7 research outputs found

    Specific Incompleteness Elicited Complementary Action: Unexpected Legacy of the South African TRC

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    The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), (1) which has long been a leading reference case in transitional justice (TJ), has recently become a focus again in research into post-TJ social change. While its beginnings mainly focus on practical questions of success or failure for each TJ case, TJ studies have moved to more local-oriented topics, such as politics, perceptions, and reactions by local actors. This paper sets its analytical direction in this vein, starting to review the TRC in probing the conflictive motivations and actions of political stakeholders during the TRC’s active period. Being affected by such local politics, the TRC could not achieve what it held as official objectives. Incompleteness in the TRC’s outcomes has naturally been criticised by observers, yet after the end of the official programme, the incompleteness would turn into a catalyst for new movements by civil society actors. We incorporate the concept of propagation of movement repertoire from social movement theory to understand the unexpected legacy of the TRC and draw the current social actions that spontaneously suture the incompleteness of the TRC’s activities

    Navigating a minefield to assert agency

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    Chief! Garu Zenzile Khoisan, leader of the Gorinhaiqua Cultural Council, is also a journalist, poet and cultural activist. He is a leading figure in the First Nations Collective which represents the Gorinhaiqua, Gorachouqua, Cochoqua, the Griqua Royal Council, the San Traditional Royal House and the National Khoi and San Council

    Indivisa : boletín de estudios e investigación

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    Proyecto sobre la aplicación de un plan de comunicación en un centro escolar, que representa múltiples ventajas para las personas que trabajan en él o reciben sus servicios: alivia el ambiente interno, mejora el orden y la organización, evita la repetición de tareas, previene el rumor y las falsas interpretaciones, consigue un servicio más eficaz y amable y genera compromiso y responsabilidad. Se ha realizado para un colegio en concreto, pero puede servir de inspiración para otros centros escolares, aunque adaptándolo al Proyecto Educativo de cada uno, así como al contexto socio-cultural en que se sitúe .Biblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Mapping and excavating spectral traces in post-apartheid Cape Town

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    “…to remember is like starting to see”: South African life stories today

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