98 research outputs found

    A hybrid unsupervised approach toward EEG epileptic spikes detection

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    Epileptic spikes are complementary sources of information in EEG to diagnose and localize the origin of epilepsy. However, not only is visual inspection of EEG labor intensive, time consuming, and prone to human error, but it also needs long-term training to acquire the level of skill required for identifying epileptic discharges. Therefore, computer-aided approaches were employed for the purpose of saving time and increasing the detection and source localization accuracy. One of the most important artifacts that may be confused as an epileptic spike, due to morphological resemblance, is eye blink. Only a few studies consider removal of this artifact prior to detection, and most of them used either visual inspection or computer-aided approaches, which need expert supervision. Consequently, in this paper, an unsupervised and EEG-based system with embedded eye blink artifact remover is developed to detect epileptic spikes. The proposed system includes three stages: eye blink artifact removal, feature extraction, and classification. Wavelet transform was employed for both artifact removal and feature extraction steps, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for classification purpose. The proposed method is verified using a publicly available EEG dataset. The results show the efficiency of this algorithm in detecting epileptic spikes using low-resolution EEG with least computational complexity, highest sensitivity, and lesser human interaction compared to similar studies. Moreover, since epileptic spike detection is a vital component of epilepsy source localization, therefore this algorithm can be utilized for EEG-based pre-surgical evaluation of epilepsy

    Proximity effect model for x-ray transition edge sensors

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    Transition Edge Sensors are ultra-sensitive superconducting detectors with applications in many areas of research, including astrophysics. The device consists of a superconducting thin film, often with additional normal metal features, held close to its transition temperature and connected to two superconducting leads of a higher transition temperature. There is currently no way to reliably assess the performance of a particular device geometry or material composition without making and testing the device. We have developed a proximity effect model based on the Usadel equations to predict the effects of device geometry and material composition on sensor performance. The model is successful in reproducing I-V curves for two devices currently under study. We use the model to suggest the optimal size and geometry for TESs, considering how small the devices can be made before their performance is compromised. In the future, device modelling prior to manufacture will reduce the need for time-consuming and expensive testing.This work was partly supported by ESA CTP contract with No. 4000114932/15/NL/BW and EU H2020 AHEAD program

    Stability of HEB receivers at THz frequencies

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    Stability of a hot-electron bolometer (HEB) heterodyne receiver was investigated at frequencies from 0.6THz to 1.9THz. The Allan variance was measured as a function of the integration time and the Allan time was obtained for HEB mixers of different size, as well as with different types of the local oscillator: FIR laser, multiplier chain, and BWO. We have found that due to stronger dependence of the mixer gain and noise vs mixer bias voltage and current the Allan time is shorter for smaller mixers. At 1.6THz the Allan time is 3 sec for 4x0.4μm^2 bolometer, and 0.15-0.2 sec for 1x0.15μm^2 bolometer. Obtained stability apears to be the same for the FIR laser and the mulitplier chain. The Allan time for smaller bolometers increases to 0.4-0.5sec at 0.6-0.7THz LO frequencies. The influence of the IF chain on the obtained results is also analyzed

    Ultrasensitive TES Bolometers for Space Based FIR Astronomy

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    We present results from the development of a background limited transition edge sensor (TES) bolometer for the wavelength band 30–60 μm. The bolometer consists of a Ti/Au superconducting thermometer and a Ta radiation absorber deposited on a 200μm×300μm200μm×300μm membrane of SixNySixNy suspended on long, narrow legs. This device is voltage biased and the current through the device is measured by a SQUID amplifier. The thermometer has transition temperature Tc = 108 mKTc = 108 mK and the device is operated from a 70 mK base plate. FIR radiation is coupled into a multimodc horn with entrance aperture of 450 μm, length 4.5 mm and exit aperture of 45 μm, which feeds a metal integrating cavity containing the detector. The radiation band is defined by a pair of lowpass and highpass mesh filters in front of the horn. Here we present measurements of optical noise equivalent power (NEP), optical efficiency, dynamic range and time constant. The results show that measured TES detectors are close to meeting the requirement of the “Band 3” of SAFARI FTS imaging instrument [1] on the SPICA mission [2]

    Optical requirements and modelling of coupling devices for the SAFARI instrument on SPICA

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    The next generation of space missions targeting far-infrared bands will require large-format arrays of extremely low-noise detectors. The development of Transition Edge Sensors (TES) array technology seems to be a viable solution for future mm-wave to Far-Infrared (FIR) space applications where low noise and high sensitivity is required. In this paper we concentrate on a key element for a high sensitivity TES detector array, that of the optical coupling between the incoming electromagnetic field and the phonon system of the suspended membrane. An intermediate solution between free space coupling and a single moded horn is where over-moded light pipes are used to concentrate energy onto multi-moded absorbers. We present a comparison of modelling techniques to analyse the optical efficiency of such light pipes and their interaction with the front end optics and detector cavity

    Stability of HEB receivers at THz frequencies

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    Stability of a hot-electron bolometer (HEB) heterodyne receiver was investigated at frequencies from 0.6THz to 1.9THz. The Allan variance was measured as a function of the integration time and the Allan time was obtained for HEB mixers of different size, as well as with different types of the local oscillator: FIR laser, multiplier chain, and BWO. We have found that due to stronger dependence of the mixer gain and noise vs mixer bias voltage and current the Allan time is shorter for smaller mixers. At 1.6THz the Allan time is 3 sec for 4x0.4μm^2 bolometer, and 0.15-0.2 sec for 1x0.15μm^2 bolometer. Obtained stability apears to be the same for the FIR laser and the mulitplier chain. The Allan time for smaller bolometers increases to 0.4-0.5sec at 0.6-0.7THz LO frequencies. The influence of the IF chain on the obtained results is also analyzed

    Frequency division multiplexing readout of 60 low-noise transition-edge sensor bolometers

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    We demonstrate multiplexing readout of 60 transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers operating at 90 mK using a frequency division multiplexing readout chain with bias frequencies ranging from 1 to 3.5 MHz and with a typical frequency spacing of 32 kHz. The readout chain starts with a two-stage SQUID amplifier and has a noise level of 9.5 pA/ √{ Hz } . We compare current-voltage curves and noise spectra of TESs measured in a single-pixel mode and in a multiplexing mode. We also map the noise equivalent power (NEP) and the saturation power of the bolometers in both modes, where there are 43 pixels that do not show more than 10% difference in NEP and 5% in saturation power when measured in single pixel and multiplex modes. We have read out a TES with an NEP of 0.45 aW/ √{ Hz } in the multiplexing-mode, which demonstrates the capability of reading out ultra-low noise TES bolometer arrays for space applications

    Electrical cross talk of a frequency division multiplexing readout for a transition edge sensor bolometer array

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    We have characterized and mapped the electrical cross talk (ECT) of a frequency division multiplexing (FDM) system with a transition edge sensor (TES) bolometer array, which is intended for space applications. By adding a small modulation at 120 Hz to the AC bias voltage of one bolometer and measuring the cross talk response in the current noise spectra of the others simultaneously, we have for the first time mapped the ECT level of 61 pixels with a nominal frequency spacing of 32 kHz in a 61 × 61 matrix and a carrier frequency ranging from 1 MHz to 4 MHz. We find that about 94% of the pixels show an ECT level of less than 0.4%. Only the adjacent pixels reach this level, and the ECT for the rest of the pixels is less than 0.1%. We also observe higher ECT levels, up to 10%, between some of the pixels, which have bundled long, parallel coplanar wires connecting TES bolometers to inductor-capacitor filters. In this case, the high mutual inductances dominate. To mitigate this source of ECT, the coplanar wires should be replaced by microstrip wires in the array. Our study suggests that an FDM system can have a relatively low ECT level, e.g., around 0.4% if the frequency spacing is 30 kHz. Our results successfully demonstrate a low electrical cross talk for a space FDM technology