238 research outputs found

    Linking of the mini-computer Electronik-100I and NR-9821A

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    The means of transmitting digital information from the computer E-100I to the desk top calculator NR-9821A with the help of an intermediate carrier of information (perforated tape) is described. The means of removal of information from the computer E-100I in a form which is understandable for the NR-9821A are given. Instructions for the use and programming of the transcription of information onto magnetic tape from the perforated tape and from the keyboard of the calculator are included

    New nucleic dyes for pico-and nanoplankton cytometric analysis

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    Flow cytometry (FCM) is a promising tool in the field of aquatic phytoplankton ecology because it allows for multi-parameter assessment of the physiological state of individual cells in an algal population. It can help to elucidate major questions such as phytoplankton taxa identification, the evaluation of cell quantity and viability, and the measuring of phytoplankton and general microbial metabolic activities. Traditionally, microalgal characterization is performed by microscopic analysis using UV-excited nuclear dyes (e.g. Hoechst and DAPI) or dyes that are excited in the blue-green part of the spectrum such as propidium iodide and eosin. The development of multi-laser cytometric systems has widened the possibilities for multi-parametric analysis and cell sorting of phytoplankton populations. Notwithstanding, significant algae autofluorescence originating from different types of chlorophyll and accessory pigments may overlap with propidium iodide and/or eosin staining and affect the resolution of algae clusters and cell sorting

    New nucleic dyes for pico-and nanoplankton cytometric analysis

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    Flow cytometry (FCM) is a promising tool in the field of aquatic phytoplankton ecology because it allows for multi-parameter assessment of the physiological state of individual cells in an algal population. It can help to elucidate major questions such as phytoplankton taxa identification, the evaluation of cell quantity and viability, and the measuring of phytoplankton and general microbial metabolic activities. Traditionally, microalgal characterization is performed by microscopic analysis using UV-excited nuclear dyes (e.g. Hoechst and DAPI) or dyes that are excited in the blue-green part of the spectrum such as propidium iodide and eosin. The development of multi-laser cytometric systems has widened the possibilities for multi-parametric analysis and cell sorting of phytoplankton populations. Notwithstanding, significant algae autofluorescence originating from different types of chlorophyll and accessory pigments may overlap with propidium iodide and/or eosin staining and affect the resolution of algae clusters and cell sorting

    Experimental grounds of phosphatidylcholine liposomes use as a new antihypertensive drug

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    В експериментах на спонтанно гіпертензивних щурах показано, що фосфатидилхолінові ліпосоми (ФХЛ) як при одноразовому, так і при курсовому введенні щурам із генетично детермінованою артеріальною гіпертензією викликають достовірне зниження рівня артеріального тиску. Введення ФХЛ викликає нормалізацію дилататорної відповіді судин експериментальних тварин на стимуляцію вироблення ендогенного оксиду азоту. Крім того, ФХЛ усувають властиву артеріальній гіпертензії тканинну гіпоксію. Виявлена залежність гіпотензивної дії фосфатидилхолінових ліпосом від дози. Зроблено висновок про можливість застосування ФХЛ у комплексному лікуванні артеріальної гіпертонії.В экспериментах на спонтанно гипертензивных крысах показано, что фосфатидилхолин липосомы (ФХЛ) как при однократном, так и при курсовом введении крысам с генетически детерминированной артериальной гипертензией вызывают снижение уровня артериального давления. Введение ФХЛ вызывает нормализацию дилататорнои ответы сосудов экспериментальных животных на стимуляцию выработки эндогенного оксида азота. Кроме того, ФХЛ устраняют характерную артериальной гипертензии тканевую гипоксию. Обнаружена зависимость гипотензивного действия фосфатидилхолинових липосом от дозы. Сделан вывод о возможности применения ФХЛ в комплексном лечении артериальной гипертонии.The experiments on the spontaneously hypertensive rats show that both single and long-term injections of phosphatidylcholine liposomes (PCL) cause a significant decrease in blood pressure. In the vessels of the experimental animals, PCL normalized the dilatory response to stimulation of endogenous synthesis of nitric oxide. Besides, PCL relieved a tissue hypoxia, which is typical for arterial hypertension. Such a hypotensive effect correlated with a dose of phosphatidylcholine liposomes. It has been concluded that PCL may be used in a complex treatment of arterial hypertension.

    Peculiarities of phonon spectra and lattice heat capacity in Ir and Rh

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    A simple pseudopotential model is proposed, which allows the phonon spectra and temperature dependence of the lattice heat capacity of Ir and Rh be described with a high enough accuracy. A careful comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the lattice heat capacity is carried out, with the procedure of the identification of the phonon contribution to the heat capacity and determination of the characteristics (momenta) of the phonon density of states from the experimental values of the total heat capacity of metal at a constant pressure being described in detail. The results of the theoretical calculations explain, in particular, such peculiar feature of Ir and Rh, unusual for cubic metals, as a sharp (more than by a factor of 1.5) decrease in the effective Debye temperature with increasing termperature. The temperature dependence of the mean square amplitude of atomic displacements in Ir and Rh has been calculated. Basing on the band calculations the manifestation of the Kohn singularities in the phonon spectra of Ir are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX2e, 12 figures in postscrip

    Registration of terahertz irradiation with silicon carbide nanostructures

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    The response to external terahertz (THz) irradiation from the silicon carbide nanostructures prepared by the method of substitution of atoms on silicon is investigated. The kinetic dependence of the longitudinal voltage is recorded at room temperature by varying the drain-source current in the device structure performed in a Hall geometry. In the frameworks of proposed model based on the quantum Faraday effect the incident radiation results in the appearance of a generated current in the edge channels with a change in the number of magnetic flux quanta and in the appearance of features in the kinetic dependence of the longitudinal voltage. The generation of intrinsic terahertz irradiation inside the silicon carbide nanostructures is also revealed by the electrically-detected electron paramagnetic resonance (EDEPR) measured the longitudinal voltage as a function of the magnetic field value.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Terahertz emission from silicon carbide nanostructures

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    For the first time, electroluminescence detected in the middle and far infrared ranges from silicon carbide nanostructures on silicon, obtained in the framework of the Hall geometry. Silicon carbide on silicon was grown by the method of substitution of atoms on silicon. The electroluminescence from the edge channels of nanostructures is induced due to the longitudinal drain-source current. The electroluminescence spectra obtained in the terahertz frequency range, 3.4, 0.12 THz, arise due to the quantum Faraday effect. Within the framework of the proposed model, the longitudinal current induces a change in the number of magnetic flux quanta in the edge channels, which leads to the appearance of a generation current in the edge channel and, accordingly, to terahertz radiation.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Peculiarities of anharmonic lattice dynamics and thermodynamics of alkaline-earth metals

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    The calculations are performed for a broad range of the properties of Ca and Sr in the fcc and bcc phases. A detailed information on the magnitude and character of temperature dependence of anharmonic effects in the lattice dynamics over the entire Brillouin zone (frequency shifts and phonon damping, Gruneisen parameters) is given. A detailed comparison of the computational results for the heat capacity and thermal expansion with the experimental data is carried out; the theoretical results are in good agreement with the experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 19 Postscript figures, Revte