8 research outputs found

    Reduksi Pemborosan untuk Perbaikan Value Stream Produksi ā€œMi Lethekā€ Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing

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    Industri ā€œMi Lethekā€ merupakan industri yang menghasilkan produk berupa mi kering berbahan baku tepung tapioka. Pada proses pengolahan mi di industri ā€œMi Lethekā€, terdapat berbagai pemborosan (waste) yang dapat merugikan industri. Diantara pemborosan yang terjadi berupa persediaan bahan baku yang belum diperlukan dan transportasi berlebih. Untuk mereduksi pemborosan tersebut diperlukan suatu perbaikan pada value stream menggunakan pendekatan lean. Pendekatan lean difungsikan sebagai sebuah sistem yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi seluruh aktivitas yang ada pada industri ā€œMi Lethekā€. Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut kemudian digolongkan menjadi dua jenis aktivitas, yaitu aktivitas yang memberikan nilai tambah dan aktivitas yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah. Waktu dari masing-masing aktivitas tersebut yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk menghitung nilai process cycle effieciensy (PCE). PCE adalah efisiensi relatif dalam sebuah proses yang mer=wakili presentase waktu yang digunakan untuk menambah nilai pada produk dibandingkan total waktu yang digunakan produk selama dalam proses. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan nilai PCE awal dari industri "Mie Lethek" sebesar 12,05%. Perbaikan yang dilakukan ialah dengan mengubah tata letak pabrik dan melakukan perbaikan penjadwalan pemesanan bahan baku. Hasil perbaikan tersebut berhasil meningkatkan nilai PCE menjadi 15,08%

    Combining Kansei Engineering and Artificial Neural Network to Assess Worker Capacity in Small-Medium Food Industry

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    This paper highlighted a new method for worker capacity assessment in Indonesian small-medium food industry. The sustainable and productivity of Indonesian food industry should be maintained based on the workers capacity. The status of worker capacity could be categorized as normal, capacity constrained worker and bottleneck. By using Kansei Engineering, worker capacity can be assessed using verbal response of profile of mood states, non-verbal response of heart rate in a given workplace environmental parameters. Fusing various Kansei Engineering parameters of worker capacity requires a robust modeling tool. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is required to assess worker capacity. The model was demonstrated via a case study of Tempe Industry. The trained ANN model generated satisfied accuracy and minimum error. The research results concluded the possibility to assess worker capacity in Indonesian small-medium food industry by combining Kansei Engineering and ANN

    An Application of RapAgRisk (Rapid Agricultural Supply Chain Risk Assessment) Method on Fresh Vegetables for Identifying and Reducing Damage During Delivery to Consumers

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    Vegetables have distinctive properties that are easily damaged, so handling and delivery time will be the important factors in the whole supply chain. Identification and mitigation of the damage is very important to prevent damage to vegetables and maintain resale value. This study uses the Rapid Agricultural Supply Chain Risk Assessment (RapAgRisk) based on the risk management standard ISO 31000:2009 to conduct a risk analysis. The field research uses sample of the actors in the supply chain from the farm producer to the point of sale. The research was done by taking convenience sampling through in-depth interviews with the actors of the supply chain. The research location in fresh vegetable production centers in Magelang (Central Java Province), and Sleman (Yogyakarta Province). Research result showed risk factor of the weather, natural condition, biological and environmental, related markets, logistics (infrastructure), and operational management in the supply chain of fresh vegetables. At the level of farmers and collectors, each have four risks while at the merchant level, there are five important risks getting attention for follow up. Mitigation each of these factors lead to the reducing damage and it can be applied to maintain the quality of the vegetables and increase the selling price

    Plant Layout for Small Scale Food Industry

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    Small scale food industries are identical with labor intensive, low efficiency, and bad housekeeping. It needs specific improvement of performance related to their raw material characteristics as agricultural commodities. The study was conducted to improve the performance of small cracker industry through improved plant layout. It was done by considering the material flow, relationship between activities, food safety, equipment and workers' allowances, space utilization. Plant layout modification improves the small scale cracker industry in terms of material flow, the risk of contamination, space utilization, work safety, and energy for material handling

    Mitigasi Risiko pada Industri Pengalengan Gudeg

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    Pengalengan gudeg merupakan industri berkembang di Yogyakarta. Kelancaran pada kegiatan rantai pasok pengalengan gudeg menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan. Namun pada proses rantai pasok tersebut ditemukan beberapa risiko yang mengakibatkan sistem tidak dapat berjalan lancar karena faktor kegagalan mesin, kesalahan pekerja, terputusnya aliran listrik, dan terhentinya rantai pasok bahan baku sehingga menyebabkan downtime dalam manajemen rantai pasoknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi risiko yang sering terjadi pada rantai pasok pengalengan gudeg di Yogyakarta, menentukan prioritas risiko yang terjadi pada rantai pasok pengalengan gudeg di Yogyakarta, dan memberikan usulan mitigasi risiko berdasarkan prioritas risiko pengalengan Gudeg di Yogyakarta. Kriteria penelitian menggunakan Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) terdiri dari Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return, dan Enable. Kejadian risiko yang teridentifikasi dilakukan penilaian risiko menggunakan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan usulan mitigasi risiko menggunakan metode Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Usulan mitigasi risiko berdasarkan nilai ranking the top five RPN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada saat identifikasi, risiko lebih banyak terjadi pada proses bisnis pembuatan gudeg kaleng dan kontrol jaringan, serta kepatuhan. Terdapat prioritas risiko berdasarkan hasil penilaian yang perlu dilakukan mitigasi yaitu Perubahan penjadwalan produksi dan tenaga kerja yang mendadak, perbedaan variasi kualitas bahan baku, pengelolaan sumber daya yang tidak maksimal, kegagalan mesin (downtime), keterlambatan pengiriman produk ke pelanggan, idle time pada aliran rantai pasok, tingkat kepatuhan pekerja terhadap SOP yang masih rendah, dan peramalan penjualan produk lemah. Usulan mitigasi risiko pada industri pengalengan gudeg adalah melakukan peningkatan pengawasan dan kontrol terhadap pekerja, preventive maintenance mesin secara rutin, peningkatan ketelitian dalam sortir bahan baku, perbaikan safety stock product dan order policy, serta melakukan peningkatan keefektifan penjadwalan produksi dan pembelian bahan baku berdasarkan perkiraan peramalan permintaan produk

    Education for Sustainable Development Through Dissemination of Good Cleaner Production Practices: University ā€“ Industry Collaboration Toward Sustainable Agroindustry (A Case on Pondoh Snake Fruit Based SME)

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    Higher education plays an important role in the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Together with industry, the collaboration can provide a wider multiplier effect. Among others, agro-industry is one of sector that provides vast employment opportunities both on- and off-farms, which potentially improve welfare of human involved. However, its activities in effort to meet the needs of rapid increase of world's population faced with scarcity problems, sometimes merely focus on economic sustainability. Therefore, disseminating good cleaner production practices, which emphasizes the reduction or removal of environmental contamination at the source (front of pipe concept) can be done to educate agro-industrial actors to implement sustainable development. Collaboration model between university and agro-industry in Education for Sustainable Development of Agroindustry is discussed in the paper

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.Ā  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEIā€™s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has ā€œStrengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagementā€ as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.Ā  Conference Title:Ā 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme:Ā Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms:Ā ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi