4 research outputs found

    Strategi Humas Polresta Malang dalam Sosialisasi Kewaspadaan Masyarakat pada Isu Tindak Kriminal Begal

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    : Completely new communication is a major factor to successful socialization vigilance the crime begal issues. The purpose of this research is to understand the extent of strategy and faktor-faktor barrier pr polresta unfortunate in the community vigilance on the issues crime begal .Research conducted a qualitative study . The purpose of this research is to understand the extent of strategy and faktor-faktor barrier pr polresta unfortunate in the community vigilance on the issues crime begal .Research conducted a qualitative study . The results of research suggests that strategy public relations poor polresta in implementing socialization of vigilance the community on the issues crime begal is to do partoli and counseling in raise public awareness to be cautious of crime begal with the means of providing information through the print as sepanduk, newspapers and channels radio. Factors barrier that is the lack of consciousness of the community to see any information already provided by the police to minimize actions has crime can against and the around . Keywords: Public relations polresta unfortunate , socialization vigilance crime begal issue

    Animasi Interaktif Pembelajaran Tajwid Pada Taman Qur'an Anak (Tqa) Al Washilah Cirebon

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    Ewline"> Abstract — Media Limited cause children to become bored quickly,thereby reducing the child's interest in learning. With theinnovation and development of technology combined between text,images, audio, music, animated images the support each other, cancause a sense of fun and enthusiasm for learning. So the child'smotivation for learning will increase and not saturated and isexpected to end up learning more. Animated interactive learningtajwid of this method will be a great learning fun and easy for boththe teacher and the student. By learning more interactive,instructor would always required to be creative and innovative inseeking a breakthrough study.Intisari — Media pembelajaran yang terbatas menyebabkananak menjadi cepat bosan sehingga mengurangi ketertarikananak pada pelajaran. Dengan inovasi dan perkembanganteknologi dipadukan antara text, gambar, audio, musik, animasigambar yang saling mendukung, mampu menimbulkan rasasenang dan semangat dalam proses belajar. Sehingga motivasianak selama proses belajar akan bertambah dan tidak jenuh dandengan ini diharapkan tujuan pembelajaran menjadi lebihmaksimal. Animasi Interaktif Pembelajaran Tajwid ini akanmenjadi metode pembelajaran yang amat menyenangkan danmemudahkan baik dari sisi pengajar ataupun siswa. Dengansistem pembelajaran yang lebih interaktif, pengajar akan selaludituntut untuk kreatif dan inovatif dalam mencari terobosanpembelajaran

    Hubungan Paparan Asap dengan Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) pada Anak Usia 0-5 Tahun di Wilayah Pertanian Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember

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    Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) in developing countries at the age of under five have a fairly high prevalence, which relates to air pollution at home, such smoke as firewood, cigarette and mosquito coils.Methods: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between smoke exposure of ARI in age child 0-5 year in agricultural area Panti District, Jember Regency. A case control study design was conducted among grup control 120 and case grup 120 of respondent using stratified random sampling. A self administered questionnaire was used to interview indoor air quality. Chi Square test was perform to analyze the relationship between smoke exposure of ARI.Result: The result identified as exposure to firewood smoke 63.3%, exposure to cigarette smoke 75.8% and exposure to smoke from mosquito coils 68.3%. There were significantly relationship between firewood (χ2 = 5.813; p-value = 0.016), exposure to cigarette smoke (χ2 = 9.094; p-value = 0.004), can immediately bring mosquito coils (χ2 = 4.929; p-value = 0.037). Smoke exposure is relationship with ARI in age child 0-5 year.Conclusion : Therefore, efforts to ARI can be prevented by family who maintain air quality at home