13 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Hammerstein System Identification: A Novel Application of Marine Predator Optimization Using the Key Term Separation Technique

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    The mathematical modelling and optimization of nonlinear problems arising in diversified engineering applications is an area of great interest. The Hammerstein structure is widely used in the modelling of various nonlinear processes found in a range of applications. This study investigates the parameter optimization of the nonlinear Hammerstein model using the abilities of the marine predator algorithm (MPA) and the key term separation technique. MPA is a population-based metaheuristic inspired by the behavior of predators for catching prey, and utilizes Brownian/Levy movement for predicting the optimal interaction between predator and prey. A detailed analysis of MPA is conducted to verify the accurate and robust behavior of the optimization scheme for nonlinear Hammerstein model identification

    Efficient Online Object Tracking Scheme for Challenging Scenarios

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    Visual object tracking (VOT) is a vital part of various domains of computer vision applications such as surveillance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and medical diagnostics. In recent years, substantial improvement has been made to solve various challenges of VOT techniques such as change of scale, occlusions, motion blur, and illumination variations. This paper proposes a tracking algorithm in a spatiotemporal context (STC) framework. To overcome the limitations of STC based on scale variation, a max-pooling-based scale scheme is incorporated by maximizing over posterior probability. To avert target model from drift, an efficient mechanism is proposed for occlusion handling. Occlusion is detected from average peak to correlation energy (APCE)-based mechanism of response map between consecutive frames. On successful occlusion detection, a fractional-gain Kalman filter is incorporated for handling the occlusion. An additional extension to the model includes APCE criteria to adapt the target model in motion blur and other factors. Extensive evaluation indicates that the proposed algorithm achieves significant results against various tracking methods

    Facebook Blocket with Unsupervised Learning

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    The Internet has become a valuable channel for both business-to- consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. It has changed the way for many companies to manage the business. Every day, more and more companies are making their presence on Internet. Web sites are launched for online shopping as web shops or on-line stores are a popular means of goods distribution. The number of items sold through the internet has sprung up significantly in the past few years. Moreover, it has become a choice for customers to do shopping at their ease. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to design and implement a consumer to consumer application for Facebook, which is one of the largest social networking website. The application allows Facebook users to use their regular profile (on Facebook) to buy and sell goods or services through Facebook. As we already mentioned, there are many web shops such as eBay, Amazon, and applications like blocket on Facebook. However, none of them is directly interacting with the Facebook users, and all of them are using their own platform. Users may use the web shop link from their Facebook profile and will be redirected to web shop. On the other hand, most of the applications in Facebook use notification method to introduce themselves or they push their application on the Facebook pages. This application provides an opportunity to Facebook users to interact directly with other users and use the Facebook platform as a selling/buying point. The application is developed by using a modular approach. Initially a Python web framework, i.e., Django is used and association rule learning is applied for the classification of users’ advertisments. Apriori algorithm generates the rules, which are stored as separate text file. The rule file is further used to classify advertisements and is updated regularly

    Facebook Blocket with Unsupervised Learning

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    The Internet has become a valuable channel for both business-to- consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. It has changed the way for many companies to manage the business. Every day, more and more companies are making their presence on Internet. Web sites are launched for online shopping as web shops or on-line stores are a popular means of goods distribution. The number of items sold through the internet has sprung up significantly in the past few years. Moreover, it has become a choice for customers to do shopping at their ease. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to design and implement a consumer to consumer application for Facebook, which is one of the largest social networking website. The application allows Facebook users to use their regular profile (on Facebook) to buy and sell goods or services through Facebook. As we already mentioned, there are many web shops such as eBay, Amazon, and applications like blocket on Facebook. However, none of them is directly interacting with the Facebook users, and all of them are using their own platform. Users may use the web shop link from their Facebook profile and will be redirected to web shop. On the other hand, most of the applications in Facebook use notification method to introduce themselves or they push their application on the Facebook pages. This application provides an opportunity to Facebook users to interact directly with other users and use the Facebook platform as a selling/buying point. The application is developed by using a modular approach. Initially a Python web framework, i.e., Django is used and association rule learning is applied for the classification of users’ advertisments. Apriori algorithm generates the rules, which are stored as separate text file. The rule file is further used to classify advertisements and is updated regularly

    Design of Aquila Optimization Heuristic for Identification of Control Autoregressive Systems

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    Swarm intelligence-based metaheuristic algorithms have attracted the attention of the research community and have been exploited for effectively solving different optimization problems of engineering, science, and technology. This paper considers the parameter estimation of the control autoregressive (CAR) model by applying a novel swarm intelligence-based optimization algorithm called the Aquila optimizer (AO). The parameter tuning of AO is performed statistically on different generations and population sizes. The performance of the AO is investigated statistically in various noise levels for the parameters with the best tuning. The robustness and reliability of the AO are carefully examined under various scenarios for CAR identification. The experimental results indicate that the AO is accurate, convergent, and robust for parameter estimation of CAR systems. The comparison of the AO heuristics with recent state of the art counterparts through nonparametric statistical tests established the efficacy of the proposed scheme for CAR estimation

    Design of Aquila Optimization Heuristic for Identification of Control Autoregressive Systems

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    Swarm intelligence-based metaheuristic algorithms have attracted the attention of the research community and have been exploited for effectively solving different optimization problems of engineering, science, and technology. This paper considers the parameter estimation of the control autoregressive (CAR) model by applying a novel swarm intelligence-based optimization algorithm called the Aquila optimizer (AO). The parameter tuning of AO is performed statistically on different generations and population sizes. The performance of the AO is investigated statistically in various noise levels for the parameters with the best tuning. The robustness and reliability of the AO are carefully examined under various scenarios for CAR identification. The experimental results indicate that the AO is accurate, convergent, and robust for parameter estimation of CAR systems. The comparison of the AO heuristics with recent state of the art counterparts through nonparametric statistical tests established the efficacy of the proposed scheme for CAR estimation

    Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Metaheuristics for Autoregressive Exogenous Model Identification

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    Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms have gained great attention over the last decade due to their potential for finding optimal solutions to different optimization problems. In this study, a metaheuristic based on the dwarf mongoose optimization algorithm (DMOA) is presented for the parameter estimation of an autoregressive exogenous (ARX) model. In the DMOA, the set of candidate solutions were stochastically created and improved using only one tuning parameter. The performance of the DMOA for ARX identification was deeply investigated in terms of its convergence speed, estimation accuracy, robustness and reliability. Furthermore, comparative analyses with other recent state-of-the-art metaheuristics based on Aquila Optimizer, the Sine Cosine Algorithm, the Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm and the Reptile Search algorithm—using a nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test—endorsed the consistent, accurate performance of the proposed metaheuristic for ARX identification

    Radial Undersampling-Based Interpolation Scheme for Multislice CSMRI Reconstruction Techniques

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an important yet slow medical imaging modality. Compressed sensing (CS) theory has enabled to accelerate the MRI acquisition process using some nonlinear reconstruction techniques from even 10% of the Nyquist samples. In recent years, interpolated compressed sensing (iCS) has further reduced the scan time, as compared to CS, by exploiting the strong interslice correlation of multislice MRI. In this paper, an improved efficient interpolated compressed sensing (EiCS) technique is proposed using radial undersampling schemes. The proposed efficient interpolation technique uses three consecutive slices to estimate the missing samples of the central target slice from its two neighboring slices. Seven different evaluation metrics are used to analyze the performance of the proposed technique such as structural similarity index measurement (SSIM), feature similarity index measurement (FSIM), mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), correlation (CORR), sharpness index (SI), and perceptual image quality evaluator (PIQE) and compared with the latest interpolation techniques. The simulation results show that the proposed EiCS technique has improved image quality and performance using both golden angle and uniform angle radial sampling patterns, with an even lower sampling ratio and maximum information content and using a more practical sampling scheme

    Multiple Cues-Based Robust Visual Object Tracking Method

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    Visual object tracking is still considered a challenging task in computer vision research society. The object of interest undergoes significant appearance changes because of illumination variation, deformation, motion blur, background clutter, and occlusion. Kernelized correlation filter- (KCF) based tracking schemes have shown good performance in recent years. The accuracy and robustness of these trackers can be further enhanced by incorporating multiple cues from the response map. Response map computation is the complementary step in KCF-based tracking schemes, and it contains a bundle of information. The majority of the tracking methods based on KCF estimate the target location by fetching a single cue-like peak correlation value from the response map. This paper proposes to mine the response map in-depth to fetch multiple cues about the target model. Furthermore, a new criterion based on the hybridization of multiple cues i.e., average peak correlation energy (APCE) and confidence of squared response map (CSRM), is presented to enhance the tracking efficiency. We update the following tracking modules based on hybridized criterion: (i) occlusion detection, (ii) adaptive learning rate adjustment, (iii) drift handling using adaptive learning rate, (iv) handling, and (v) scale estimation. We integrate all these modules to propose a new tracking scheme. The proposed tracker is evaluated on challenging videos selected from three standard datasets, i.e., OTB-50, OTB-100, and TC-128. A comparison of the proposed tracking scheme with other state-of-the-art methods is also presented in this paper. Our method improved considerably by achieving a center location error of 16.06, distance precision of 0.889, and overlap success rate of 0.824