49 research outputs found

    The role of conflictin public service

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    The article studies the theoretical aspects of the concepts according to various authors, such as conflict, social conflict, conflict of interest in the public service, the nature of the conflict. The article considers a number of possible situations which can be a result of personal interest, which in turn could lead to a conflict of interest

    Thermal analysis of wood fuel pyrolysis process

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    The paper presents the results of studies of conversion process on the laboratory pyrolysis reactor and the results are compared with data, obtained in model experiments by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The heating rates were compared in the pyrolysis reactor and in the laboratory furnace of TGA in the pyrolysis process of wood biomass conversion. The laboratory pyrolysis reactor, as a part of the multistage gasification facility of low-grade solid fuel, was launched in several modes. Three experimental modes of the device operation with different screw speeds and fuel flow rates through the reaction shaft were tested. The temperature profile of fuel and wall along the length of the pyrolysis reactor was shown. The temperature up to 600 °C was recorded in a mode with a low fuel flow rate, and in the end of the reaction zone the fuel temperature was close to that of the wall. The kinetic coefficients and conversion rates for the wood biomass pyrolysis were calculated from the obtained equation. Therefore, the calculated data of the conversion rate and the pyrolysis parameters, based on the TGA data, can be used to further develop the pyrolysis reactor and evaluate the parameters of its operation. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The research was performed at Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS under the support of Russian Science Foundation (Grant № 16-19-10227) and by using the Unique Scientific Plant “High‐temperature circuit”.Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR

    Effect of Additive of Polymetallic Ores’ Tailings on Properties of Composite Cements

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    The article analyzes the use of polymetallic ores’ tailings as a basis for production of composite cements and concrete, having protective properties against gamma and X-rays radiation, as well as high strength and lifetime. The main practically significant result is: the development of scientific and technological production bases of new high-tech type of multicomponent hydraulic binders for concretes – composite cements; the identification of new hydration products in composite cements with addition of polymetallic ores’ tailings; the development of optimal compositions of composite cements for concretes. It is established that the composite cements, that developed by us on the basis of polymetallic ores’ tailings, meet modern requirements i.e. its improve the construction-technical properties of material, have positive effect to the environment situation and allow to reduce the production cost of the final product. Their technology is low metal-intensive and power-consuming. Studies of physical-chemical processes of composite cements structure formation with addition of polymetallic ores’ tailings have been conducted using methods such as chemical, X-ray phase, differential-thermal and electronmicroscopic analysis methods

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic liver dysfunction in the new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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    Our study aimed to explore associated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and metabolic liver dysfunction influence on the severity of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Material and methods. The study design was a cross-sectional study. The research included 215 patients (39.50 % of men) aged 26–60 years who had undergone a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 at least two months ago. Participants were divided into three groups by severity of infection: mild (n = 99), moderate and severe (n = 116) by anamnesis. Hepatic steatosis index (HIS), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, glucose and triglyceride content, systolic and diastolic pressure were calculated and abdominal ultrasound examination was done. Results. In the group with moderate and severe course of COVID-19, the proportion of patients diagnosed with NAFLDaccording to the HSI index was significantly higher compared to patients with mild coronavirus infection. Patients with mild COVID-19, who were diagnosed with NAFLD, had higher alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, glucose and triglyceride content, BMI, systolic and diastolic pressure, waist circumference compared to patients without NAFLD. Similar differences persisted for patients with moderate and severe course. With the step-by-step exclusion of cardiometabolic parameters from the logistic regression model, the triglyceride content and BMI retained association with steatohepatosis according to ultrasound data, regardless of severity. When creating a similar model for the HSI index, significant correlation was shown for alanine aminotransferase activity in patients with mild COVID-19, for alanine aminotransferase activity and BMI – in patients with moderate and severe COVID-19. Conclusions. Patients with NAFLD have a more severe course of COVID-19. In addition, associations of the severity of COVID-19 with a combination of NAFLD and other cardiometabolic changes in the body, such as arterial hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, were revealed

    Ethiological aspects of overfetal growth

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    The purpose of the work is to study and analyze the impact of anthropometric data, the characteristics of actual nutrition and gestational weight gain on the weight of the newborn. Materials and methods-a retrospective study of data from 946 pregnant women who underwent anthropometry with calculation of body mass index (BMI), determination of weight gain differentiated in the I, II and III trimester, evaluation of the quantity and quality of nutrition by the frequency method. Results and conclusion. It was found that the fetal weight on ultrasound and the frequency of birth of children with a weight of more than 4 kg increases in accordance with the pregestational BMI. Excess weight gain during pregnancy is integrated with the frequency of macrosomia in women, regardless of the initial BMI. Pregnant women of all groups were found to have violations in the structure of actual nutrition in the form of excessive consumption of fats and simple carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber deficiency. The likelihood of developing fetal macrosomia is integrated with excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates and fats.Цель работы – изучить и провести анализ влияние антропометрических данных, особенностей фактического питания и гестационной прибавки массы тела на вес новорожденного. Материалы и методы - проведено ретроспективное изучение данных у 946 беременных, которым проводили антропометрию с вычисление индекса массы тела (ИМТ), определение прибавки веса дифференцировано в I, II и III триместре, оценку количества и качества питания частотным методом. Результаты и заключение. Выявлено, что масса плода по УЗИ и частота рождения детей с массой свыше 4 кг повышается в соответствии предгестационному ИМТ. Избыточная прибавка веса при беременности интегрирована с частотой макросомии у женщин независимо от исходного ИМТ. У беременных всех групп выявлены нарушения в структуре фактического питания в виде избыточного потребления жиров и простых углеводов, дефицита белка и пищевых волокон. Вероятность развития макросомии плода интегрирована с чрезмерным потреблением рафинированных углеводов и жиров

    Association of genotypes of cows of the Kholmogory breed by beta-casein with milk productivity

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    The aim of the study is to identify the frequency of occurrence of various allelic variants and genotypes of beta-casein in cows of the Kholmogory breed and their relationship with dairy productivity. The tasks of the research are genotyping of cattle of the Kholmogory breed by the beta-casein locus and establishing its connection with qualitative and quantitative indicators of dairy productivity. As the objects for the research there were taken 150 cows of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lactation. An allele-specific variant of the PCR method (AS-PCR) was used to identify A1 and A2 beta-casein. As the result it had been established that in the studied part of the herd, 23 % of animals had the A2A2 genotype, 43 % of animals had the A1A1 genotype and 34 % of animals had the A1A2 genotype. For 100 days of the first lactation, animals with A1A2 genotype showed the highest value in milk yield. Animals with A2A2 genotype for 305 days of lactation had the highest milk yield and the amount of milk protein, however, the difference was not statistically significant compared to the animals with A1A2 genotype. Genotype A1A1 has lower indicators by all the parameters studied, with a significant difference relative to genotypes A1A2 and A2A2. Thus, the study of CSN2 is a promising area of scientific research, and the results of the study of beta-casein genotypes can be used as a marker selection in improving the herds of the Kholmogory breed

    Changes in glomerular filtration rate in young adults: population data

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    Aim of the study was to investigate glomerular filtration rate in population of 25–45 years old young people of Novosibirsk city. Material and methods. A survey of Novosibirsk typical district’s population has been carried out by the Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine since 2013 to 2016. 1074 people (467 males and 607 females of 25–45 years old) have been included into the survey. The levels of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were chosen according to KDIGO (2012) recommendation, such as: GFR more than 90 ml/min/1.73 cm2 – high or optimal, 60–89 ml/min/1.73 cm2 – slightly reduced, 45–59 ml/min/1.73 cm2 – moderately reduced, 30–44 ml/min/1.73 cm2 – vastly reduced, 1529 ml/min/1.73 cm2 – highly reduced, lower than 15 ml/min/1.73 cm2 – terminal renal failure. Results and discussion. Average GFR(CKD-EPI) level in all age groups was 99,9 ml/min/1.73 cm2 . Average GFR(CKD-EPI) was 104.41 ml/min/1.73 cm2 in 25–34 age group. Male average GFR(CKD-EPI) levels in appropriate age groups were reliably higher comparing to female levels. Both male and female analyzed indicators turned out to be reliably lower in older group than in the younger one. 95.1 % of male participants at the age from 25 to 34 years old had GFR ≥ 90 ml/min/1.73 cm2 , while female indicator was 76.9 %. The indicators in the age group from 35–45 years old were: for males – 86.4 %, for females – 58.3 %. Both male and female groups at the age from 35 to 45 contained people with GFR < 60.ml/min/1.73 cm2 (2 men – 0,8 %; 1 woman – 0.4 %). While GFR calculating according to MDRD and CKD-EPI formulas two dissimilar results were revealed. The advantages of CKD-EPI formulas calculating for higher GFR indicators have been evidenced


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    Методами структурного анализа изучено изменение структуры, фазового состава в деформированных в (α+β)-области прутках из сплава ВТ22 в интервале температур закалки 820–870 ºС.Effect of quenching temperature (820–870 ºC) on the structure and phase composition of the alloy rods from the VT22 pre-deformed in the (α + β)-region was studied.Работа выполнена при поддержке проекта № 2329, выполняемого в рамках базовой части госзадания 2014/236 Минобрнауки РФ и при содействии программы поддержки ведущих университетов РФ в целях повышения их конкурентоспособности № 211 Правительства РФ №02.А03.21.0006

    Опыт конструктивистской интерпретации образования

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    The authors of the study note that modern practitioners and theorists of education in pedago­gy, psychology, cybernetics and other sciences state the productivity of the application of constructionist ideas and the development of constructionist edu­cation technologies. Constructivism pays special at­tention to the fact that the main goal of modern edu­cation (education in the post-postmodern era) is the development of increasingly challenging and com­plex forms of consciousness and activity. Construc­tivism also pays special attention to the formulation and resolution of problems of education and professional work within the framework of the truth es­sence concept, the role of time and space in its com­prehension or creation in the dialogue of people and groups. The authors consider the main problems of constructivist interpretation of education, as well as the supports and possibilities of introducing a con­structionist approach at the level of ideology, meth­odology and education technologies; they reveal the functions and ways of implementing the functions of training and education based on the concept of education “platform”. The aim of the work was the analysis of the features of the constructivist inter­pretation of education, the description by the con­structivists of the leading functions and the main ways of carrying out the functions of training and education by teachers and instructors. The authors believe that the constructionist model of education, as well as approaches similar to it (interactive or intersubjective, problem or genetic, contextual or meta-disciplinary) can and should become the focus of attention of researchers, including in the context of systematic methodological, theoretical, empirical and applied research.  Авторы исследования отмечают, что современные практики и теоретики обра­зования в педагогике, психологии, кибернетике и иных науках констатируют продуктивность применения конструкционистских идей и раз­работки конструкционистских технологий об­разования. Конструктивизм обращает особое внимание на то, что основной целью современ­ного образования (образования эпохи постпост­модерна) выступает развитие все более и более сложных и комплексных форм сознания и дея­тельности, постановки и разрешения проблем образования и профессионального труда в рам­ках представления о сущности истины, о роли времени и пространства в ее осмыслении или со­творении в диалоге людей и групп. Авторами рас­сматриваются основные проблемы конструк­тивистского осмысления образования, а также опоры и возможности внедрения конструкцио­нистского подхода на уровне идеологии, мето­дологии и технологий образования, раскрывают­ся функции и пути реализации функций обучения и воспитания на основе понятия «платформы» образования. Целью работы выступил анализ особенностей конструктивистской интерпрета­ции образования, описание конструктивистами ведущих функции и основных путей осуществле­ния функций обучения и воспитания учителями и преподавателями. Авторы полагают, что кон­струкционистская модель образования, а также близкие ей подходы (интерактивный или интер­субъективный, проблемный или генетический, контекстуальный или метапредметный) могут и должны стать фокусом внимания исследовате­лей, в том числе в контексте систематических методологических, теоретических, эмпирических и прикладных исследований.