14 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The skills improvement is a crucial aspect by the children/teenagers  in Lembaga Pendidikan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Klas IIB Tanjung Pati, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, the Province of West Sumatra. These children really need education and trainings that could be used for their life when they are come into community. One of training has been conducted for them by the lecturer Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Bung Hatta and some students. The training was about how to makedish washing  liquid . Dish washing liquid is a product that always needed in daily life. This kind of dish washing is more popular than other types. The process of making this washing liquid is very simple and the materials can be obtained easily and the price of the materials are also very cheap. These are the reason why the training was conducted. The training ws followed by a discussion relating to the business of selling the dish washing liquid. Hope the trainingis very useful for the children at PLKA Klas IIB Tanjung Pati


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    Production scheduling is the most important part in carrying out the production process that will be carried out on a production floor. Scheduling activities are carried out before the production process begins to ensure the smooth running of the production process. If the production scheduling is not done properly, there will be obstacles in the production process and will cause losses to the company. This study aims to determine the production machine scheduling in a company engaged in the manufacture of spare parts for automotive products. This company implements a job shop production process and uses the First In First Out method in completing its work. Due to the large number of products that have to be produced, there are often two or more products that must be worked on at the same time and machine. This condition causes some products to have to wait for the associated machine to finish operating and causes long product turnaround times. This problem is solved by making a production machine scheduling using the Non-Delay method. By applying this method, the makespan of completion time can be minimized

    The Implementation of Forecasting Method by Incorporating Human Judgment

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    Business Forecasting (demand forecasting) is an extrapolation process to predict the events that will be happening in the future. Commonly, forecasting methods are divided by two approximations of procedure; those are quantitative and qualitative methods.   In a production system, it is important to predict the demand for the next period. This prediction is done by doing the demand forecasting task. This task is the basis of production planning and control in a production system. The case organization in this research deals with a huge number of products. The manager has to do the replenishment order of the product in every period. Usually, the managers do the forecast based on the demand of the last period. This task indeed not an easy task and sometimes the manager determines the ordering size based on she/he intuition and experience (human judgment). This procedure resulted in a high value of forecasting error that gives some impacts to inventory (occurring overstock and stock out). An appropriate forecasting method is needed to avoid the error value when the forecaster decides the size of demand for the next period. This study aims to investigate an appropriate forecasting method for the business retailer by incorporating human judgment. By using 28 period of time series data from a retailer in Surian, Solok Selatan, West Sumatra, quantitative forecasting methods (Mean, Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing (α = 0.1)), qualitative forecasting method (pure judgment), and the combination of quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods are used for the purpose of data analyses. The finding of the research shows that the quantitative forecasting method has a clear procedure to do forecasting tasks and suitable for the products that have time-series data. Furthermore, qualitative forecasting method such as human judgment is needed for a particular situation (for example for the new products, promotion event, etc.) and when managers have some contextual information regarding the products under concern


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    This research raises the problem of controlling the inventory of medicinal products. The case study was conducted at a drug store in the city of Solok, West Sumatra, where the drug store still has stock out and over stock of various types of drugs it manages. The purpose of this study was to control drug supplies that have a high demand value. Demand data for the period February-April 2020 are grouped with demand value criteria using the Pareto Classification ABC Method. From the demand categorization process, 45 types of drugs were included in A group, which means that this drug group provides a large revenue contribution for the drugstore. Thus, the type A drug group needs more attention from drug store manager in terms of controlling drug supplies. Furthermore, forecasting is carried out for drugs belonging to A drugs group using the Moving Average Method, the Single Exponential Smoothing Method and the Linear Regression Method. The inventory control method adopted is the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method. The results showed that the lot size of each type of drug per order ranged from 10-122 units with a safety stock ranging from 5-50 units of product. Then the reorder points obtained ranged from 8-81 units. With the control of drug supplies in place, it is hoped that the stock out and over stock that occurs in drug stores can be minimized


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    Proper layout arrangements can have an impact on minimizing the distance and time of the production process. The research was conducted at UKM X which produces fish-based snacks in Jambi Province where there is a back and forth flow in work activities due to the placement of work stations that are not in the order of the process flow and the placement of each process in a different room resulting in an increase in both working time and distance required in the production process. The purpose of this research is to re-design the layout of production process facilities in minimizing the distance between production processes by applying the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method. The results of this study indicate that the percentage of reduced material movement distance in the initial layout with the proposed alternative layout I is 21.56% (the selected proposed layout) and in the proposed II alternative layout is 15.94%. And the results of this study can be used as a guideline for UKM X managers which are used as case studies in research.


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    This study discusses the application of the material requirements planning (MRP) method in the planning of raw materials in a furniture company. The purpose of this research is to know the planning of raw materials for furniture products in UD. AA, determine the most suitable inventory model to be applied to material inventory planning and analyze the role of the MRP system in raw material procurement planning. The forecasting method used is the quantitative method of time series analysis, determining the master production schedule, calculating lot sizing (LFL, EOQ, POQ methods). From determining the Master Production Schedule, it is found that the cabinet production plan for the next three months is 4 units per period or week, and based on the calculation of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) it can be seen what components are needed for the manufacture of cabinets, how many and when each component is required. Therefore it is obtained that the total raw material requirement for wood for the next three months is 11.34 m³


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    Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi pada saat ini telah menjadi bencana non alam global yang hingga per tanggal 27 Januari 2021 telah menginfeksi lebih dari 101 juta orang dan lebih dari 2,1 juta orang dinyatakan meninggal akibat terpapar virus Corona. Pandemi ini menjadi permasalahan besar yang melingkupi hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Walaupun pada saat ini telah ditemukan vaksin yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun kekebalan tubuh manusia terhadap virus ini, namun menjalankan kebiasaan hidup baru (new normal) dan patuh dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan (mencuci tangan dengan sabun-memakai masker-menjaga jarak fisik dan menghindari kerumunan) masih menjadi cara paling jitu dalam meutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19. Untuk dapat menjalankan protokol kesehatan ini, penggunaan APD menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat umum. Namun, kekurangan dan keterbatasan APD menjadi permasalahan baru di berbagai daerah. Kekurangan APD di berbagai daerah, termasuk di Kota Padang Provinsi Sumatera Barat ditandai dengan ketidaktersdiaan APD di berbagai toko obat dan apotek serta swalayan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan kekhawatiran masyarakat terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan APD dan menjadi pemicu terjadinya panic buying. Ketidakpastian kebutuhan APD menjadi penyebab sulitnya pengambil keputusan dalam menentukan mengelola pengadaan APD tersebut. Sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu kajian yang memprediksi kebutuhan APD di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan forecasting kebutuhan APD di masa pandemi covid-19 dengan menggunakan Metode Text Mining di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. APD yang diambil sebagai objek penelitian adalah APD berupa masker, pelindung wajah (face-shield), sarung tangan, sepatu boot karet dan baju hazmat. Dengan menggunakan data dari media sosial Twitter, dianalisis kebutuhan APD di Provinsi Sumatera Barat


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    ABSTRACT Training on making paving blocks from plastic waste (colored and or clear bags) for cleaning services of campus 3 Universitas Bung has been conducted. The Community Service (PKM) aims to transfer knowledge and skills in the manufacture of paving blocks which have a higher selling value than plastic bag waste. The long-term goal of this program is to support the Padang City Government program to reduce the amount of waste to the Final Disposal Site and become a community business opportunity to increase sources of income. The methods used in this PKM are: 1) preparation of socialization activities, and 2) counseling and training. The campus cleaning service is enthusiastic about this activity and considers that the training adds to their insight in the utilization of plastic waste into paving blocks, which they never knew about that

    The effects of integrating management judgement into OUT levels: in or out of context?

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    Physical inventories constitute a significant proportion of companies’ investments in today's competitive environment. The trade-off between customer service levels and inventory reserves is addressed in practice by statistical inventory software solutions; given the tremendous number of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) that contemporary organizations deal with, such solutions are fully automated. However, empirical evidence suggests that managers habitually judgementally adjust the output of such solutions, such as replenishment orders or re-order levels. This research is concerned with the value being added, or not, when statistically derived inventory related decisions (Order-Up-To, OUT, levels in particular) are judgementally adjusted. We aim at developing our current understanding on the effects of incorporating human judgement into inventory decisions; to our knowledge such effects do not appear to have been studied empirically before and this is the first endeavour to do so. A number of research questions are examined and a simulation experiment is performed, using an extended database of approximately 1,800 SKUs from the electronics industry, in order to evaluate human judgement effects. The linkage between adjustments and their justification is also evaluated; given the apparent lack of comprehensive empirical evidence in this area, including the field of demand forecasting, this is a contribution in its own right. Insights are offered to academics, to facilitate further research in this area, practitioners, to enable more constructive intervention into statistical inventory solutions, and software developers, to consider the interface with human decision makers

    On the Effect of Combination of Statistical and Judgemental Stock Control Methods

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    Stock control is the most important aspect in an inventory system. It determines the safety stock in order to ensure that products are readily available when the customers require them. The decision makers in organizations tend to rely on software solution in obtaining stock control solutions since they have to manage a massive number of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). However, managers intervene in the system and use their judgement to adjust or decide on various quantitative elements. This research discusses the effects of combination of stock control methods. An extended database of approximately 1,800 SKUs from an electronics company is analyzed. Then, a simulation experiment is performed in order to evaluate in a dynamic fashion what are the effects of applying combined stock control methods. The findings indicate that the combined method of stock control seems to improve the performance of the inventory system, especially in reducing inventory investment