18 research outputs found

    Patogenisitas Isolat Beauveria Bassiana Dan Metarhizium Anisopliae Asal Tanah Lebak Dan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan Untuk Agens Hayati Scirpophaga Incertulas

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    Pathogeicity of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae Isolates from Fresh Swamp and Tidal Lowland, South Sumatra for Scirpophaga incertulas Biological Agents. The objectives of the research weret o explore and to determine the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi againts the larvae of Scirpophaga incertulas, and to measure conidial viability and density of the fungi. The method for fungi exploration used larvae of Tenebrio molitor baiting submerged in the soil. The soil was taken from fresh swampand tidal lowland rice in South Sumatra. From the exploration study, we found two species of entomopathogenic fungi: Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Mortality of S. incertulas larvae that had been treated topically with fungal conidia (1x106 conidia ml-1) varied among the isolates. The highest mortality (98.33%) caused by BPlus isolate of B. Bassiana and the lowest by MtmIn isolate of M. anisopliae (57.50%) and BTmTr isolate of B. bassiana (57.50%). The fungal colonies grew fast from the second day up to the fourth day after incubation but the growth became slow after the fifth day. The highest conidial density was resulted by BPcMs of B. bassiana isolate (63.33x106 conidia ml-1) but this density was not significantly different from that of the BPlus of B. bassiana isolate (63.11x106 conidia ml-1). The lowest conidial density found in BTmTr of B. bassiana isolate (20.97x106 conidia ml-1) . The isolate B. bassiana was more effective than M. anisopliae againt the larvae of S.incertulas

    Metode Penukar Ion dalam Penyisihan Ammonia Air Lindi Tpa Muara Fajar dengan Variasi Waktu Kontak dan Ukuran Tanah Lempung

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    Water into the garbage heap that comes from rain water, drainage channels, ground water, or other resources available around Muara Fajar landfill. Shelters Muara Fajar landfill leachate potential to generate waste that seeps into the ground and flows on the surface of the soil around the landfill. Leachate originating from shelters litter may result in increasing levels of environmental pollution in the vicinity of Muara Fajar landfill. Has done research methods ammonium ion exchangers in isolation Muara Fajar landfill leachate with contacts and measure the time variation of clay. This study aims to determine the parameters of pollutant removal efficiency of ammonia (NH3) by ion exchange method using clay and compares the characteristics of leachate treatment with quality raw KEPMENLH / 51/10/1995. This study uses clay size variations -5 + 10; -10 + 15; -15 + 20 mesh and 60 contact hours; 120; 180 minutes. The analysis shows that the leachate characteristics of NH3 concentration 38.69 mg / L indicating a high enough quality and more than raw (Minister of Environment Decree No. 51 of 1995). Having done the flow of leachate recovered pollutant concentrations decrease. Factors influence size variations of clay and contact time effect on the efficiency of reduction of concentration, the larger the mesh size (smaller diameter clay) then recovered the high efficiency of the concentration of pollutants. The results showed that the efficiency was high in clay size -15 + 20 mesh and 180-minute contact time gives the best removal efficiency of 91.12% NH3. While the efficiency of the lowest available in the size clay -5 + 10 mesh that is Ammonia of 17.13%. Cation exchange capacity of 105 earned meq / 100 g sample

    Uji Efikasi Bioinsektisida Jamur Entomopatogen Berformulasi Cair Terhadap Plutella Xylostella (L.) Di Laboratorium

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    Efficacy test of liquid bio-insecticide of entomopathogenic fungi in control against Plutella xylostella in the laboratory. The insect pest P. xylostella could reduce crop production of Brassicaceae. The aim of research was to test the efficacy liquid bio insecticide with active ingredient of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae fungi to control P. xylostella. Bio-insecticide was applied by spraying on mustard leaves infested with 50 individuals of third instar larvae of P. xylostella and a density of 1x106 conidia ml-1. Larval mortality was observed every 2 hours and LT50 of larvae was calculated. The study showed that the highest percentage of mortality found in Mt ES and Mt ES (cf) isolates was 99.6%, the lowest mortality at Mt NES isolate was 96.80%. LT50 and LT95 values Bb ES were the lowest i.e. 2.04 days and 2.95 days. The highest LT50 and LT95 of Mt NES isolate were 2.24 days and 3.32 days. The liquid bio-insecticide of entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were effective to control the larvae of P. xylostella

    Kelimpahan Dan Keanekaragaman Spesies Laba-laba Predator Hama Padi Ratun Di Sawah Pasang Surut

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    Abundance and Species Diversity of Predatory Spiders for Insect Pests Inhabiting Ratoon Paddy in Tidal Lowland. Ratoon paddy productivity is lower than the main crop. Increasing productivity of the ratoon paddy is to protect the paddy from pests and diseases. This study aimed to analyze the abundance and species diversity of predatory spiders of rice pests on ratoon paddy in tidal lowland. Ratoon paddy field observed was from the main crop that has been harvested and cut 20 cm height. Paddy area observed was 2 ha field planted using Ciherang and Inpara varieties. Spiders inhabiting canopy were sampled using insect nets but soil dwelling spiders were trapped using pitfall traps. The result showed that spider species inhabiting canopy of ratoon paddy were Pardosa pseudoannulata, Lycosa chaperi, Araneus inustus, Cylosa insulana, Atypena adelinae, Erigone bifurca, Erigonidium graminicola, Oxyopes javanus, Argyrodes miniaceus, and Marpisa magister. Spider species found soil dwelling were 11 species, namely Pardosa pseudoannulata, Pardosa sumatrana, Pardosa mackenziei, Pardosa oakleyi, Hogna rizali, Araneus inustus, Cylosa insulana, T. vermiformis, Runcinia albostriata, Coleosoma octomaculatum, and Marpisa magister. Abundance, species number, species diversity for soil dwelling spiders were higher than those for canopy inhabiting spiders. However, the abundance, species number, species diversity for the soil dwelling spiders tended to be higher on the ratoon paddy 3, 4, and 5 week old than those on 1, 2, and 6 week old. From the result, we concluded that abundance, species number, species diversity of spiders found in the ratoon paddy were higher or tended similar to those on the main crop

    The Role of Islamic Finance in Economic Development

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    This paper aims to determine Islamic finance refers to investments that are permissible in accordance with Sharia, Islamic law. Sharia law views money as a measuring tool for value and not an “asset” itself. “It does not permit receipt and payment of riba(interest), gharar (excessive uncertainty), maysir (gambling), short sales or financing activities that it considers harmful to society” (IMF website). The paper relies on functions, and variance decomposition analysis, focusing on the period from January 1994 to May 2007. The results show that both Islamic banks' financing and deposit play important roles in the monetary transmission process in the Malaysian economy. In particular, both Islamic deposit and financing are shown to be statistically significant in linking the monetary policy indicator to the real output. The results imply that the monetary authority should also consider the Islamic banks in the implementation of monetary policy in Malaysia. The results also imply that ensuring the stability of the Islamic financial institutions is just as important as that of the conventional counterpart to achieve an effective transmission of monetary policy in the economy. This paper is a pioneer study undertaking the empirical investigation on the role of Islamic banks in the monetary transmission process in an economy

    The Role of Islamic Finance in Economic Development

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    This paper aims to determine Islamic finance refers to investments that are permissible in accordance with Sharia, Islamic law. Sharia law views money as a measuring tool for value and not an “asset” itself. “It does not permit receipt and payment of riba(interest), gharar (excessive uncertainty), maysir (gambling), short sales or financing activities that it considers harmful to society” (IMF website). The paper relies on functions, and variance decomposition analysis, focusing on the period from January 1994 to May 2007. The results show that both Islamic banks' financing and deposit play important roles in the monetary transmission process in the Malaysian economy. In particular, both Islamic deposit and financing are shown to be statistically significant in linking the monetary policy indicator to the real output. The results imply that the monetary authority should also consider the Islamic banks in the implementation of monetary policy in Malaysia. The results also imply that ensuring the stability of the Islamic financial institutions is just as important as that of the conventional counterpart to achieve an effective transmission of monetary policy in the economy. This paper is a pioneer study undertaking the empirical investigation on the role of Islamic banks in the monetary transmission process in an economy

    Zakat dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam sebuah Alternatif dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan

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    Penelitian ini berangkat dari pemikiran banyaknya problem ekonomi yang dialami masyarakat khususnya Umat Islam yang sering dipandang dengan sebelah mata karena. kemampuannya yang dianggap tidak representatif dalam membangun kekuatan ekonomi Dengan melihat Islam muncul sebagai sistem nilai yang mewarnai perilaku ekonomi masyarakat Muslim kita. Dalam hal ini, zakat memiliki potensi strategis yang layak dikembangkan menjadi salah satu instrumen pemerataan pendapatan di Indonesia. Zakat sangat urgen untuk dikaji kembali sebagai salah satu potensi dana umat yang sangat  guna memecahkan berbagai masalah sosial yang terjadi salama ini, terutama menyangkut kemiskinan dan kesenjangan sosial di masyarakat. Dalam meningkatkan kecemerlangan ekonomi Umat peranan lembaga Zakat sebagai pesan Agama apabila dapat ditadbir dengan sungguh–sungguh dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan syariat Islam akan merupakan sumber dana yang sangat potensi bagi kejayaan pembangunan ekonomi Uma