26 research outputs found

    A classification of peasants attached to land in Byzantium of the 14th century

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    Cluster analysis was used to classify peasants attached to land in the 14th century Byzantium on the basis of 1321 property-tax cadastre that registered the landed property of St. Athanasius Lavra in Athos. Peasant households were grouped according to their demographic and economic structures and the taxes they had to pay. We also identified a complex non-single connection between the household groups and their distribution over an administrative unit

    Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of the complex oxides in Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systems

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    Received: 18.01.2018. Accepted: 14.02.2018. Published: 10.05.2018.Present paper contains available information on the phase equilibria in the Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systems, including the synthesis routes used, crystal structure, which is often depended on oxygen nonstoichiometry, the data on thermodynamic stability of complex oxides, the obtained results on the homogeneity ranges of solid solutions, formed in the systems, and graphical presentation of phase relations in a form of phase diagrams


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    The aim of the study was the development of a cell biosensor system based on the fact that AR activator stimuli lead to redistribution of AR from cytoplasm to the nucleus. These changes could be measured and used for the diagnostics and personalized treatment of prostate cancer patient. The stably transfected cell lines with fluorescently tagged AR were generated. For the stable cell expression the non AR expressing HeLa cell line was used. The constructs of chimeric fluorescent proteins wild type AR or mutant ART877A were used for the transfection. The changes of the CFP-AR-YFP and CFP-ART877A-YFP proteins in the nucleus of HeLa cells under different concentrations steroids treatment was investigated. Moreover, the quantity of activated receptor in the nucleus was carried

    Use of autologous mesenchymal stem cells in the combined treatment of symptomatic epilepsy

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    This article presents the results of the clinical application of the method of transplantation of autologous bone marrow stem cells in the treatment of a patient with pharmacoresistant epilepsy, the effectiveness of combination therapy, including antiepileptic drugs and autologous bone marrow stem cells and assess the feasibility, tolerability of this kind of local treatment. The encouraging results of the effectiveness of the proposed method of treatment of pharmacoresistant epilepsy on the clinical case of one patient have been obtained, which requires further study of the clinical application of the AMSC CM transplantation method on a more significant number of clinical cases in larger clinical trials