5 research outputs found

    Komparativna studija faune člankonožaca u gnijezdima roda, domaćih lastavica i običnih golubova

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    An analysis was conducted on the arthropod fauna collected from stork, swallow, and pigeon nests during summer 2018 in three regions of north-eastern Algeria (Guelma, El-Tarf, and Annaba). A total of 40 nests was examined, of which 58% were infested with arthropods. Arthropods were less abundant and species rich in swallow nests than in pigeon or stork nests, where a greater dominance of mesostigmatic mites (78.71% and 72.41%, respectively) was found. Dermanyssus gallinae was the most abundant (33.05%) and most frequent (73.33%) mesostigmatic mite in pigeon nests, while Uropodina mites were dominant (41.37%) in white stork nests with a frequency of 76.92% of the nests analysed. In swallow nests, the following arthropods were found: Psocodea, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera belonging to the class Insecta and Isopoda belonging to the class Malacostraca. This is the first comparative survey of arthropods occupying the nests of these bird species in northern Algeria. It is anticipated that these data, that highlight the richness of the arthropod fauna in the nests of these bird species, will motivate further research aimed at characterising the arthropod community in different bird nests and determining the nature of the relationships between them.Analiza faune člankonožaca prikupljenih iz gnijezda roda, lastavica i golubova provedena je tijekom ljeta 2018. godine u tri regije sjeveroistočnog Alžira, Guelma, El-Tarf i Annaba. Ukupan je broj ispitanih gnijezda bio 40, od čega je u 58 % otkrivena infestacija člankonošcima kojih je bilo manje u gnijezdima lastavica nego u gnijezdima golubova i roda. Zamijećena je veća dominacija grinja reda Mesostigmata (78,71 %, odnosno 72,41 %). Dermanyssus gallinae bila je najraširenija (33,05 %) i najčešća (73,33 %) grinja reda Mesostigmata u gnijezdima golubova, dok su u gnijezdima bijelih roda najdominantnije bile grinje kohorte uropodina (41,37 %) s učestalošću od 76,92 % broja analiziranih gnijezda. U gnijezdima lastavica pronađene su sljedeće grinje: Psocodea, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera i Coleoptera koje pripadaju razredu Insecta i Isopoda koja pripada razreduMalacostraca. Ova je studija prva komparativna studija člankonožaca koji žive u gnijezdima triju vrsta ptica (bijela roda, domaća lastavica i divlji golub) u sjevernom Alžiru. Nadamo se da će ovi podatci koji su pokazali bogatstvo faune člankonožaca u gnijezdima ovih triju vrsta ptica motivirati dodatna istraživanja s ciljem karakterizacije zajednice člankonožaca prisutne u gnijezdima različitih ptica i određivanja naravi njihovog međusobnog odnosa

    Estrous cycle length in the algerian arbia goat: exfoliative vaginal cytology and serum progesterone levels

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    This study aimed to estimate the estrous cycle length of the Algerian Arbia goat in Northern Algeria. For this, eighteen (18) Arbia goats, aged between 2 and 6 years, were used in our work that took place in the experimental farm of the Saad Dahlab University (Blida, Algeria). Blood samples were taken from each goat twice a week (at a 2 or 3-day interval) for 3 months. The serum progesterone concentration was determined by Radio-Immuno-Assay. Smears of the vaginal mucosa were taken at the same time as the blood samples. The predominance of superficial cells on the smear of the vaginal mucosa as well as a serum progesterone level less than 1 ng/mL expressed the return to estrous which was considered the beginning of a new cycle. A negative correlation was observed between the percentage of superficial cells (SC) and serum progesterone (P4) levels in all goats. Our results showed a significant difference (P<0.05) between the means of different cycle lengths obtained among the females. In addition, normal cycles had an average of 20.11±1.85 days (17-25 days) representing 59.6% of cycles. Besides, a large number of short cycles (<17 days) with an average of 14.41±1.51 days were found representing 25.5% of recorded cycles. The number of long cycles (>25 days; with an average of 32.14±5.58 days), represented 14.9% of recorded cycles. Following these results, it can be concluded that the local goat in Northern Algeria had different types of cycles (normal, short, and long) with a large percentage of normal cycles

    Antibacterial effects of Citrus limon and Lavandula angustifolia essential oils

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    Essential oils have been largely used for their antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal properties. Thus this study evaluated the in vitro antibacterial activity of essential oils from lemon and lavender on 30 bacterial strains of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus either isolated from animals (cows and sheep) or obtained from reference strains provided by the Biotechnology and Animal Reproduction from the Laboratory of the Institute of Veterinary Sciences from Blida. The sensitivity of the strains was tested in vitro by aromatogram, using the two essential oils separately as well as their associations. Our results showed that lemon essential oil had a bacteriostatic effect on the tested strains of E. coli, while a high percentage of them was extremely sensitive to lavender oil, and more than half ones were extremely sensitive to the oil blend at a concentration of 100µl/disc. As for S. aureus, all the tested strains were extremely sensitive to the two essential oils as well as to their association. Lavender and/or lemon essential oils proved effective against strains of E. coli and S. aureus.Peer reviewe

    Inventory of lice of mammals and farmyard chicken in North-eastern Algeria

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    Background and Aim: Lice are permanent ectoparasites, extremely specific to their hosts. Their great importance in veterinary medicine remain significant, they can cause their direct pathogenic actions like irritability, dermatitis, anemia, decreased weight gain, and milk production. The purpose of this work was to made the first time an inventory of mammalian lice in North-eastern Algeria. Materials and Methods: Our survey of lice infestation was conducted on several animal species from five provinces of North-eastern Algeria. A total of 57 cattle, 83 sheep, 77 goats, 111 wild boars, and 63 farmyard chickens were examined. The collection of lice was carried out much more in mammals and chickens during the winter period. Lice were collected either manually or using brushing and kept in flasks containing 70% ethanol. The identification of lice was achieved in the laboratory using a binocular loupe. Results: Concerning cattle, 63% and 27% of those examined subjects from Souk-Ahras and Guelma study areas, respectively, were carriers of lice. Damalinia bovis was the louse most frequently found on cattle in these two regions. Three other species were identified in Souk-Ahras: Haematopinus eurysternus (25%), Linognathus vituli (10%), and Solenopotes capillatus (5%). Regarding sheep, 39% and 24% of examined animals in Souk-Ahras and Guelma, were carrying lice. Damalinia ovis was the most frequently encountered lice on sheep in both regions. Linognathus ovillus also was identified in Souk-Ahras, representing 0.3% of the collected lice. Concerning goats, 53% and 30% of examined animals in Souk-Ahras and Guelma, were parasitized of lice. Two species of lice were found: Damalinia caprae and Linognathus africanus. For farmyard chickens, 69% and 100% of the farmyard chicken in Souk-Ahras and Mila were parasitized by lice, respectively. Menopon gallinae was the most frequently encountered louse in farmyard chicken in both regions. Eight other species were identified in Mila and four other species only in Souk-Ahras. Finally, 25% and 28% of the wild boars in Annaba and El Tarf were parasitized by lice, respectively. Haematopinus suis was the only species found on wild boars in both regions. Conclusion: These results are to be taken into account for lice control schemes and louse-borne diseases