20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of optimal lysine level in Myanmar local breed and DYL crossed breed pig

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     A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was comprised 2x3 factorial arrangements of two breeds (DYL and local breed) and three different lysine levels. The 12 weeks old, nine castrated DYL and nine castrated local breed were randomly allocated in each individual pen to six treatment groups with three replicates into 18 pens. Two breeds of pigs (DYL and local breed) were exposed to the three different dietary treatments, L1- basal diet without lysine supplementation, L2- basal diet with 1.15% total lysine for grower and L3- basal diet with 1.65% total lysine for grower. The growth performance and feed intake were determined for growing pigs. In this study, no significant difference (p>0.05) was found in feed intake among the three different treatments. However, significantly better body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were observed in pigs fed L2 and L3 but were not significantly (p>0.05) differ from each other. Otherwise, diets without lysine supplementation (L1) showed no better effect on the growth performances of both DYL and local breeds. It could be noted that L2 was the best level to obtain optimal growth performances and farm efficiency. Between the two breeds, body weight of DYL was superior over that of local breed. The interactions were observed between lysine levels and different breeds regard for body weight and cumulative weight gain. To wrap up, it was noticeable that crystalline lysine supplementation helped to improve growth performance in both breeds

    The effect of lysine supplementation on the performance of Myanmar local breed and DYL crossed breed pig

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    A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was comprised 2x3 factorial arrangements of two breeds (DYL and local breed) and three different lysine levels. The 18 weeks old, nine castrated DYL and nine local breed were randomly allocated in each individual pen to six treatment groups with three replicates into 18 pens. Two breeds of pigs (DYL and local breed) were exposed to the three different dietary treatments, L1- basal diet without lysine supplementation, L2- basal diet with 0.95% total lysine for finisher and L3- basal diet with 1.45% total lysine for finisher. The growth performance and back fat thickness were determined for finishing pigs. Significantly better body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and lower back fat were observed in pigs fed L2 but did not significantly differ from those fed L3. Otherwise, diets without lysine supplementation (L1) showed no better effect on the growth performances of both DYL and local breeds. It could be noted that L2 was the best level to obtain optimal growth performances and feed efficiency. Between the two breeds, growth performances of DYL were superior over that of local breed. Back fat thicknesses of DYL were also thinner than that of local breed. The interactions were observed between lysine levels and different breeds regard for final body weight, cumulative gain and feed conversion ratio. It was noticeable that lysine supplementation helped to improve growth performance and reduce back fat thickness of both local breed and DYL crossed breed. The result also showed that a comparison of the two different breed revealed the improved performances in DYL crossed breed rather than that of local breed. &nbsp

    Effect of dietary garlic and thyme seed supplementation on the production performance, carcass yield and gut microbial population of broiler chickens

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    A total of 200 Cobb 500 male broilers were randomly allocated to 4 treatments consisting of 5 replications with 10 chicks each in order to evaluate the effect of dietary garlic and thyme seed supplementation on the production performance, carcass yield and gut microbial population. Treatments were control diet (T1), control diet with 1% thyme seed powder (T2), control diet with 1% garlic powder (T3) and control diet with 0.5% thyme seed and 0.5% garlic powder (T4). Feed intake, body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), carcass yield was not significantly (p>0.05) improved by dietary treatments compared to control. Escherichia coli (E. coli) count in the gut of broilers did not show significant difference among dietary treatments. However, Lactobacilli count in the gut of broilers significantly (p<0.05) increased in T2 compared to that of T1. Lactobacilli count in the gut of broilers received T1, T3 and T4 did not differ significantly (p>0.05) with each other. It was concluded that thyme seed was reliable as feed additive in the broiler diet and could provide positive advantages to the colonization and proliferation of Lactobacilli

    Role of inclusive self-help groups in prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension in Myanmar:a qualitative study

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    Background: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a growing public health concern in Myanmar. Community-based self-help groups are essential for participating in health-related activities. However, little is known about the role of inclusive self-help groups (ISHG) in hypertension and diabetes management. This study aimed to assess knowledge and perception of health-related activities of ISHG and explore challenges ISHG group members encountered in performing hypertension and diabetes prevention and management activities.Methods: The study included six townships from three different regions of Myanmar, where ISHG existed. Two focus group discussions (FGDs) were held in each township. A total of twelve FGDs were conducted. All discussions were conducted, audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim in Myanmar language. A thematic analysis was performed using inductive and deductive approaches.Results: The findings revealed that ISHG members provided advice and counselling on behavioural risk factors for hypertension and diabetes prevention and screenings for those diseases. They also offered home care for the elderly and stroke patients who required their assistance. Community members regarded ISHG as a valuable community structure. Members of the ISHG identified a number of challenges, including lack of resources (funding, manpower, and time), lack of confidence, and lack of recognition and acceptance. Support and strengthening activities by local authorities and the government were critical to sustain ISHG's activities and efforts.Conclusions: Hypertension and diabetes management activities of ISHG are appreciative. The public and government should recognize and support ISHG to strengthen their community activities

    Dehydration of Selected Vegetables by Different Drying Methods

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    In this research work, selected vegetables (i.e. pumpkin, okra and ginger) were dehydrated by four different drying methods: by hot air oven, by the combination of hot air oven and microwave oven, by heated dehumidified air dryer, by sun drying. Drying time, drying yield and drying ratio of four different drying methods were studied for each selected vegetable. Comparative study of the four different drying methods showed that drying by combination of hot air oven and microwave oven had decreased the drying time of vegetables with higher energy and drying efficiency. The quality of the dried products was examined by their re-hydration ratio, nutritive value and by the determination of microorganism (mold) on the dried products. The storage life of dehydrated products from four different drying methods was also determined in this work

    Utilization of Fruit Waste (Pineapple Peel) for Vinegar Production

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    Pineapple peel which is usually discarded during the processing or consumption of the fruit was used as a starting material to produce vinegar by two successive fermentations: alcoholic and acetic acid fermentations. In alcoholic fermentation, pineapple peel was allowed to ferment for conversion of sugar to ethanol by using baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae). In acetic acid fermentation, the conversion of ethanol to vinegar was carried out by acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacteraceti) with continuous aeration. The vinegar was prepared by varying the amount of yeast, amount of sugar, amount of yeast nutrient (ammonium phosphate) and time of fermentation. Characteristics of prepared vinegar such as total solid content, alcohol content, pH and acidity were determined in this work. The conversion of pineapple peels (food waste) to vinegar (useful product) will minimize environmental pollution while producing value added product, preserving vital nutrients of our foods and bringing down the cost of production of processed foods

    Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Online Boosting with Extremely Fast Decision Tree

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    Nowadays, data stream mining is a very hot and highattention research field due to the real-time industrialapplications from different sources are generating amount ofdata continuously as the streaming style. To process thesegrowing and large data streams, data stream mining,classification algorithms have been proposed. Thesealgorithms have to deal with high processing time andmemory costs, class imbalance, overfitting and concept driftand so on. It is sure that ensembles of classifiers are beingeffectively used to make improvement in the accuracy ofsingle classifiers in either data mining or data stream mining.Thus, to get higher performance in prediction with largely noincreasing memory and time costs, this paper proposes anOnline Boosting(OLBoost) Approach, which is firstly use theExtremely Fast Decision Tree (EFDT) as base (weak)learner , in order to ensemble them into a single online stronglearner. The experiments of the proposed method werecarried out for credit card fraud detection domain with thesample benchmark datasets

    Classifying the Fields of Subjects Using Case-Based Reasoning

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    Today text classification is a necessity due the very large amount of text documents that we have to deal with daily. Text classification is a task of assigning a text document into classes. In this thesis, the system will be implemented to classify the fields of subjects using case-based reasoning. This system includes two phases, training phase and classification phase. In these two phases, the system will perform the preprocessing step such as tokenize the document into individual word, remove the stop words and stemming the words as their root words (features). In training phase, the system uses Term-frequency –Inverse Document Frequency (TF/IDF) method to calculate the weight of terms (words) in the document. This weight is statistical measure which is used to evaluate how important a word in a collected document. In classification phase, the system uses the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (K-NN) to classify the new document as the appropriate fields. K-NN algorithm will retrieve the similar case in the case base by applying Euclidean distance measure. Thus, the system will classify the new document as the appropriate fields based on the retrieve case

    Automatic Myanmar News Classification

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    Text classification is one of the majortasks of natural language processing andincluded in the interesting research areas oftext data mining, which is about looking forpatterns in natural language text. This paperapplies two well-known classificationalgorithms. Algorithms applied are NaïveBayes and k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN).These well-known algorithms are applied oncollected Myanmar News dataset. Datasetused consists from 1200 documentsbelongs to 4 categories. The goal of textclassification is to classify documents into acertain number of pre-defined categories.News corpus is used for training and testingpurpose of the classifier. Feature selectionalgorithm is used in the proposed system toselect the most relevant features fromtraining data. Results show that precisionand recall values using k-NN is betterthan Naïve Bayes. This research makes acomparative study between mentionedalgorithms