23 research outputs found

    Self-reported nutritional status, executive functions, and cognitive flexibility in adults

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    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between nutrition status, executive cognitive functions, and cognitive flexibility; and to analyze the role of gender, age, and nutrition status in the prediction of executive cognitive functions and cognitive flexibility in a sample of Iranian adults. Background. This study is based on the hierarchy of needs, health beliefs, developmental, cognitive and psychophysiological conceptualizations of nutrition and their plausible influences on human cognitive functions and cognitive flexibility. Materials and Methods. The randomly selected sample consisted of 200 adult participants (M=99 and F=101) from Eghlid City, the north of Fars province, Iran. A demographic questionnaire, the Nutrition Assessment Inventory (NAI), the Amsterdam Executive Function Inventory (AEFI), and the Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFS) were used. Results. Findings showed significant positive relationships between healthy nutrition (diet-oriented nutrition and high fat foods subscales of Nutrition Assessment Inventory), the evaluation coping subscale, and the total score of Cognitive Flexibility Inventory. In addition, age and nutritional status had a significant impact with regards to predicting cognitive flexibility and executive cognitive functions. Conclusions. Given the significant positive relationship between nutrition status and cognitive flexibility, and the role of gender and nutrition status on executive cognitive functions and mental flexibility, this study may offer beneficial approaches for nutrition and cognitive health programs by clinicians and health education professionals

    Self-reported nutritional status, executive functions, and cognitive flexibility in adults

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    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between nutrition status, executive cognitive functions, and cognitive flexibility; and to analyze the role of gender, age, and nutrition status in the prediction of executive cognitive functions and cognitive flexibility in a sample of Iranian adults. Background. This study is based on the hierarchy of needs, health beliefs, developmental, cognitive and psychophysiological conceptualizations of nutrition and their plausible influences on human cognitive functions and cognitive flexibility. Materials and Methods. The randomly selected sample consisted of 200 adult participants (M=99 and F=101) from Eghlid City, the north of Fars province, Iran. A demographic questionnaire, the Nutrition Assessment Inventory (NAI), the Amsterdam Executive Function Inventory (AEFI), and the Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFS) were used. Results. Findings showed significant positive relationships between healthy nutrition (diet-oriented nutrition and high fat foods subscales of Nutrition Assessment Inventory), the evaluation coping subscale, and the total score of Cognitive Flexibility Inventory. In addition, age and nutritional status had a significant impact with regards to predicting cognitive flexibility and executive cognitive functions. Conclusions. Given the significant positive relationship between nutrition status and cognitive flexibility, and the role of gender and nutrition status on executive cognitive functions and mental flexibility, this study may offer beneficial approaches for nutrition and cognitive health programs by clinicians and health education professionals

    Self-reported nutritional status, executive functions, and cognitive flexibility in adults

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    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between nutrition status, executive cognitive functions, and cognitive flexibility; and to analyze the role of gender, age, and nutrition status in the prediction of executive cognitive functions and cognitive flexibility in a sample of Iranian adults. Background. This study is based on the hierarchy of needs, health beliefs, developmental, cognitive and psychophysiological conceptualizations of nutrition and their plausible influences on human cognitive functions and cognitive flexibility. Materials and Methods. The randomly selected sample consisted of 200 adult participants (M=99 and F=101) from Eghlid City, the north of Fars province, Iran. A demographic questionnaire, the Nutrition Assessment Inventory (NAI), the Amsterdam Executive Function Inventory (AEFI), and the Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFS) were used. Results. Findings showed significant positive relationships between healthy nutrition (diet-oriented nutrition and high fat foods subscales of Nutrition Assessment Inventory), the evaluation coping subscale, and the total score of Cognitive Flexibility Inventory. In addition, age and nutritional status had a significant impact with regards to predicting cognitive flexibility and executive cognitive functions. Conclusions. Given the significant positive relationship between nutrition status and cognitive flexibility, and the role of gender and nutrition status on executive cognitive functions and mental flexibility, this study may offer beneficial approaches for nutrition and cognitive health programs by clinicians and health education professionals

    Psychopathy Deviate Tendency and Personality Characteristics in an Iranian Adolescents and Youth Sample: Gender Differences and Predictors

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the possible effects of gender and age differences in psychopathy tendency and personality characteristics in an Iranian sample. The sample included 106 adolescents and 94 youth that were randomly selected from Eghlid city, Iran. Analysis indicated that psychopathy and personality were positively correlated in agreeableness and conscientiousness domains, and positive affects, intellectual interest and dependability traits among the adolescents and youth groups. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANoVA) rejected the effects of age group and gender in both psychopathy and personality characteristics. The resulting findings indicated that orderliness and positive affect, intellectual interest, extraversion and unconventionality, and orderliness explained psychopathy in the total sample, adolescents, youth and males respectively

    Los roles del bienestar espiritual y la tolerancia a la incertidumbre en la predicción de la felicidad en los ancianos

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    Background: According to spirituality well-being, ambiguity intolerance, and happiness conceptualizations, this study was purposed to investigate the influences of spiritual well-being and uncertainty tolerance on happiness with regards to the moderating roles of sex in the elderly. Method: Participants included 120 elders from Shiraz City, Fars province, Iran. A demographic questionnaire, the Spiritual Well-Being Inventory (SWBI), the Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance Scale-II (MSTAT–II), and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHI) were used for data collection. Results: Findings showed that spirituality well-being and uncertainty intolerance explain 60% of happiness variation in the elderly. But results rejected the role of sex on the prediction of happiness in the present study. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the predictive roles of spiritual well-being and ambiguity tolerance on happiness in the field of gerontology.Antecedentes: De acuerdo con las conceptualizaciones del bienestar espiritual, la intolerancia a la ambigüedad y la felicidad, este estudio se propuso investigar las influencias del bienestar espiritual y la tolerancia a la incertidumbre sobre la felicidad con respecto a los roles moderadores del sexo en los ancianos. Método: Participaron 120 ancianos de la ciudad de Shiraz, provincia de Fars, Irán. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizaron un cuestionario demográfico, el Inventario de Bienestar Espiritual (SWBI), la Escala II de Tolerancia a la Ambigüedad de Tipos de Estímulos Múltiples (MSTAT-II) y el Cuestionario de Felicidad de Oxford (OHI). Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la espiritualidad, el bienestar y la intolerancia a la incertidumbre explican el 60% de la variación de la felicidad en los ancianos. Pero los resultados rechazaron el papel del sexo en la predicción de la felicidad en el presente estudio. Conclusión: Este estudio demuestra los roles predictivos del bienestar espiritual y la tolerancia a la ambigüedad sobre la felicidad en el campo de la gerontología

    Personality Dimensions and Attributional Styles in Individuals with and without Gender Dysphoria

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    This research investigates personality dimensions and attributional styles among individuals with and without gender dysphoria in relationship to gender, educational level, and ethnicity. Participants were 60 men and women with and without gender dysphoria. A demographic sheet and two inventories were used. Results showed that patients with gender dysphoria had significantly higher neuroticism and lower agreeableness compared with individuals without gender dysphoria. No significance differences in extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness (based on the “big five” personality model) were found between those with and without gender dysphoria. Also, individuals without gender dysphoria had higher positive attributional styles compared to patients with gender dysphoria. Finally, there were significant effects for gender and ethnicity on personality dimensions, but not for gender, ethnicity, or the ethnicity by gender interaction on the attributional styles

    Early Maladjustment Schemas in Individuals with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective. This study explored Early Maladjustment Schemas (EMSs) among individuals with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus and examined potential moderating roles for gender, level of education, and occupation. Methods. The sample included 371 adult participants (120 patients with diabetes and 251 individuals without diabetes), from Shiraz City, Fars province; Iran. The Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (YSQ-SF) was used to assess early maladjustment schemas. Results. Findings showed that patients with type 2 diabetes had significantly higher scores than controls on a number of EMSs, including abandonment, failure, vulnerability, enmeshment, self-sacrifice, entitlement, and insufficient self-control schemas as well as the over-vigilance and inhibition schematic domains. However, results did not support roles for gender, the level of education, and occupation on any of EMSs and schematic domains. Conclusions. Medical and health professionals may find these results helpful for assessment, treatment, and prevention goals in patients with type 2 diabetes

    Mental Health and Coping Styles of Rural Residents Affected by Drinking Water Shortage in Fars Province : An Ecopsychological Perspective = Mentalhygiene und Bewältigungsstrategien bei von Trinkwassermangel betroffener Landbevölkerung in der Provinz Fars : Die Ökopsychologische Perspektive

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    The purpose of this study was to examine, in an Iranian sample, the effect of drinking water shortage on the rural residents’ mental health and their coping styles, and to investigate the influences of gender, location of residence, marital status, job and the level of education on these constructs. Participants included 1198 rural residents around the Iranian cities of Darab and Eghlid. A demographic questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire 28 (GHQ-28), and the Coping Styles with Drinking Water Crisis Scale (CSDWS) were used in this study. The CSDWS is a multidimensional construct with four factors including: (1) optimising water consumption methods, (2) water-free technologies and social changes in life, (3) usage of high-quality technologies in water saving, and (4) emotion-focused avoidant coping styles. Rural residents who had suffered no drinking water shortage had a significantly higher performance of rational coping styles and had a lower psychopathology indicator and a lower performance of emotion-focused avoidant coping styles than rural residents who had experienced drinking water shortage. The effect of location of residence, marital status, level of education and occupation on coping styles and mental health was affirmed in this sample. | Die Rolle der lokalen Ressourcenwirtschaft: Eines der Ziele der Untersuchung bestand darin, an einer Stichprobe aus dem Iran die Auswirkungen von Trinkwassermangel auf die Mentalhygiene der ländlichen Bevölkerung und auf ihre Bewältigungsstrategien zu untersuchen und im Weiteren zu klären, inwieweit diese von Geschlecht, Wohnort, Familienstand, Arbeitsplatz und Bildungsstand beeinflusst werden. In der Untersuchung wurden 1198 Bewohner der ländlichen Umgebung der Städte Darab und Eghlid im Iran erfasst. Hierfür wurden ein demografischer Fragebogen, der Fragebogen zum allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand (General Health Questionnaire 28, GHQ-28) und die Skala Bewältigungsmethoden bei Trinkwassermangel (Coping Styles with Drinking Water Crisis, CSDWS) verwendet. Die CSDW-Skala umfasst die folgenden vier Faktoren: 1. Methoden zur Optimierung des Wasserverbrauchs, 2. wasserfreie Technologien und gesellschaftliche Veränderungen, 3. Einsatz von Spitzentechnologien bei Wassersparmaßnahmen und 4. emotionsorientiertes Coping und Vermeidung. Diejenigen auf dem Land lebenden Personen, die nicht unter Wassermangel litten, waren signifikant erfolgreicher in der Nutzung rationaler Bewältigungsmethoden, wiesen niedrigere psychopathologische Werte auf und neigten weniger zu emotionsorientiertem Coping und Vermeidung als solche, die unter Trinkwassermangel litten. Anhand der Stichprobe konnten die Auswirkungen von Wohnort, Familienstand, Bildungsstand und Arbeitsplatz auf die Bewältigungsmethoden und auf die Mentalhygiene nachgewiesen werden

    Personality dimensions and attributional styles in individuals with and without gender dysphoria

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    This research investigates personality dimensions and attributional styles among individuals with and without gender dysphoria in relationship to gender, educational level, and ethnicity. Participants were 60 men and women with and without gender dysphoria. A demographic sheet and two inventories were used. Results showed that patients with gender dysphoria had significantly higher neuroticism and lower agreeableness compared with individuals without gender dysphoria. No significance differences in extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness (based on the “big five” personality model) were found between those with and without gender dysphoria. Also, individuals without gender dysphoria had higher positive attributional styles compared to patients with gender dysphoria. Finally, there were significant effects for gender and ethnicity on personality dimensions, but not for gender, ethnicity, or the ethnicity by gender interaction on the attributional styles

    Factors Predicting Inter-Ethnic Friendships at the Workplace

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    This study explored factors that may contribute to inter-ethnic friendships, both in terms of quantity and satisfaction with those friendships. Participants were 200 working adults who were studying part-time in a long-distance program in a university in Malaysia. In general, demographic factors (gender, ethnicity, education, and income) had no significant relationships with number of inter-ethnic friends and satisfaction people had with inter-ethnic friendships. Ethnic identity and stress at work also did not have significant relationships with number of inter-ethnic friends. However, they were significantly related to satisfaction with inter-ethnic friendships. People with higher ethnic identification were more satisfied with inter-ethnic friendships whereas people with more stress at work reported lower satisfaction with inter-ethnic friendships