15 research outputs found

    Quantum analog of the original Bell inequality for two-qudit states with perfect correlations/anticorrelations

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    For an even qudit dimension d2,d\geq 2, we introduce a class of two-qudit states exhibiting perfect correlations/anticorrelations and prove via the generalized Gell-Mann representation that, for each two-qudit state from this class, the maximal violation of the original Bell inequality is bounded from above by the value 3/23/2 - the upper bound attained on some two-qubit states. We show that the two-qudit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state with an arbitrary even d2d\geq 2 exhibits perfect correlations/anticorrelations and belongs to the introduced two-qudit state class. These new results are important steps towards proving in general the 32\frac{3}{2} upper bound on quantum violation of the original Bell inequality. The latter would imply that similarly as the Tsirelson upper bound 222\sqrt{2} specifies the quantum analog of the CHSH inequality for all bipartite quantum states, the upper bound 32\frac{3}{2} specifies the quantum analog of the original Bell inequality for all bipartite quantum states with perfect correlations/ anticorrelations. Possible consequences for the experimental tests on violation of the original Bell inequality are briefly discussed.Comment: 16 page

    Evaluating the Maximal Violation of the Original Bell Inequality by Two-Qudit States Exhibiting Perfect Correlations/Anticorrelations

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    We introduce the general class of symmetric two-qubit states guaranteeing the perfect correlation or anticorrelation of Alice and Bob outcomes whenever some spin observable is measured at both sites. We prove that, for all states from this class, the maximal violation of the original Bell inequality is upper bounded by 3/2 and specify the two-qubit states where this quantum upper bound is attained. The case of two-qutrit states is more complicated. Here, for all two-qutrit states, we obtain the same upper bound 3/2 for violation of the original Bell inequality under Alice and Bob spin measurements, but we have not yet been able to show that this quantum upper bound is the least one. We discuss experimental consequences of our mathematical study.Comment: 12 p

    Ubiquitous Quantum Structure: From Psychology to Finance

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    Quantum-like structure is present practically everywhere. Quantum-like (QL) models, i.e. models based on the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics and its generalizations can be successfully applied to cognitive science, psychology, genetics, economics, finances, and game theory. This book is not about quantum mechanics as a physical theory. The short review of quantum postulates is therefore mainly of historical value: quantum mechanics is just the first example of the successful application of non-Kolmogorov probabilities, the first step towards a contextual probabilistic description of natural, biological, psychological, social, economical or financial phenomena. A general contextual probabilistic model (Växjö model) is presented. It can be used for describing probabilities in both quantum and classical (statistical) mechanics as well as in the above mentioned phenomena. This model can be represented in a quantum-like way, namely, in complex and more general Hilbert spaces. In this way quantum probability is totally demystified: Born's representation of quantum probabilities by complex probability amplitudes, wave functions, is simply a special representation of this type

    On Relations Between Probabilities Under Quantum and Classical Measurements

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