6,797 research outputs found

    Completed Local Ternary Pattern for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification

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    Despite the fact that the two texture descriptors, the completed modeling of Local Binary Pattern (CLBP) and the Completed Local Binary Count (CLBC), have achieved a remarkable accuracy for invariant rotation texture classification, they inherit some Local Binary Pattern (LBP) drawbacks. The LBP is sensitive to noise, and different patterns of LBP may be classified into the same class that reduces its discriminating property. Although, the Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) is proposed to be more robust to noise than LBP, however, the latter’s weakness may appear with the LTP as well as with LBP. In this paper, a novel completed modeling of the Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) operator is proposed to overcome both LBP drawbacks, and an associated completed Local Ternary Pattern (CLTP) scheme is developed for rotation invariant texture classification. The experimental results using four different texture databases show that the proposed CLTP achieved an impressive classification accuracy as compared to the CLBP and CLBC descriptors

    Destination India: Investigating the impact of Goa\u27s attributes on families\u27 leisure travel experience

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    The recent discourse of tourism development among officials within the Government of India has included the state of Goa, mainly because it has consistently witnessed positive economic impacts from tourism. However, in view of competition from other destinations, Goan tourism planners will need to identify important attributes of Goa that will positively affect tourists\u27 destination loyalty. This study examines the correlation between five attributes of Goa and tourists\u27 loyalty to Goa. Families traveling to Goa are targeted in this research because they represent a significant portion (39.5%) of the overall tourist arrivals in 2012. A sample of 258 families was collected, through convenience sampling, at the departure hall of Goa\u27s Dabolim Airport between September and October 2012. The findings of the study revealed that all the attributes investigated have exerted destination loyalty. Moreover, price and accessibility are found to the least significant influence on the loyalty to Goa, These findings contradict those from past studies on individual travelers. Implications of the findings along with suggestions for future research for the tourism industry are also presented in the final section of this paper

    Pengiraan Persentil Taburan Panjang Larian bagi Carta Kawalan Purata Bergerak Berpemberat Eksponen Multivariat

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    Prabhu dan Runger (1997) telah mengemukakan cadangan dalam pemilihan parameter-parameter untuk skema carta kawalan purata bergerak berpemberat eksponen multivariat (MEWMA). Walau bagaimanapun, cadangan tersebut hanya berdasarkan prestasi panjang larian purata (average run length - ARL). Oleh itu, dalam makalah ini, kami akan mengira nilai-nilai persentil untuk taburan panjang larian bagi pelbagai skema carta kawalan MEWMA yang dikemukakan oleh Prabhu dan Runger (1997). Persentil-persentil yang dikira akan membekalkan maklumat tambahan seperti kekerapan isyarat luar kawalan palsu yang awal (early false out of control signals), panjang larian median (median run length - MRL) dan kepencongan taburan panjang larian untuk sesuatu skema tertentu. Maklumat-maklumat tambahan ini mungkin berguna dalam membekalkan jurutera kawalan mutu pengetahuan mendalam dan lengkap tentang sesuatu skema carta kawalan MEWMA yang dipilih berdasarkan cadangan Prabhu dan Runger (1997)

    Respiratory distress in a newborn

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    Seasonal variation in breast cancer diagnosis in Singapore

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    This study investigates seasonality in the diagnosis of 3219 female breast carcinoma cases reported between 1995–8 in Singapore. There is little evidence of marked seasonal variation. Angular regression suggested that observed differences in peak diagnosis with respect to menopausal status, tumour size, ER and PR status may be chance. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Poor Homologous Synapsis 1 Interacts with Chromatin but Does Not Colocalise with ASYnapsis 1 during Early Meiosis in Bread Wheat

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    Chromosome pairing, synapsis, and DNA recombination are three key processes that occur during early meiosis. A previous study of Poor Homologous Synapsis 1 (PHS1) in maize suggested that PHS1 has a role in coordinating these three processes. Here we report the isolation of wheat (Triticum aestivum) PHS1 (TaPHS1), and its expression profile during and after meiosis. While the TaPHS1 protein has sequence similarity to other plant PHS1/PHS1-like proteins, it also possesses a unique region of oligopeptide repeat units. We show that TaPHS1 interacts with both single- and double-stranded DNA in vitro and provide evidence of the protein region that imparts the DNA-binding ability. Immunolocalisation data from assays conducted using antisera raised against TaPHS1 show that TaPHS1 associates with chromatin during early meiosis, with the signal persisting beyond chromosome synapsis. Furthermore, TaPHS1 does not appear to colocalise with the asynapsis protein (TaASY1) suggesting that these proteins are probably independently coordinated. Significantly, the data from the DNA-binding assays and 3-dimensional immunolocalisation of TaPHS1 during early meiosis indicates that TaPHS1 interacts with DNA, a function not previously observed in either the Arabidopsis or maize PHS1 homologues. As such, these results provide new insight into the function of PHS1 during early meiosis in bread wheat