123 research outputs found

    Forest Management: are Double or Mixed Rotations Desirable?

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    In this paper, we study a particular uneven-aged forest stand management pattern that is often advocated in practice. The forest structure under consideration is similar to a normalized forest Ă  la Faustmann, with the following difference: rather than being single aged, each forest tract contains trees of two age classes so that it is submitted to a form of selective cutting. Each harvest involves all of the older trees and only a fraction of the younger ones; hence the name mixed rotation. Trees left standing at harvest help stimulate natural regeneration and improve various environmental and amenity characteristics of the forest. We model this effect by using a cost function that varies with respect to the harvest rate of younger trees. We derive the properties that this cost function must exhibit in order some form of mixed rotation to be superior to the conventional single rotation Ă  la Faustmann; we also characterize the mixed rotation in terms of duration and the harvest rate of younger trees, and we compare its properties with Faustman’s rule. Nous Ă©tudions un cas particulier d’amĂ©nagement forestier inĂ©quien qui est recommandĂ© dans la pratique actuelle. La structure de la forĂȘt est similaire Ă  une forĂȘt normalisĂ©e Ă  la Faustmann avec la diffĂ©rence suivante: au lieu d’ĂȘtre Ă©quien, chaque lot comporte deux classes d’ñge; il est soumis Ă  une forme de coupe sĂ©lective. À chaque rĂ©colte, on coupe tous les arbres les plus vieux ainsi qu’une fraction des arbres les plus jeunes; d’oĂč le nom de rotation mixte. Les arbres non coupĂ©s aident la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration naturelle et amĂ©liorent diverses caractĂ©ristiques environnementales et esthĂ©tiques de la forĂȘt. Nous modĂ©lisons cet effet en utilisant une fonction de coĂ»t qui varie avec le taux de rĂ©colte des arbres jeunes. Nous dĂ©rivons les propriĂ©tĂ©s que cette fonction de coĂ»t doit satisfaire pour que la rotation mixte soit prĂ©fĂ©rable Ă  la rotation standard Ă  la Faustmann; nous caractĂ©risons la rotation mixte en termes de durĂ©e et de taux de rĂ©colte des jeunes arbres, que nous comparons avec le cas de Faustmann.forest management, Faustmann’s rule, normal forest, synchronized forest, uneven-aged lots, amenity value, mixed rotation, selective cutting, amĂ©nagement forestier, rĂšgle de Faustmann, forĂȘt normalisĂ©e, forĂȘt synchronisĂ©e, forĂȘt inĂ©quienne, amĂ©nitĂ©s, rotation mixte, coupe sĂ©lective

    Nilai spiritual dalam Puisi Imam Shāfiᶜī

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    Kajian ini bertujuan menjelaskan konsep nilai menurut Islam dan mengenal pasti nilai-nilai akhlak khususnya aspek spiritual yang terdapat dalam puisi Imam Shāfiᶜī, salah seorang ulama dan pendakwah yang masyhur pada kurun kedua hijrah. Kesarjanaan beliau meliputi bidang fiqah dan bahasa Arab. Meskipun begitu masyarakat lebih mengenali beliau selaku seorang faqih berbanding pemuisi. Sebahagian besar isi kandungan puisi beliau soal moral, nasihat dan keadaan masyarakatnya pada zaman tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menjadikan analisis kandungan sebagai reka bentuk kajian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan terhadap puisi-puisi dalam antologi puisi Imam Shāfiᶜī yang berkaitan akhlak seterusnya menganalisis data-data tersebut. Bait-bait puisi diterjemah menggunakan kaedah parafrasa. Hasil kajian ini mendapati antara nilai-nilai spiritual yang terdapat dalam antologi puisi beliau ialah keredaan terhadap ketentuan Allah SWT, tawakal, khawf, sangkaan baik terhadap Allah SWT, kecintaan terhadap akhirat, dan mempersiapkan diri untuk hari akhirat

    Impact des chocs monétaires sur les variations du salaire réel

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    In this paper, we study real wage fluctuations in response to monetary shocks. We estimate five different models corresponding to five sets of monetary policy restrictions. Monetary shocks are measured by innovations in the nominal interest rate, total reserves and non-borrowed reserves. Our results show that for most of the models selected, the real wage response is positive and insignificant according to an expansionary monetary policy. The actual wage response is sensitive to the number of lags included in the VAR and the selected time period

    Das kleine Land mittendrin - glĂŒcklich sein und Well-being

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    In der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie gibt es kaum Studien zum Thema glĂŒcklich sein und well-being. Insofern ist es notwendig, Grundlagenforschung zu diesem Thema in unterschiedlichsten LĂ€ndern zu betreiben um auch die positiven Aspekte des Menschseins an sich zu erfassen. Gordon Mathews und Carolina Izquierdos Sammelband (2009) stellt einen Beitrag von Seiten der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie dar, und liefert brauchbare AnsĂ€tze wie die Erforschung von well-being in unserem Fach funktionieren kann. Hierbei wurden Neil Thins Überlegungen, dass die Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie sich bei der Erforschung von well-being auf drei wesentliche Bereiche beschrĂ€nken soll in meiner Arbeit aufgenommen und umgesetzt. Jene Bereiche – GefĂŒhle, Bedeutungen und Motive – dienen als Ausgangsbasis der einzelnen Fragen des halbstrukturierten Leitfadeninterviews. Laos gilt bis heute noch als „least developed country“, wobei von Seiten der Regie-rung das Ziel gesetzt wurde, sich bis 2020 aus diesem Status zu erheben. Durch den wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ausbau seit den spĂ€ten 1980er Jahren wurde von Sei-ten der Regierung ein Zeichen gesetzt, die LebensqualitĂ€t der Menschen in Laos deutlich verbessern zu wollen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, ausgehend von kultur- und sozialanthropologi-schen ZugĂ€ngen in diesem Bereich aufzuzeigen, welche Elemente auf individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Ebenen fĂŒr well-being und auch glĂŒcklich sein sorgen. Dabei werden wichtige Aspekte des menschlichen Lebens erfasst und zur vorgegebenen Thematik untersucht. Was well-being bedeutet unterscheidet sich von Kultur zu Kul-tur, dennoch gibt es Gemeinsamkeiten, die ihre Wurzeln im Menschsein an sich haben. Ausgehend von Indikatoren wie Gesellschaft, Religion, Familie, Geschichte, Arbeit, Ausbildung, Bildung, glĂŒcklich sein, Gesundheit, die ich im Zusammenhang zu well-being und glĂŒcklich sein bei den Lao Loum als wichtig erachte, wurden diese gesell-schaftlichen Bereiche mit Hilfe qualitativer Methoden ausgearbeitet und ausgewer-tet. Ziel war es, ausgehend von der einleitenden Fragestellung mit Hilfe dieser Kate-gorien eine Verbindung zu well-being und glĂŒcklich sein bei den Lao Loum in Laos zu schaffen und auszuarbeiten, um am Ende ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die positiven Aspekte des gesellschaftlichen Lebens der Lao Loum zu generieren.Studies about well-being and happiness are rare in the field of cultural and social anthropology. In order to comprehend the positive aspects of being human in itself, it is therefore necessary to undertake fundamental research in different countries. The Gordon Matthews and Caterina Izquierdo’s anthology (2009) is a contribution to the research conducted by cultural and social anthropologists, which delivers valua-ble insights and ways to approach the subject of well-being in our field of research. Also, Neil Thin’s approach, in which he proposes that the cultural and social anthro-pologists should limit themselves to three crucial topics in their research, has been used in this thesis paper. The crucial topics that were chosen as the starting point for the guided interviews were feelings, meanings and motives. Laos is, even today, one of the „least developed“ countries. The government has declared its goal to be leaving the „least developed“ status by 2020. The govern-ment-driven economic and social development since the late 1980s is a sign that efforts are being made to considerably improve the Laos people’s quality of life. The aim of this paper is to show, by using the tools and approaches of social and cultural anthropology, which individual and societal elements are crucial for well-being and happiness. Important aspects of life are being recorded and analysed ac-cording to the objectives of this paper. The meaning of well-being differs from one culture to another; nevertheless there are similarities which are rooted in being hu-man. I have chosen indicators which I think are important for the concepts of well-being and happiness of the Lao Loum people, namely society, religion, family, history, work, training, education, happiness and health. These social factors have been ex-amined and weighted with the use of qualitative analysis. My goal was to establish a connection between the theoretical concepts and the well-being and happiness of the Lao Loum people in Laos, in order to gain a better understanding for the positive aspects of their social life

    Contrats salariaux, rĂ©tention de main-d’Ɠuvre et cycle Ă©conomique

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    In this paper, we study the dynamic propagation of the output and the existence of a significant n nominal component in the Solow residual using a DGE model. Nominal wage rigidity and labor retention are introduced as internal propagation mechanisms. The economy is disrupted by technological, fiscal and monetary shocks. The variance of Solow's residual is fully explained by the technological shock. With the introduction of wage contracts, and following a monetary shock, the contribution of the technology shock to the variance of the Solow residual decreases to 13%, while that of the monetary shock is 80%

    Contrats salariaux, rĂ©tention de main-d’Ɠuvre et cycle Ă©conomique

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    In this paper, we study the dynamic propagation of the output and the existence of a significant n nominal component in the Solow residual using a DGE model. Nominal wage rigidity and labor retention are introduced as internal propagation mechanisms. The economy is disrupted by technological, fiscal and monetary shocks. The variance of Solow's residual is fully explained by the technological shock. With the introduction of wage contracts, and following a monetary shock, the contribution of the technology shock to the variance of the Solow residual decreases to 13%, while that of the monetary shock is 80%

    Impact des chocs monétaires sur les variations du salaire réel

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    In this paper, we study real wage fluctuations in response to monetary shocks. We estimate five different models corresponding to five sets of monetary policy restrictions. Monetary shocks are measured by innovations in the nominal interest rate, total reserves and non-borrowed reserves. Our results show that for most of the models selected, the real wage response is positive and insignificant according to an expansionary monetary policy. The actual wage response is sensitive to the number of lags included in the VAR and the selected time period

    Contrats salariaux, rĂ©tention de main-d’Ɠuvre et cycle Ă©conomique

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    In this paper, we study the dynamic propagation of the output and the existence of a significant n nominal component in the Solow residual using a DGE model. Nominal wage rigidity and labor retention are introduced as internal propagation mechanisms. The economy is disrupted by technological, fiscal and monetary shocks. The variance of Solow's residual is fully explained by the technological shock. With the introduction of wage contracts, and following a monetary shock, the contribution of the technology shock to the variance of the Solow residual decreases to 13%, while that of the monetary shock is 80%
