tests. This molecular framework incorporates and builds on previous studies, including physical mapping and linkage mapping in additional oat populations. The resulting map provides a common tool for use by oat researchers concerned with structural genomics, functional genomics, and molecular breeding.Key words: molecular marker, RFLP, linkage map, oat, Avena

    Conteúdo de β-glucana em cultivares de aveia-branca cultivadas em diferentes ambientes

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    βIn the 2007 and 2008 seasons, 15 white oat cultivars were grown in Augusto Pestana, Capão do Leão and Passo Fundo municipalities, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It was used a randomized complete block design, with four replicates and 3-m2 plots. Genotype performance varied according to the region and year of cultivation in relation to b-glucan content in the grain. The genotypes Barbarasul, Brisasul, UFRGS 19, UPFA 22, URS 20, URS 22 and URS Guapa had an ideal biotype, comprising high mean b-glucan content, wide adaptability and phenotypic stability. Significant correlations are observed between b-glucan content and grain and industrial yield.O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar cultivares de aveia-branca quanto ao conteúdo de B-Glucana nos grãos, determinar sua relação com a produtividade e o rendimento industrial de grãos, e definir os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade para esses caracteres. Nas safras de 2007 e 2008, foram cultivadas 15 cultivares de aveia-branca nos municípios de Augusto Pestana, Capão do Leão e Passo Fundo, no Rio Grande do Sul, seguindo delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições constituídas por parcelas úteis de 3 m2. De maneira geral, os genótipos apresentaram desempenho variável de acordo com a região e o ano de cultivo, para conteúdo de b-glucana no grão. As cultivares Barbarasul, Brisasul, UFRGS 19, UPFA 22, URS 20, URS 22 e URS Guapa apresentam biótipo ideal, com elevado conteúdo médio de b-glucana no grão, ampla adaptabilidade e elevada estabilidade fenotípica. Foram constatadas relações significativas entre o conteúdo de b-glucana no grão e a produtividade e o rendimento industrial de grãos

    Brassica oleracea

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