8 research outputs found

    Functional balance and gait characteristics in men with lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia

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    Objectives. To compare gait characteristics and functional balance abilities in men with LUTS secondary to BPH to those of matching controls under different conditions of increasing difficulties; single-task, dual-task motor, and dual-task cognitive. Subjects and methods. In this cross-sectional experimental study we recruited a group of 43 men diagnosed with symptomatic BPH and control group of 38 older men. Participants performed the timed up and go (TUG) and 10-meter walking tests under different conditions of increasing difficulties. Namely, single task, dual-task motor, and dual-task cognitive. Time to complete the tests and spatial and temporal gait parameters were compared between groups and conditions via mixed-design ANOVA. Results. Under dual-task conditions, individuals in both groups performed significantly worse in a functional balance task and a simple walking to usual walking. However, as the complexity of the walking task increased, from dual-task motor to dual-task cognitive, significant differences between groups emerged. In particular, men with PBH performed worse than older adults in tasks demanding increased attentional control. Conclusion. Health care providers for men with LUTS due to BPH should assess for abnormal gait and maintain vigilant for balance problems that may lead to decreased mobility and falls. Dual task approach seems a feasible method to distinguish gait and balance impairments in men with BPH

    Health and skill-related physical fitness of physiotherapy students

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    Physiotherapy is a physically demanding profession. Health and skill-related physical fitness should be emphasized in physiotherapy students for both the personal benefit on their own health and injury prevention and for the sustainability of their ability to meet job demands. This study aims to assess levels of health and skill-related physical fitness in undergraduate physiotherapy students in Jordan. A cross sectional study of 109 physiotherapy students; 23 males aged 19.57 (1.44) years and 86 females aged 20.02 (2.61) years. The following health and skill-related physical fitness components were assessed: body mass index (BMI), modified sit and reach, partial curl-up, push-ups, vertical jump, 20-m shuttle run, handgrip strength, 4x10 shuttle run, and star excursion balance tests. Most of the students had normal BMI (65.1%) but levels of physical fitness were mainly poor and below average except for hamstring flexibility which was excellent. Lack of normative data on agility and dynamic balance in healthy adults who are not athletes limited determining their level in our students. The results mainly demonstrated poor levels of health-related physical fitness of Jordanian physiotherapy students, which could have a significant effect on their performance and increase their risk of injury. Dynamic balance and agility results are presented for the first time in healthy adults (not athletes) which could be used in future research. It is suggested to encourage commitment towards lifestyle modification and health behaviour and increase awareness of the physical demands of the profession

    Translation and Psychometric Properties of the Arabic Version of Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Objective. To translate the patient questionnaire section of the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) into Arabic, examine the reliability of the translated version, and provide descriptive data on a sample of patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods. Researchers used the translation-back translation method to obtain MNSI Arabic. The test was then applied on 76 patients with type 2 diabetes. A subgroup of 25 patients answered MNSI Arabic twice to examine reliability. Results. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.87, revealing good reliability of MNSI Arabic. The most common symptoms patients complained of were numbness (62%), prickling feelings (57%), burning pain (47%), and pain with walking (46%). Conclusion. Similar to the original MNSI version, our study demonstrates that the Arabic version of the MNSI questionnaire is a reliable tool for screening the symptomatic neuropathy status in patients with type 2 diabetes. Availability of this tool in Arabic will provide valuable and easy-to-obtain screening information regarding diabetic peripheral neuropathy that may help delay its complications by promoting early management

    Knowledge of Knee Osteoarthritis and Its Impact on Health in the Middle East: Are They Different to Countries in the Developed World? A Qualitative Study

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    Knowledge of knee osteoarthritis (OA) and its management options affects adherence to treatment, symptoms, and function. Many sociocultural differences exist between Jordan, as a representative of the Middle East, and the developed world which might influence the knowledge of the pathology and its impact on health. Objectives. To explore the knowledge of the pathology and the experience of people diagnosed with knee OA living in Jordan. Methods. Qualitative study design using a triangulation method of both focus groups and in-depth semistructured interviews. Fourteen participants were included (13 females and one male). One focus group and seven in-depth semistructured interviews were conducted. Discussions were audiotaped and transcribed. Framework analysis was used, and data were mapped to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health framework. Results. The themes are as follows: (1) body functions and structures included two subthemes: physical changes and psychological impact; (2) activity limitation and participation restriction included three subthemes: factors influencing the activities, cultural and social perspectives to activity limitation, and participation restriction; (3) personal factors included three subthemes: knowledge and personal interpretation of disease process, knowledge of management options to relief symptoms, and influence of personal factors on activity and participation; and (4) environmental factors included three subthemes: service delivery process, ineffective communication across the care pathway, and facilitators and barriers. Conclusions. Knowledge of the disease was lacking as a consequence of inappropriate service delivery and culture. Activity limitations and participation restrictions are similar in Jordan to other cultures in addition to limitations in religious, employment, and transportation activities. The results demonstrate that the effect of knee OA varies among different cultures and highlight the role of healthcare professionals worldwide in understanding the impact of culture on health. They also increase the awareness of healthcare professionals, specifically in Jordan, on the limitations in delivered services and the importance of education

    Dual-tasking in older women: Physical activity or else?

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    The interplay between gender, Physical Activity (PA), and Dual Tasking (DT) in older adults is unclear. This study aimed to address DT based on gender and PA level. One-hundred and twenty older adults (81 women and 39 men) participated. Timed up and go test and spatiotemporal gait measures were collected in single and DT conditions. Participants were grouped according to gender and PA level. Physical activity did not explain gender differences, women were slower and had shorter stride lengths when DT regardless of PA level. Findings indicate the necessity for tailored PA and functional interventions to improve women’s performance