34 research outputs found

    Symbolic transformation of the widows image in biblical cultural tradition: semantics, analogies, universal features

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    The purpose of the work is to analyze the specific features of a widow’s image and status on the Bible pages, to consider semantic contexts of an image, to follow the parallels between the images of an orphan and a widow, to conceive a loneliness phenomenon and orphans’ and widows’ protection in Biblical tradition. Axiological variety and poly vector spiritual and semantic representation of Biblical women’images are the main focuses of the issue. Methodologically the issue is based on the original source of the Bible. The work is based on methodical description of the women’images, who are selected from the Old and New Testament in order to highlight valued features of each image. Moreover, the methods of semantic analysis and hermeneutics are applied to consider semantic differences. The principles of comparative analysis are applied in order to reveal the traits of a widow’s image in the blocks of historical texts and compare Ukrainian context of widows’ existence with biblical one. Scientific novelty is in the poly semantic analysis of the women’Biblical context and widows’ images separation with further analysis of their fates, valued statuses, which allowed them to embody the problems of motherhood and marriage, future children birth and solitude, the problem of divine protection in different ways. The issue is devoted to the consideration of symbolic and axiological poly vector transformations of the mentioned problems. Conclusions. The social polarity and spiritual separation of a widow’s place and role in ancient tradition, and poly vector semantics of a widow’s Biblical context are conceived. The attention is drawn to the varied

    Філософія імені: український контекст

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    Abstract: The article is devoted to the spiritual content peculiarities issue in the process of proper nouns creation in spiritual Ukrainian culture. The true value of a name, as a philosophical, cultural, spiritual and historical phenome-non, is highlighted. The first aim of the work is to discover the specific features of names’ appearance and spiritual components by structural analysis and her-meneutic methodology in cross-sections of elite-sacral, elite-secular and folk names in ancient ethnic Ukrainian tradition. The second is to analyze the val-ued vectors of spiritual roots in name giving culture. The third is to draw atten-tion to the specific influence of Christianity on culture and symbolism of a name giving process. The last is to examine the current cross-section of the given problem. Keywords: Philosophy of name, values, spirituality, anthroponomy, Ukrainians, ethnic group, ethnic culture

    Family and female sacral consideration in Ukrainian spiritual tradition

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    The national expression of religiosity is unique and incomparable as the signs of ethnical and mental phenomena are. The vast majority of researchers determine the main orientation on “heart expressions” among religious traits of Ukrainian nation. The “heart expressions” orientation implies that the central role in a human life belongs to emotions, feelings, namely to “heart power”, by contrast rational and mental factors play secondary role. Such “heart” religious form means simple practical faith expression which is embodied in natural and ritual faith, superstitions, sense of family, lack of fanaticism, confessional indifference and plurality of worldview. The enumerated features are a base for secularism and orthodox dogmas rejection. The notions of such called “heart faith”, “simple God belief” and “heart oriented” Ukrainian character can generally be followed in the common phrases’ contexts: “a person of saint and open heart”, “open your heart to God”, “he does not have God in his heart”, “if God exists in a heart than a man will be a man”, “if a man is shameless, he will not contain God in his heart”, etc

    The ideological sources of religious leadership in Ukrainian cultural space

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    The urgency of a problem is determined by the strengthening influence of religious leadership on social and political processes in Ukrainian society. The religious leadership is predominantly considered in political context (as the juxtaposition of political leadership in forms and means of power access) and structural context (as being the main factor of a church structure establishment) in modern scientific thought. Among the theological thought representatives an idea of religious leadership is followed in a theological doctrine of ministry as spiritual mentorship. Simultaneously, an issue of spiritual and cultural activity of the Orthodox religious leadership has not been an object of active scientific study yet; hence a primary aim of the article is to determine the sources of a leadership's idea in national religious and cultural traditions. A sense of religious leadership as a sophisticated institutional structure was specified in the process of an issue analysis thus identified the development directions of national religious area as well as national social and cultural space. An article highlights that the Orthodox clergy, predominantly monkhood which combined an idea of ascetic feat with hectic social activity have formed Ukrainian archetypal image of religious leadership. The article proves that an idea of the Orthodox religious leadership has been formed on the patristic tradition basis and has been reflected in the following functions: an ideological function, a missionary function, a valued-based function, a ritual function, an integrational function. A religious leader always carries some religious ideology, expressed in a system of moral and social values; therefore he forms an ideal image that is the most relevant to a particular historical period. A religious leader's archetype is created in a sacral sphere, consequently, in contrast to a political leader; he is protected from radical ideological audits and saves the dominant influence on social consciousness. Key words: the religious leadership; the Orthodox monasticism; the Orthodox monasteries; the national spiritual culture; the national spiritual values

    Истоки идеи религиозного лидерства в пространстве украинской культуры

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    The basic principles of the Orthodox idea of leadership development in Ukrainian religious and cultural tradition are determined in the issue. The interrelationship between spiritual and cultural activity of the Orthodox religious leadership and the dynamic of national, religious and political processes is proved. It is mentioned that missionary and promotional activities of the Orthodox religious leadership are ensured through its political, economic, cultural, educational and moral functions.У статті визначено основні принципи православної ідеї розвитку лідерства в українській релігійно-культурної традиції. Обґрунтовано взаємозв'язок духовної і культурної діяльності православного релігійного лідерства з динамікою національних, релігійних і політичних процесів. Зазначається, що місійна і пропагандистська діяльність православного релігійного лідерства забезпечується його політичними, економічними, культурними, освітніми та моральними функціями.В статье определены основные принципы православной идеи развития лидерства в украинской религиозно-культурной традиции. Обоснована взаимосвязь духовной и культурной деятельности православного религиозного руководства с динамикой национальных, религиозных и политических процессов. Упоминается, что миссионерская и пропагандистская деятельность православного религиозного руководства обеспечивается его политическими, экономическими, культурными, образовательными и моральными функциями

    Futurology of Separatism and National Security: Being vs Dissipation

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    The article considers the peculiarities of the “domestic” and political worlds’ interactions, as well as their impact on the freedom of human choice. The purpose of the article is to analyze the political and existential being, who can be transformed in a distracting way. The phenomenon of national security is analyzed in its theoretical, as well as in its practical dimension. The first part of the study of separatism is connected with the modern social world’s tendency towards social transgression, which involves blurring the rules and limits expansion. The concept of the “frontier”, as a transgressive space, can be embodied in the form of a possibility for political interaction or as a place for political conflict. Understanding the concept of “frontier” in the light of a cultural dialogue permits us to consider it as a dynamic system in perspective, in the social projects of constructing the common being. The second part of the article reveals three main directions of transgression: philosophical and reflexive, ethical and normative, and common practices. Reflection is developed and argumented starting from the idea of an existing correlation between freedom of choice, manifestation of will and the human ability of critical thinking. Tolerance is defined to be a strategical practice in the process of launching a dialogue program for conflicting political communication.У статті розглянуто особливості взаємодії “побутового” та політичного світів, а також їх вплив на свободу вибору людини. Мета статті - проаналізувати політичну та екзистенційну істоту, яку можна відволікати. Феномен національної безпеки аналізується як у його теоретичному, так і в практичному вимірі. Перша частина дослідження сепаратизму пов'язана з тенденцією сучасного суспільного світу до соціальної трансгресії, що передбачає стирання правил та обмеження розширення. Концепція “кордону”, як трансгресивного простору, може бути втілена у формі можливості політичної взаємодії або як місце політичного конфлікту. Розуміння поняття “кордон” у світлі культурного діалогу дозволяє розглядати його як динамічну систему в перспективі, у соціальних проектах побудови спільного буття. Друга частина статті розкриває три основні напрями порушення: філософський та рефлексивний, етичний та нормативний та загальноприйняті. Рефлексія розвивається та аргументується, виходячи з ідеї існуючої кореляції між свободою вибору, проявом волі та здатністю людини критично мислити. Толерантність визначається як стратегічна практика у процесі запуску програми діалогу щодо конфліктної політичної комунікації

    The Axiological Paradigm of Virtual Community Multi-vector Nature as a Threat to Information Culture and National Security

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    Abstract: The article studies the kinds and specificities of virtual communities along with the capabilities of adverse effects of multivector representation of virtual communities on state institutions and security. The value of the security as a priori basic vital necessity is implicitly emphasized. The article aims to define the distinguishing features of virtual communities to understand their opera-tional principles in the frame of modern communication culture and to outline threats and risks for a society coming from virtual communities. Protecting in-formation becomes a priority for national and global security. Infosecurity, in-fosphere, and info sovereignty are constituents of the cultural code of national security. Key message claims that virtual community (as an embodiment of ano-nymity, mixed identity, artificial status, kitsch, etc.) is a powerful tool for infor-mation and communication discord, which poses a threat to both personal and national security.Öz: Makale, sanal toplulukların çok vektörlü temsilinin devlet kurumu ve güven-liği üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerinin yanı sıra sanal toplulukların türlerini ve özel-liklerini incelemektedir. Güvenliğin a priori temel yaşamsal gereklilik değeri do-laylı olarak vurgulanır. Makale, modern iletişim kültürü çerçevesinde çalışma il-kelerini anlamak için sanal toplulukların ayırt edici özelliklerini tanımlamayı, sa-nal topluluklardan gelen bir toplum için tehdit ve riskleri özetlemeyi amaçlamak-tadır. Bilginin korunması, ulusal ve küresel güvenlik için bir öncelik haline gelir. Bilgi güvenliği, bilgi dünyası, bilgi egemenliği, ulusal güvenliğin kültürel kodunun bileşenleridir. Anahtar mesaj, sanal topluluğun (anonimlik, karma kimlik, yapay statü, kitsch vb.'nin bir somutlaşmışı olarak) hem kişisel hem de ulusal güvenlik için tehdit oluşturan bilgi ve iletişim uyumsuzluğu için güçlü bir araç olduğunu iddia ediyor. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sanal topluluklar, iletişim kültürü, ulusal güvenlik, bilgi gü-venliği, değerler

    Metaphysics of Corporeality in the Post-modern Thinking. A. Artaud’s Theater: Self-less Actions, Mercantile Identity Accents

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    Abstract: The article is devoted to the experience of postmodern representation of the metaphysics of corporeality. The meaning of A. Artaud’s “Theatre of Cruelty” is shown as a living act of ontologization of the body through the pain phenomenon. The game of mercantile and thinking participant in the action is distinguished. The purpose of scientific research: to distinguish between psychological and metaphysical experiences as those that determine the bodily and carnal goals of the participants; accordingly, to show the actions of selfish and selfless roles with their ability to pass or block pain. Objectives of the research: to investigate the mechanisms of postmodern understanding of the metaphysics of the body through A. Artaud’s experience; to present the sphere of the Theater of Cruelty as the destiny of mankind to be a participant in the horrible and to be able to sympathize with it; to highlight the game of mercantile and selfless participant in ambiguous actions; to emphasize pain as a criterion of ontologizingthe body; to show the places of the Theater of Cruelty in action on living examples. The scientific novelty lies in the view of the metaphysics of corporeality through the Theater of Cruelty and existential pain. Being a man of postmodern thinking, A. Artaud considers metaphysics in action and shows corporeality by a joint action, which is an event.Keywords:metaphysics of corporeality; postmodern thinking; Theater of Cruelty; metaphysics of pain; split body; body without organs; mercantile accent

    Міст між освітою та сталим розвитком: Оцінка перспектив майбутніх психологів

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    Education serves as a dynamic interplay between generations, encompassing dialogue and mutual enrichment. It embodies the spiritual essence inherent in individuals, communities, eras, and cultural contexts, shaped by moral and spiritual values specific to cultural circles. Education bridges the gap between the ‘values of the environment’ and the ‘values of life experience’, defining the persona of individuals, communities, and societies. It functions as a repository of intellectual potential, dismissing the notion of ‘excessive’ education and highlighting its indispensability for human growth. Values, pivotal to human intellectual exploration, encapsulate the initiation, propagation, or negation of philosophical paradigms within fluctuating contexts. Education emerges as a distinctive manifestation of self-cultivation and a testament to human accomplishments. This study aimed to assess sustainable social development awareness and implementation readiness among future psychologists. The investigation involved 160 Ukrainian psychology students, employing written surveys and statistical analysis. Findings unveiled a limited comprehension of sustainable societal development among respondents, often narrowed to environmental concerns and overlooking the social facet. Despite this, over half of the participants sought alignment with their interpretation, integrating these ideals into their university environment. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine intensified the urgency of instilling sustainable development values, though a third of the respondents fully embraced these concepts. Implementation challenges included consumeristic attitudes towards natural resources and low environmental consciousness, highlighting the need for value propagation and social responsibility cultivation. Respondents recognized the social dimension’s salience in their future professional roles, albeit with a tendency to overlook intergenerational continuity concerns. The study exposed limited and fragmented competence in understanding sustainable societal development among future psychologists, with value cultivation appearing spontaneous and disjointed. The university environment presents an opportunity to nurture sustainable development values, urging educators to augment students’ competency and motivational preparedness for their roles in implementing these concepts.Освіта слугує динамічною взаємодією між поколіннями, що передбачає діалог і взаємозбагачення. Вона втілює духовну сутність, притаманну окремим людям, спільнотам, епохам і культурним контекстам, сформовану моральними і духовними цінностями, притаманними певним культурним колам. Освіта долає розрив між "цінностями середовища" і "цінностями життєвого досвіду", визначаючи обличчя людини, спільнот і суспільств. Вона функціонує як сховище інтелектуального потенціалу, відкидаючи поняття "надмірної" освіти і підкреслюючи її незамінність для людського зростання. Цінності, що є ключовими для інтелектуальних пошуків людини, містять у собі ініціацію, поширення або заперечення філософських парадигм у мінливих контекстах. Освіта постає як особливий прояв самовдосконалення та свідчення людських досягнень. Це дослідження мало на меті оцінити рівень обізнаності та готовності до впровадження ідей сталого соціального розвитку серед майбутніх психологів. У дослідженні взяли участь 160 українських студентів-психологів, використовуючи письмове опитування та статистичний аналіз. Результати показали, що респонденти мають обмежене уявлення про сталий суспільний розвиток, часто звужене до екологічних проблем та ігнорує соціальний аспект. Незважаючи на це, більше половини учасників прагнули узгодити свою інтерпретацію з ідеалами сталого розвитку, інтегруючи їх у своє університетське середовище. Конфлікт, що триває в Україні, посилив нагальність впровадження цінностей сталого розвитку, хоча третина респондентів повністю прийняла ці концепції. Проблеми впровадження включають споживацьке ставлення до природних ресурсів та низький рівень екологічної свідомості, що підкреслює необхідність поширення цінностей та виховання соціальної відповідальності. Респонденти визнали важливість соціального виміру в їхній майбутній професійній діяльності, хоча і з тенденцією до ігнорування проблем спадкоємності поколінь. Дослідження виявило обмежену та фрагментарну компетентність у розумінні сталого розвитку суспільства серед майбутніх психологів, а формування цінностей виглядає спонтанним та розрізненим. Університетське середовище надає можливість виховувати цінності сталого розвитку, закликаючи викладачів підвищувати компетентність і мотиваційну готовність студентів до їхньої ролі у впровадженні цих концепцій

    Money phenomenon as a value-based self-identification: speech semantics, communicative culture, philosophical meanings

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    The article deals with the value-based vector of psycho-philosophical understanding of the money phenomenon and its role in modern society. Developing Georg Simmel‟s ideas, money is considered not only as a solely economic phenomenon but also as a social one. Money originates from the world‟s cultural development with the gradual formation of money culture as a space of economic and social interaction. The nature of the individual‟s economic activity, values, and life orientations are formed under the influence of the money culture of a particular historical period. Modern money culture is usually called a financial civilisation. The article examines the features of modern money culture and identifies its main features and problems. The article analyses the issue of the constructive and destructive attitude of the individual to money via a description of the personality typology based on clinical observations and interpreted through the prism of psychoanalytic theory. The study highlights the concept of money from the point of view of a socio-psychological approach. It also discusses the theoretical foundations of the influence money has on the decision-making process and human behaviour