1,231 research outputs found

    Linear magnetoresistance in a quasi-free two dimensional electron gas in an ultra-high mobility GaAs quantum well

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    We report a magnetotransport study of an ultra-high mobility (μˉ≈25×106\bar{\mu}\approx 25\times 10^6\,cm2^2\,V−1^{-1}\,s−1^{-1}) nn-type GaAs quantum well up to 33 T. A strong linear magnetoresistance (LMR) of the order of 105^5 % is observed in a wide temperature range between 0.3 K and 60 K. The simplicity of our material system with a single sub-band occupation and free electron dispersion rules out most complicated mechanisms that could give rise to the observed LMR. At low temperature, quantum oscillations are superimposed onto the LMR. Both, the featureless LMR at high TT and the quantum oscillations at low TT follow the empirical resistance rule which states that the longitudinal conductance is directly related to the derivative of the transversal (Hall) conductance multiplied by the magnetic field and a constant factor α\alpha that remains unchanged over the entire temperature range. Only at low temperatures, small deviations from this resistance rule are observed beyond ν=1\nu=1 that likely originate from a different transport mechanism for the composite fermions

    Efectos del fuego prescrito sobre matorral en las propiedades del suelo

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    The edaphic factors have been evaluated in a sloping segment of 2,68 ha of the «Tuña» woodland municipality of Tineo, affected for descending controlled burns of Erica and Ulex with a yield of 1,5 ha h-1. The soil alterations, immediately after the controlled burns and to the 7, 30 and 90 day, took place to 0-2, 2-5 and 5-10 cm of depth, showing the existence of a temporary increment of the soil fertility (increase of C, N, K, Ca, Mg and specially of available P). Immediately after the fire, clay fraction diminished and sand it increased and vice versa to the 7, 30 and 90 days of the controlled burns. The increase of soil fertility after the fire it could be taken advantage for the quick establishment of a vegetal cover due to the regrowth of the burned vegetation.Se evaluaron las propiedades edáficas en un segmento de pendiente de 2,68 ha del «monte Tuña», municipio de Tineo, afectado por quema controlada a hecho descendente de Erica y Ulex con un rendimiento de 1,5 ha h-1. Las alteraciones en el suelo, inmediatamente después de la quema y a los 7, 30 y 90 días, se produjeron a 0-2, 2-5 y 5-10 cm de profundidad, demostrando la existencia de un incremento temporal de la fertilidad de los suelos quemados (aumento de C, N, K, Ca, Mg y sobre todo de P asimilable). Justo después del fuego hubo una disminución de la fracción arcilla y un aumento de la fracción arena y viceversa a los 7, 30 y 90 días de la quema. El aumento de fertilidad tras la quema podría ser aprovechado para el rápido establecimiento de una cubierta vegetal debido a la brotación de la vegetación quemada

    Rotational inhomogeneities from pre-big bang?

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    The evolution of the rotational inhomogeneities is investigated in the specific framework of four-dimensional pre-big bang models. While minimal (dilaton-driven) scenarios do not lead to rotational fluctuations, in the case of non-minimal (string-driven) models, fluid sources are present in the pre-big bang phase. The rotational modes of the geometry, coupled to the divergenceless part of the velocity field, can then be amplified depending upon the value of the barotropic index of the perfect fluids. In the light of a possible production of rotational inhomogeneities, solutions describing the coupled evolution of the dilaton field and of the fluid sources are scrutinized in both the string and Einstein frames. In semi-realistic scenarios, where the curvature divergences are regularized by means of a non-local dilaton potential, the rotational inhomogeneities are amplified during the pre-big bang phase but they decay later on. Similar analyses can also be performed when a contraction occurs directly in the string frame metric.Comment: 21 pages, corrected typos, references added; to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Anisotropic and strong negative magneto-resistance in the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3

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    We report on high-field angle-dependent magneto-transport measurements on epitaxial thin films of Bi2Se3, a three-dimensional topological insulator. At low temperature, we observe quantum oscillations that demonstrate the simultaneous presence of bulk and surface carriers. The magneto- resistance of Bi2Se3 is found to be highly anisotropic. In the presence of a parallel electric and magnetic field, we observe a strong negative longitudinal magneto-resistance that has been consid- ered as a smoking-gun for the presence of chiral fermions in a certain class of semi-metals due to the so-called axial anomaly. Its observation in a three-dimensional topological insulator implies that the axial anomaly may be in fact a far more generic phenomenon than originally thought.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Dusty wind of W Hya. Multi-wavelength modelling of the present-day and recent mass-loss

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    Low- and intermediate-mass stars go through a period of intense mass-loss at the end of their lives in a phase known as the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). During the AGB a significant fraction of their initial mass is expelled in a stellar wind. This process controls the final stages of their evolution and contributes to the chemical evolution of galaxies. However, the wind-driving mechanism of AGB stars is not yet well understood, especially so for oxygen-rich sources. Characterizing both the present-day mass-loss and wind structure and the evolution of the mass-loss rate of such stars is paramount to advancing our understanding of this processes. We modelled the dust envelope of W Hya using an advanced radiative transfer code. The dust model was analysed in the light of a previously calculated gas-phase wind model and compared to measurements available in the literature, such as infrared spectra, infrared images, and optical scattered light fractions. We find that the dust spectrum of W Hya can partly be explained by a gravitationally bound dust shell that probably is responsible for most of the amorphous Al2_2O3_3 emission. The composition of the large (∼\sim\,0.3\,μ\mum) grains needed to explain the scattered light cannot be constrained, but probably is dominated by silicates. Silicate emission in the thermal infrared was found to originate from beyond 40 AU from the star and we find that they need to have substantial near-infrared opacities to be visible at such large distances. The increase in near-infrared opacity of the dust at these distances roughly coincides with a sudden increase in expansion velocity as deduced from the gas-phase CO lines. Finally, the recent mass loss of W Hya is confirmed to be highly variable and we identify a strong peak in the mass-loss rate that occurred about 3500 years ago and lasted for a few hundred years.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Constraints on the H2O formation mechanism in the wind of carbon-rich AGB stars

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    Context. The recent detection of warm H2_2O vapor emission from the outflows of carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars challenges the current understanding of circumstellar chemistry. Two mechanisms have been invoked to explain warm H2_2O vapor formation. In the first, periodic shocks passing through the medium immediately above the stellar surface lead to H2_2O formation. In the second, penetration of ultraviolet interstellar radiation through a clumpy circumstellar medium leads to the formation of H2_2O molecules in the intermediate wind. Aims. We aim to determine the properties of H2_2O emission for a sample of 18 carbon-rich AGB stars and subsequently constrain which of the above mechanisms provides the most likely warm H2_2O formation pathway. Methods, Results, and Conclusions. See paper

    Evaluating Differences of Erosion Patterns in Natural and Anthropogenic Basins through Scenario Testing: A Case Study of the Claise, France and Nahr Ibrahim, Lebanon

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    This study assessed soil erosion risks of two basins representing different geographical, topographical, climatological and land occupation/management settings. A comparison and an evaluation of site-specific factors influencing erosion in the French Claise and the Lebanese Nahr Ibrahim basins were performed. The Claise corresponds to a natural park with a flat area and an oceanic climate, and is characterized by the presence of 2179 waterbodies (mostly ponds) considered as hydro-sedimentary alternating structures, while Nahr Ibrahim represents an orographic Mediterranean basin characterized by a random unequal land occupation distribution. The Claise was found to be under 12.48% no erosion (attributed to the dense pond network), 65.66% low, 21.68% moderate and 0.18% high erosion risks; while Nahr Ibrahim was found to be under 4, 39.5 and 56.4%, low, moderate and high erosion risks, along with 66% land degradation determined from the intersection of land capability and land occupation maps. Under the alternative scenario for the Claise where ponds were considered dried, erosion risks became 1.12, 0.52, 76.8 and 21.56%, no erosion, low, moderate and high risks, respectively. For Nahr Ibrahim, and following the Land Degradation Neutrality intervention, high erosion risks decreased by 13.9%, while low and moderate risks increased by 3 and 10.8%

    Seed ecology of European mesic meadows

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    Background and Aims: European mesic meadows are semi-natural open habitats of high biodiversity and an essential part of European landscapes. These species-rich communities can be a source of seed mixes for ecological restoration, urban greening and rewilding. However, limited knowledge of species germination traits is a bottleneck to the development of a competitive native seed industry. Here, we synthesize the seed ecology of mesic meadows. Methods: We combined our own experimental data with data obtained from databases to create a combined dataset containing 2005 germination records of 90 plant species from 31 European countries. We performed a Bayesian meta-analysis of this dataset to test the seed germination response to environmental cues including scarification, stratification, temperature, alternating temperature and light. We also used multivariate ordination to check the relationship between seed traits (germination and morphology) and species ecological preferences, and to compare the seed ecology of mesic meadows with that of other herbaceous plant communities from the same geographic area. Key Results: The seed ecology of mesic meadows is characterized by (1) high seed germinability when compared with other herbaceous plant communities; (2) low correspondence between seed traits and species ecological preferences; and (3) a deep phylogenetic separation between the two major families, Poaceae and Fabaceae. Poaceae produce many light seeds that respond to gap-detecting germination cues (alternating temperatures and light); Fabaceae produce fewer heavy seeds, which need scarification to break their physical dormancy. Conclusions: High germinability of meadow seeds will reduce their capacity to form persistent seed banks, resulting in dispersal limitations to passive regeneration. For centuries, human activities have shaped the regeneration of meadows, leading to a loss of seed dormancy and decoupling seeds from seasonal cycles, as has been found in many domesticated species. The same anthropic processes that have shaped semi-natural mesic meadows have left them dependent on continued human intervention for their regeneration, highlighting the importance of active restoration via seed supply

    Fusionless surgery in early-onset scoliosis

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    AbstractBackgroundSurgical treatment of early-onset scoliosis has greatly developed in recent years. Early-onset scoliosis covers a variety of etiologies (idiopathic, neurologic, dystrophic, malformative, etc.) with onset before the age of 5 years. Progression and severity threaten respiratory development and may result in respiratory failure in adulthood. Many surgical techniques have been developed in recent years, aiming to protect spinal and thoracic development.Material and methodsPresent techniques are based on one of two main principles. The first consists in posterior distraction of the spine in its concavity (single growing rod, or vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib [VEPTR]), or on either side (dual rod); this requires iterative surgery, for lengthening, unless motorized using energy provided by a magnetic system. The second option is to use spinal growth force to lengthen the assembly; these techniques (Luque Trolley, Shilla), using a sliding assembly, are known as growth guidance.ResultsThese techniques are effective in controlling early scoliotic deformity, and to some extent restore spinal growth. However, they show a high rate of complications: infection, rod breakage, spinal fixation pull out and, above all, progressive spinal stiffness, reducing long-term efficacy. Respiratory gain is harder to assess, as thoracic expansion does not systematically improve respiratory function, particularly due to impaired compliance of the thoracic cage
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