10 research outputs found


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    Timely diagnosis and efficacious pharmacotherapy of depressive disorders are of immediate concern to the medical practice. The quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalography method enables differential evaluation of the affective disorder treatment efficacy. The aim of the study was to perform comparative evaluation of pharmacological  activity of two treatment regimens for moderate somatization disorders in patients with gastrointestinal pathology: monotherapy with fluoxetine — an antidepressant  of the selective serotonin  reuptake  inhibitors  class, and combination  therapy  with melatonin-containing medicine.  Methods: the severity of the depressive disorder and the efficacy of the treatment regimens were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). The quantitative  pharmaco-electroencephalography (pharmaco-EEG) was used both before and during the treatment to analyse the effect of the medicinal products on the functional state of the brain in the patients with depressive disorder. Results: it was shown that the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin  results in a more rapid regression of depressive symptoms according to the HDRS-17 scale. The quantitative pharmaco-EEG method helped to reveal specific differences between the effect of fluoxetin as monotherapy and in combination  with melatonin  on the bioelectrical activity on the patients brain. Conclusions: the analysis of the relative power of the patient brain rhythms by pharmaco-EEG demonstrated a more rapid restoration  of normal EEG rhythms in the patients who received the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin, than in those patients who received fluoxetine monotherapy which did not result in complete remission of the existing depressive episode in a number of patients after the 42-day treatment course.Своевременная диагностика и эффективная фармакотерапия депрессивных расстройств  является  актуальной проблемой в медицинской практике. Метод количественной фармако-электроэнцефалографии позволяет дифференцированно оценить  эффективность лечения  данного  аффективного расстройства.  Цель работы: проведение  сравнительного анализа  фармакологической активности двух схем лечения  соматизированного депрессивного расстройства  средней степени  тяжести у пациентов с патологией  желудочно-кишечного тракта: монотерапии антидепрессантом из группы селективных  ингибиторов обратного захвата серотонина — флуоксетином и его комбинированного применения с лекарственным препаратом, содержащим  мелатонин. Методы: с помощью  шкалы  Гамильтона  (HDRS-17) проводилась оценка  степени  тяжести депрессивного расстройства  у пациентов и эффективности применения обозначенных схем фармакотерапии. Методом  количественной фармако-электроэнцефалографии  (фармако-ЭЭГ),  использовавшимся как до начала лечения,  так и на фоне проведения соответствующего  режима фармакотерапии, осуществлялся анализ влияния вышеуказанных лекарственных средств на функциональное состояние головного  мозга пациентов с депрессивным  расстройством. Результаты: показано, что комбинация флуоксетина с мелатонином способствует  более быстрому регрессу депрессивной симптоматики согласно шкале HDRS-17. Метод количественной фармако-ЭЭГ позволил выявить  характерные  различия  во влиянии флуоксетина при монотерапии или комбинированном применении с мелатонином на биоэлектрическую активность  головного  мозга пациентов. Выводы: проведенный анализ  относительного значения мощности ритмов головного мозга пациентов методом количественной фармако-ЭЭГ показал,  что восстановление нормальных значений ритмов ЭЭГ на фоне комбинации флуоксетина с мелатонином происходит быстрее, чем при монотерапии флуоксетином, прием  которого  не привел  к полной  ремиссии  текущего депрессивного эпизода у ряда пациентов при лечении в течение 42 сут


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    We've investigate ultrastructural manifestations of cryoapplicator made from a porous and permeable titan nikelid post-traumatic influence on ciliary body tissues in a rabbit's eye wall. During the experiment on 25 adult rabbits 3, 7, 14 and 30 days after local cryoinfluence eye wall fragments taken from experimental and control animals passed the corresponding procedures for electron microscopy. Already received factogrammes primary viewing convinces in specificity of cryoinfluence effect and structural stromal and a ciliary body elements' remodeling. Thus pinpoint morphological analysis of perinecrotic and remote zones of a stroma and ciliary body cryoapplication testifies more expressive their structural integrity, in comparison with usual mechanical damage consequences by the end of the first supervision week. In a peritraumatic wound zone ultrastructural manifestations of all the myoid and fibrous ciliary body elements intracellular regeneration and reorganization, fibroblasts to miofibroblasts transdifferentiation are stated along with signs of its scarring on the 2-nd and 3-rd weeks of experiment


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    A numerical model of the solid-state laser with longitudinal diode pumping making it possible to investigate the properties of Er:YLF laser radiation under conditions of the gain spatial inhomogeneity is developed. Dependence of energy and spatial radiation properties on the spatial parameters of the pumping beam and the activator concentration in the active element is obtained. The relationship between pulse energy and ratio of the fundamental mode radius to the radius of the pump beam is illustrated


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    Timely diagnosis and efficacious pharmacotherapy of depressive disorders are of immediate concern to the medical practice. The quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalography method enables differential evaluation of the affective disorder treatment efficacy. The aim of the study was to perform comparative evaluation of pharmacological  activity of two treatment regimens for moderate somatization disorders in patients with gastrointestinal pathology: monotherapy with fluoxetine — an antidepressant  of the selective serotonin  reuptake  inhibitors  class, and combination  therapy  with melatonin-containing medicine.  Methods: the severity of the depressive disorder and the efficacy of the treatment regimens were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). The quantitative  pharmaco-electroencephalography (pharmaco-EEG) was used both before and during the treatment to analyse the effect of the medicinal products on the functional state of the brain in the patients with depressive disorder. Results: it was shown that the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin  results in a more rapid regression of depressive symptoms according to the HDRS-17 scale. The quantitative pharmaco-EEG method helped to reveal specific differences between the effect of fluoxetin as monotherapy and in combination  with melatonin  on the bioelectrical activity on the patients brain. Conclusions: the analysis of the relative power of the patient brain rhythms by pharmaco-EEG demonstrated a more rapid restoration  of normal EEG rhythms in the patients who received the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin, than in those patients who received fluoxetine monotherapy which did not result in complete remission of the existing depressive episode in a number of patients after the 42-day treatment course