86 research outputs found

    Sobre a essência aristotélica

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    The concept of essence holds a pivotal role in unraveling Aristotle’s metaphysical framework. In his exploration of Metaphysics, Aristotle delves into the quest for fundamental being, positing that the primary substance is essentially synonymous with essence. This paper examines the criteria for essence, drawing from both the Categories and Metaphysics Z. Two distinct perspectives on essentialism, namely individual essentialism, aligned with the contemporary modal account of essence, and kind essentialism, are scrutinized. Through a critical analysis, this paper contends that both these essentialist accounts fall short in adequately elucidating the Aristotelian concept of essence. Consequently, this pivotal notion, governed by Aristotelian criteria, remains a perplexing enigma, challenging contemporary attempts to fully grasp its intricacies.Na Metafísica, Aristóteles se debruça sobre a questão fundamental do ser, colocando que a substância primeira é expressamente sinônima de essência. Este artigo examina o critério para essência, partindo das Categorias e do livro Z da Metafísica. O conceito de essência desempenha um papel fundamental no entendimento da estrutura da metafísica aristotélica. Na Metafísica, Aristóteles se debruça sobre a questão fundamental do ser, colocando que a substância primeira é expressamente sinônima de essência. Este artigo examina o critério para essência, partindo das Categorias e do livro Z da Metafísica. Duas perspectivas distintas do essencialismo são analisadas, a saber,  essencialismo individual, alinhada com a abordagem modal contemporânea de essência, e essencialismo de tipo. Por meio de uma análise crítica, esse artigo defende que ambos os essencialismos não são suficientes para elucidar o conceito aristotélico de essência. Consequentemente, essa noção fundamental, governada por critérios aristotélicos, continua enigmática, desafiando tentativas contemporâneas a tentarem entender sua complexidade.Na Metafísica, Aristóteles se debruça sobre a questão fundamental do ser, colocando que a substância primeira é expressamente sinônima de essência. Este artigo examina o critério para essência, partindo das Categorias e do livro Z da Metafísica. O conceito de essência desempenha um papel fundamental no entendimento da estrutura da metafísica aristotélica. Na Metafísica, Aristóteles se debruça sobre a questão fundamental do ser, colocando que a substância primeira é expressamente sinônima de essência. Este artigo examina o critério para essência, partindo das Categorias e do livro Z da Metafísica. Duas perspectivas distintas do essencialismo são analisadas, a saber,  essencialismo individual, alinhada com a abordagem modal contemporânea de essência, e essencialismo de tipo. Por meio de uma análise crítica, esse artigo defende que ambos os essencialismos não são suficientes para elucidar o conceito aristotélico de essência. Consequentemente, essa noção fundamental, governada por critérios aristotélicos, continua enigmática, desafiando tentativas contemporâneas a tentarem entender sua complexidade

    Parfit and Non-Identity Problem

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    One of the longstanding issues that haunted the minds of many philosophers is our responsibility toward future generations. However, our crude intuition tells us that we owe many tasks toward next generations and our offspring, this seemingly obvious common-sense view has been disputed seriously and now is a matter of controversy one of the philosophical arguments that most forcefully challenged the intuitively accepted responsibility toward nonexistent people has been developed by Dereck Parfit [8]. According to this argument, the presently existent people cannot be held responsible for harms that are caused by their actions. The reason that future people, so long as they have a life worth living, aren’t morally allowed to complain about their disastrous situation to harmdoer is that right-duty relation can hold merely between determinate and existent people. Parfitt's counterintuitive idea has been challenged by philosophers. In recent literature, Anthony Wrigley [10 & 11) sets out to provide a solution to the problem of nonidentity drawing on the David Lewis’s metaphysics of modality. In this paper, raising three objections, I argue why Wrigley's solution cannot address Parfit's concern about nonexistent people

    On Aristotelian Essence

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    The concept of essence holds a pivotal role in unraveling Aristotle’s metaphysical framework. In his exploration of Metaphysics, Aristotle delves into the quest for fundamental being, positing that the primary substance is essentially synonymous with essence. This paper examines the criteria for essence, drawing from both the Categories and Metaphysics Z. Two distinct perspectives on essentialism, namely individual essentialism, aligned with the contemporary modal account of essence, and kind essentialism, are scrutinized. Through a critical analysis, this paper contends that both these essentialist accounts fall short in adequately elucidating the Aristotelian concept of essence. Consequently, this pivotal notion, governed by Aristotelian criteria, remains a perplexing enigma, challenging contemporary attempts to fully grasp its intricacies

    Parfit’s Non-Identity Problem

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    One of the longstanding issues that haunted the minds of many philosophers is our responsibility toward future generations. D. Parfit put forward one of the philosophical arguments that real people cannot be held accountable for the harm caused by their actions. Future people, as long as they have a decent life, cannot complain about a possible catastrophic situation created by the society that lives now, because subject-subject debt relationship can only exist between certain and existing people. D. Parfit’s counterintuitive idea has been challenged by philosophers. In recent literature A. Wrigley sets out to provide a solution to the problem of nonidentity drawing on the D. Lewis’s metaphysics of modality. It is reasoned why the proposal of A. Wrigley cannot solve the problems about non-existent people advanced by D. Parfit

    Ibn Sina: Divine Simplicity and the Problem of Ineffability

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    This paper explores applying the truthmaker theory to address the challenge of divine simplicity and its alignment with Ibn Sina’s understanding of divine attributes. It proposes that God’s essence enables the predication of these attributes, eliminating the need for constituent properties. By adopting this approach, meaningful statements about God can be expressed without delving into ontological intricacies. The truthmaker account establishes a direct connection between God’s necessary existence and the truthfulness of statements about Him, overcoming the barrier of ineffability. It offers a robust framework for understanding and expressing the truth of divine attributes while preserving divine simplicity. Ultimately, the truthmaker account provides a compelling resolution to the problem of ineffability in the realm of divine attributes in Ibn Sina’s philosophy

    About Aristotelian essence

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    Na Metafísica, Aristóteles se debruça sobre a questão fundamental do ser, colocando que a substância primeira é expressamente sinônima de essência. Este artigo examina o critério para essência, partindo das Categorias e do livro Z da Metafísica. O conceito de essência desempenha um papel fundamental no entendimento da estrutura da metafísica aristotélica. Na Metafísica, Aristóteles se debruça sobre a questão fundamental do ser, colocando que a substância primeira é expressamente sinônima de essência. Este artigo examina o critério para essência, partindo das Categorias e do livro Z da Metafísica. Duas perspectivas distintas do essencialismo são analisadas, a saber, essencialismo individual, alinhada com a abordagem modal contemporânea de essência, e essencialismo de tipo. Por meio de uma análise crítica, esse artigo defende que ambos os essencialismos não são suficientes para elucidar o conceito aristotélico de essência. Consequentemente, essa noção fundamental, governada por critérios aristotélicos, continua enigmática, desafiando tentativas contemporâneas a tentarem entender sua complexidade

    Ultrasound Elastography: Direct Strain Estimation

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    Ultrasound elastography involves measuring the mechanical properties of tissue, and has many applications in diagnostics and intervention. Ultrasound elastography techniques mainly target obtaining strain images from raw Radio-Frequency (RF) echo field produced by ultrasound machine without adding any hardware. A common step in different elastography methods is imaging the tissue while it undergoes deformation and estimating the displacement field from the images. A popular next step is to estimate tissue strain, which gives clues into the underlying tissue elasticity modulus. To estimate the strain, one should compute the gradient of the displacement image, which amplifies the noise. The noise is commonly minimized by least square estimation of the gradient from multiple displacement measurements, which reduces the noise by sacrificing image resolution. The first part of this thesis propose a new method which adaptively adjusts the level and orientation of the smoothing strain images using two different mechanisms. First, the precision of the displacement field decreases significantly in the regions with high signal decorrelation, which requires increasing the smoothness. Second, smoothing the strain field at the boundaries between different tissue types blurs the edges, which can render small targets invisible. To minimize blurring and noise, we perform anisotropic smoothing and perform smoothing parallel to the direction of the edges. The first mechanism ensures that textures/variations in the strain image reflect underlying tissue properties and are not caused by errors in the displacement estimation. The second mechanism keeps the edges between different tissue structures sharp while minimizing the noise. The second part of this thesis introduces a 2D strain imaging technique called SHORTCUT (meSHing Of gRadienT in DP for direCt Ultrasound elasTography) based on minimizing a cost function. The cost function incorporates similarity of echo amplitudes and tissue continuity. The proposed technique is fast, robust and accurate and it directly produces the strain images from RF data using a novel dynamic programming (DP) configuration. Unlike the standard DP algorithm which discretizes the decision space (displacement field) and search in the space of piecewise constant functions, the proposed DP discretizes the gradient of the decision space (strain field) and search the space of continuous piecewise linear functions. Eliminating the displacement differentiation block and performing a global search instead of local search which exist in all of the available strain estimation techniques result in substantial improvement in SNR, CNR and accuracy of the estimations. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is investigated through simulation data, phantom experiments, and in vivo patient data

    Effects of Asphalt Binder Modifying with Polypropylene on Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures with Thermodynamically Concepts

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    In this study, the effect of using Polypropylene (PP) as an antistripping additive of asphalt mixtures is investigated. Here, the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures is evaluated by determining the micro-mechanisms using the surface free energy (SFE) concept. The adhesion bond between the aggregate and asphalt binder and the cohesion strength of the asphalt binder are considered as the main factors that affect moisture damage of asphalt mixtures. Test results indicate that the use of PP improves the resistance of asphalt mixtures in both wet and dry conditions. Also, the results of the SFE tests showed that the modifying asphalt binder with PP increases free energy of adhesion that will improve adhesion resistance between asphalt binder-aggregates. The amount of debonding energy in the samples which are modified with PP is lower than the control samples. This shows that by modifying asphalt binders, the tendency of asphalt binder-aggregate stripping can be reduced. The results show the total SFE of the asphalt binders of the modified samples have more free energy rather than the control samples. This phenomenon shows that failure in the asphalt binder film and cohesion failure will be happened more rarely

    Impacts of chronic illness on families: Experiences of Iranian family of patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Qualitative Study

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    Family members are often the primary healthcare providers and support for patients with a chronic disease such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Families endure and encounter long term difficulties when caring for a person suffering from MS. This study was conducted to explain the family experiences with multiple sclerosis and their problem and concerns.In a qualitative research, based on conventional content analysis, 18 family caregivers of patients with MS were selected by using purposive sampling method. Data were collected through semi-structured and in-depth interviews conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis Society and hospitals of Tabriz in Iran from May to December of 2015. Data were analyzed according to qualitative content analysis by using the MAXQDA.10 software. Interviews identified three main categories regarding family caregiver experiences with MS: 1) disease onset crisis, 2) disease burden, and 3) living in the shadow of death. The results showed that family caregivers of MS patients face numerous problems and they are at risk for depression and a lower quality of life due to disease burden. Also the results revealed the main concerns of families are financial problems and fear of paralysis and patient be crippled. Healthcare providers can use these results to better support and care for patients and their family members in order to improve their quality of life and reduce disease complications