26 research outputs found

    Microwave treatment modify antigenicity properties of bovine milk proteins

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    This work is aimed to assess the effect of a microwave heating on cow’s milk protein antigenicity. The heating protocol is established on the power/time relationship. A first share of milk samples were treated at 300 and 400 watts for 10, 15 and 20 min. The second share of milk and whey samples weretreated at 500, 600 and 700 watts for 10 min. The antigenicity of proteins is evaluated by a study of milk sample reactivity towards the IgG anti--Lg (obtained from immunized rabbits) using ELISA method. Microwave treatment of whole milk cause significant decrease of whey proteins concentration thansamples of fresh whey treated. Electrophoresis analysis reveals that whole milk treated by microwave induces more changes in whey proteins composition. Microwave heating of entire cow’s milk seems to diminish its whey proteins reactivity towards the specific antibodies (IgG)

    Supplementation of olive mill wastes in broiler chicken feeding

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    This work was conducted in order to study the value of olive mill wastes as diet on the growth performance, abdominal and muscle fat deposition, adipose and muscle tissues fatty acid composition in broilers. 200 male chickens that were 2 weeks old, 50 for each diet, were assigned to one of the three diets containing 5, 10 or 15% olive mill wastes (OMW) compared to control diet (CD). There were no significant differences in body and weight gain, final body carcass, thighs and pectoral muscle weight between birds. The same observation was seen for abdominal tissue fat (% of body weight) of which no differences were detected in birds fed OMW diet compared to those fed on the control diet. Linoleic acid proportion increases significantly in the pectoral muscle (p < 0.0001) with the three diets containing OMW, but its level decreases in tight muscle with 5 and 10% OMW diets (p < 0.0001) and remainunchanged in abdominal fat. Oleic acid proportion increases in thigh muscle (p < 0.006) and remain unchanged in pectoral muscle and in abdominal adipose tissue. Palmitic acid proportion decreasessignificantly in pectoral muscle (p < 0.0001) and in abdominal adipose tissue (p < 0.002), but increases significantly in thigh muscle (p < 0.05). In conclusion, OMW diet gives attractive results. It bringsidentical growth performances and affect abdominal and muscle fat deposition and fatty acid composition

    Effect of a hyper-protein diet on Wistar rats development and intestinal function

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    This study was designed to investigate the long-term effects of a high-protein diet on the functional and histological structure of the intestinal epithelium. Sixteen adult male Wistar rats (180 ± 2.27 g) were divided into two groups: 1) the control group, (n = 30) were fed a normal diet of 14% protein; 2) the P50- group (n = 30) were fed a 50% protein diet. The effects of a high-protein diet were studied over a periodof 2 months. Functional and morphological differences between the high-protein and control groups were compared. Internal organs (liver, stomach, lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, intestine, skin, surrenalglands, white and brown adipose tissues) were removed from each sacrificed animal. The organs were weighed, and histological studies were performed on jejunal fragments. The weight of the P50 grouprats increased 79%, while the weight of the control-group increased 98% (p< 0.01 0.05). The weight of the white adipose tissue, the skeleton and the skin were significantly greater in control-group rats (p< 0.01). An important modification of the epithelial structure in the intestine was observed in rats of the P50 group. The average length of their villi was significantly reduced and there was a significantincrease in their IEL (p< 0.01). Our results indicate that ingestion of a protein-rich diet over a long period leads to modification of the histological structure of the intestinal epithelium, as indicated by;pronounced atrophy of mucosa; marked inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes in the chorion; and many intra-epithelial lymphocytes

    Growth, acidification and proteolysis performance of two co-cultures (Lactobacillus plantarum-Bifidobacterium longum and Streptococcus thermophilus-Bifidobacterium longum)

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    In this study, the fermentation and proteolysis of two co-cultures were investigated. Two fermented cow skim-milk lactoferrin 1 (LF1) and lactoferrin 2 (LF2) were prepared. LF1 was inoculated with Bifidobacterium longum (Bf I) and Streptococcus thermophillus (St I) while LF2 was inoculated with Lactobacillus plantarum (Lb O) and B. longum (Bf I). Incubation was at 42&#176;C for 8 h. The enumeration revealed bacterial growth in all fermented milk. Maximum growth of (Lb O) and (Bf I) was observed when mixed together after 2 h of fermentation in comparison with Bf I and St I with values of 109 and 3.108 cfu/ml, respectively. The kinetics of acidification (pH and lactic acid production) gave significant values (p &lt; 0.01) for LF2 when compared to LF1 and sterile milk (LS). The proteolytic activity (functions &#945;-NH2 released in M/mg) and total proteins (in &#956;g/mg) gave significant values (p &lt; 0.05) for LF2 when compared to LF1. Two mixed cultures (Lb O- Bf I) and (St I-Bf I) showed proteolysis of &#223;-lactoglobulin (&#223;-Lg) and -lactalbumin (&#945;-la)

    Étude histologique de biopsies jĂ©junales de sujets cƓliaques en phase active de la maladie et aprĂšs restriction au gluten

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    Les critĂšres actuellement admis pour le diagnostic de la maladie cƓliaque sont histologiques et comportent la constatation d’une atrophie ou une subatrophie villositaire sous rĂ©gime contenant du gluten. Le diagnostic de certitude de cette affection n’est cependant obtenu qu’aprĂšs rĂ©gression des lĂ©sions histologiques sous un rĂ©gime sans gluten strict. Ainsi, le but de ce travail est de vĂ©riïŹer sur des coupes histologiques le degrĂ© d’atteinte de la structure Ă©pithĂ©liale de sujets cƓliaques en phase active de la maladie et la capacitĂ© de recouvrement de l’integritĂ© Ă©pithĂ©liale aprĂšs restriction au gluten. Des biopsies jĂ©junales ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©es dans un but diagnostic chez 16 sujets cƓliaques. Elles ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es Ă  diffĂ©rents stades. Les fragments intestinaux Ă©taient ïŹxĂ©s au Bouin aqueux puis inclus dans la parafïŹne, coupĂ©s, dĂ©parafïŹnĂ©s et colorĂ©s Ă  l’hĂ©malunĂ©osine. Selon leur aspect, ces coupes Ă©taient classĂ©es en cinq grades. Également biopsisĂ©s 9 sujets formant le groupe tĂ©moin dans les mĂȘmes conditions mais pour des raisons autres que la maladie cƓliaque. Tous nos sujets tĂ©moins prĂ©sentaient une histologie de type grade I. En phase active de la maladie ; 37,5 % des sujets malades Ă©taient de grade V 50% Ă©taient de grade IV et 12,5 % , Ă©taient de grade III. En phase d’exclusion du gluten ; 6,25 % des sujets malades restaient en grade V 37,5 % en grade IV 37,5 % prĂ©sentaient un grade III et 18,75 % un grade II. En , , phase de guĂ©rison ; le grade IV persistait chez 12,5 % des sujets malades, le grade III chez 25 %, en revanche, 56,25 % des sujets malades prĂ©sentaient un grade II et 6,25 % un grade I. À l’issue de cette Ă©tude, il apparaĂźt que le degrĂ© de rĂ©cupĂ©ration de l’épithĂ©lium intestinal diffĂšre en fonction de chaque individu, probablement en rapport avec sa constitution, sa gĂ©nĂ©tique et d’autres facteurs ; de mĂȘme, il n’existe pas de durĂ©e standard quant Ă  la pĂ©riode de restriction au gluten

    Évaluation des activitĂ©s des disaccharidases et des dipeptidases dans la muqueuse jĂ©junale de sujets cƓliaques

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    Le dĂ©terminisme de la maladie cƓliaque repose sur des arguments immunologiques, gĂ©nĂ©tiques, enzymatiques et environnementaux. Si de nombreuses donnĂ©es sur la maladie cƓliaque sont disponibles sur les aspects immunologiques, gĂ©nĂ©tiques et environnementaux, en revanche peu de donnĂ©es sont colligĂ©es quant Ă  l’hypothĂšse d’un dĂ©ïŹcit enzymatique, notamment un dĂ©ïŹcit en peptidases intestinales, entraĂźnant une dĂ©gradation incomplĂšte du gluten. Ainsi, l’objectif de ce travail est de vĂ©riïŹer chez une population de sujets malades cƓliaques, si il existe une altĂ©ration de la fonction intestinale concernant les activitĂ©s enzymatiques de la bordure en brosse de trois disaccharidases et de trois dipeptidases. Les activitĂ©s totale et spĂ©ciïŹque de 3 disaccharidases et de 3 dipeptidases ont Ă©tĂ© dosĂ©es par spectrophotomĂ©trie, sur des biopsies jĂ©junales prĂ©levĂ©es dans un but diagnostic chez 16 sujets cƓliaques Ă  diffĂ©rents stades. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s Ă  ceux de 9 sujets de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă©galement biopsisĂ©s dans les mĂȘmes conditions mais pour des raisons autres que la maladie cƓliaque. Les taux de protĂ©ines totales mesurĂ©es chez les patients cƓliaques Ă©taient comparables dur ant les trois phases expĂ©rimentales : B1, B2 et B3. Chez les malades cƓliaques, nos rĂ©sultats montrent des taux lĂ©gĂšrement abaissĂ©s des activitĂ©s totale et spĂ©ciïŹque des 3 disaccharidases en phase active de la maladie, mais de façon non signiïŹcative. En revanche, seules les activitĂ©s totale et spĂ©ciïŹque de la maltase sont signiïŹcativement augmentĂ©es respectivement en phase de guĂ©rison. Il en est de mĂȘme lorsqu’on compare B1 Ă  B3. Aucune modiïŹcation signiïŹcative n’est observĂ©e pour l’activitĂ© globale des 3 dipeptidases durant les trois phases expĂ©rimentales. En revanche, les activitĂ©s spĂ©ciïŹques de la L-glycyl – L-proline dipeptidase et de la L-alanyl – L-proline dipeptidase sont signiïŹcativement diminuĂ©es en phase active de la maladie. Ces activitĂ©s rĂ©augmentent en pĂ©riode de restriction au gluten. À la lumiĂšre de ces rĂ©sultats, la maladie cƓliaque ne semble pas affecter signiïŹcativement l’activitĂ© enzymatique des disaccharidases. En revanche, l’activitĂ© des dipeptidases diminue signiïŹcativement en phase active de la maladie suggĂ©rant une atteinte probablement partielle des processus de la digestion enzymatique au niveau de l’épithĂ©lium intestinal