12 research outputs found

    Nasopharyngeal Mixed Tumor: A Case Report

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    Salivary glands tumors account for less than 5% off all neoplasm in the head and neck. Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common type. Those typically arise in the palate, rarely found in the nasopharynx and nasopharyngeal tumors are usually malignant. Here we report a rare case in 61-year-old woman, who had progressive nasal obstruction for about 6 months, without any disease in the nose, but had a round nasopharyngeal mass and pathologic diagnosis as pleomorphic adenoma. Nasopharyngeal pleomorphic adenoma is a rare tumor

    Comparison of the effect of amoxicillin and cefriaxone in treatment of acute otitis media in children under 6 years old

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    زمینه و هدف: اوتیت میانی حاد یکی از شایع ترین بیماری های دوران کودکی است. عوارض بیماری شامل عفونت مزمن گوش میانی، فلج عصب فاسیال، لابیرنتیت، کری حسی - عصبی و عوارض داخل جمجمه ای می باشد. درمان بیماری با آنتی بیوتیک مناسب باعث پیشگیری از عوارض آن و نیز کاهش دوره بیماری می گردد. لذا این مطالعه با هدف مقایسه اثر درمانی آموکسی سیلین و سفتریاکسون در این بیماریانجام گرفت. روش بررسی: در یک کارآزمایی بالینی تعداد 160 نفر از کودکان زیر 6 سال مبتلا به اوتیت میانی حاد از بین مراجعه کنندگان به کلینیک انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه 80 نفری تقسیم شدند. گروه اول با آموکسی سیلین خوراکی 50 تا 80 میلی گرم به ازاء هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن روزانه به مدت 10 روز و گروه دوم با 50 میلی گرم سفتریاکسون به ازاء هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن به صورت تک دوز درمان شدند. جهت پیگیری و ارزیابی پاسخ به درمان دو هفته و چهار هفته بعد از شروع درمان بیماران مجدداً معاینه شدند. برای مقایسه دو گروه از آزمون کای اسکوار استفاده شد. یافته ها: فراوانی بیماری در پسرها 8/58 و در دخترها 2/41 و بیشترین فراوانی در سن 2 سالگی به دست آمد. نتایج حاصله نشانگر اثر یکسان دو روش درمانی و برابر 80 بهبودی می باشد (05/0p>). بین ریسک فاکتورهای بیماری و میزان بهبودی رابطه ای یافت نشد. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به نتایج این مطالعه که نشانگر اثر یکسان و مطلوب دو روش درمانی در بهبودی اوتیت میانی حاد است هنوز آموکسی سیلین داروی مؤثر و مناسبی در درمان این بیماری می باشد

    The effect of oral dextrometorphan and placebo on the postoperative pain severity of adenotonsillectomy

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    زمینه و هدف: از مسائل مورد تعقیب در علم پزشکی نوین تسکین درد بعد از اعمال جراحی می باشد. درمان دارویی درد حاد پس از جراحی از طریق یکسری رژیم های دارویی از جمله اپیوئیدها و داروهای ضد التهابی غیر استروئیدی (NSAID) انجام می گیرد. عوارض جانبی این داروها باعث شده تا محققین به فکر جانشینی برای آنها باشند. هدف این مطالعه بررسی مقایسه اثر دکسترومتورفان خوراکی با در مقایسه پلاسبو بر شدت درد بعد از عمل جراحی آدنوتانسیلکتومی در بیماران 12-3 ساله بوده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی 160 کودک 12-3 سال کاندید عمل جراحی آدنوتانسیلکتومی به صورت در دسترس انتخاب و بصورت تصادفی به چهار گروه مساوی 40 نفره تقسیم شدند. 2 ساعت قبل از عمل به بیماران گروه اول و دوم، mg/Kg 5/0 شربت دکسترومتورفان خوراکی و به گروه های سوم و چهارم پلاسبو داده شد. پس از عمل جراحی و بعد از انتقال بیمار به بخش تا 24 ساعت بعد از عمل به گروه های اول و سوم mg/Kg5/0 دکسترومتورفان و به گروه های دوم و چهارم پلاسبو داده شد. شــــدت درد هر 6 ساعت بر اساس جدول Oucher، ارزیابی شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو و آنالیز واریانس مشاهدات تکرار شده مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفت. یافته ها: در تمام گروه ها، بیشترین شدت درد در بدو ورود به بخش و کمترین شدت درد در 24 ساعت بعد از عمل بود. شدت درد در همه گروه ها با سن رابطه معکوس داشت (05/0

    Comparsion of atracurium and succinylcholine on post adenotonsillectomy pain in children of 3-12 years old

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    زمینه و هدف: یکی از شایع ترین اعمال جراحی کودکان آدنوتانسیلکتومی است، که می‌تواند مشکلات متعددی را پس از عمل به همراه داشته باشد. درد پس از عمل یکی از عوامل اصلی ایجاد کننده مشکلات بعد از عمل است، از آنجا که انتخاب نوع روش بیهوشی عمومی ممکن است بر میزان عوارض نامطلوب پس از عمل تأثیر گذار باشد لذا این مطالعه با هدف مقایسه سوکسینیل کولین و آتراکوریوم بر شدت درد پس از آدنوتانسیلکتومی در کودکان انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه (کارآزمایی بالینی) 80 بیمار کاندید عمل آدنوتانسیلکتومی با دو روش بیهوشی عمومی، بیهوش شدند. برای شلی عضلانی در یک گروه از آتراکریوم و برای گروه دیگراز سوکسینیل کولین استفاده شد. برای اندازه‌گیری شدت درد پس از عمل از آزمون اوخر و برای تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات به دست آمده از آزمون چند متغیری مشاهدات تکرار شده استفاده شد. یافته ها: میانگین شدت درد پس از عمل (05/0

    The Comparison of Ginkgo biloba and Cinnarizine effectiveness in tinnitus intensity of patients with subjective tinnitus

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    Background and Aim: Subjective Tinnitus is one of the common problems in the world whose prevalence is estimated to be 7-20 percent in the community. In the present study, effectiveness of Ginkgo biloba with that of cinnarizine on subjective tinnitus were compared and assessed in order to determine the effective dose of Ginko on .patients. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial study conducted on 61 patients with subjective tinnitus who had been referred or had come to Shahrekord ENT clinic .The patients who did not have certain pathologic physical problems .were randomly divided into two groups (Cinnarizine & Ginko biloba).The patients filled out .Tinnitus Severity Index (TSI) form and after 2 months they were assessed. The obtained data was analyzed by means of SPSS software (V: 17) using chi-square, paired t test, and independent T test. Results: According to the findings in Ginkgo Biloba group the two criteria the severity of tinnitus and the .adverse changes in quality of life significantly reduced after treatment (P=0.001, P=0.006), respectively. In Cinnarizine group, both criterion reduced after treatment, but just the severity of tinnitus decreased significantly (P=0.006). The overall response to treatment in Ginkgo Biloba group was significantly higher than Cinnarizine group, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). Conclusion: It was found that after two months of treatment with Ginkgo biloba (120-140 mg daily) tinnitus severity and the adverse changes on quality of life significantly decreased in the patients, whereas Cinnarizine did not reduce the latter significantly. However, no significant difference was observed between the two groups (Cinnarizine & Ginko biloba)

    Association of interleukin-18 gene polymorphism-137 G/C with allergic rhinitis.

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    Background and Objective: The interleukin-18 (IL-18) gene on chromosome 11 has been suggested as a susceptibility factor for allergies. It is a member of the IL-1 family that was originally described as interferon (IFN-γ)–inducing factor. IL-18 might initiate Th2 responses with production of IgE via the stimulation of IL-4 and IL-13 synthesis in mast cells and in basophil and eosinophil recruitment, such as allergic inflammation. This study was done to assess the association of Interleukin-18 gene polymorphism -137G/C with allergic rhinitis. Methods: This case-control study was performed on 293 allergic rhinitis patients and 218 healthy control volunteers .The IL-18 polymorphism was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Results: The frequency of the GG, GC and CC genotypes were 64.2%, 32.1% and 3.7% in healthy controls and 60.1%, 35.5% and 4.4% in allergic rhinitis patients, respectively. This diference was not significant. Conclusion: This study suggests that IL-18 polymorphism gene -137G/C may not be participated as a risk factor in the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis

    Screening of three common mtDNA mutations among subjects with autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss in Sistan va Baluchestan province, Iran

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    Background: Non-syndromic hearing loss may be induced by mutations in both nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Mutations in mtDNA are present in less than 1% of the children with pre-lingual deafness but are more prevalent later. Most of the molecular defects responsible for mitochondrial disorder, associated with hearing loss may be induced by mutations in the 12SrRNA and tRNA genes. This aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of three common mtDNA mutations including A1555G, A3243G and A7445G in a cohort of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) subjects in Sistan va Baluchestan province. Material and Methods: In this descriptive- experimental based study, a total of 110. ARNSHL subjects from Sistan va Baluchestan province were investigated for three common mtDNA mutations using PCR-RFLP procedure. The possible mutations were confirmed by direct sequencing. Results: None of the A1555G and A7445G mutations were detected in this study. However, we found one sample to carry A3243G mutation (0.9%). Moreover abolishing a MTTL1 restriction site close to A3243G mutation revealed a G3316A allelic variant in 0.9% of patients studied. Conclusion: This study showed that mtDNA mutations are responsible for less than 1% of pre-lingual ARNSHL associated subjects. The present study will improve the genetic counseling of hearing impaired patients in Sistan va Baluchestan province, Iran


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    Background: Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease of upper respiratory tract which can be presented as asthma. Some investigators have reported a significant relationship between the disease and the number of eosinophils in nasal secretion of the patients. This study aims to evaluate the serum IgE and it, s relation with nasal secretion eosinophils count in patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: In this study, setum IgE of 92 patients with non anatomical nasal complication were investigated using ELISA method (IEMA WELL Q-D). Nasal secretion smears of the patients were also evaluated for eosinophils count. Age, sex, profession and past history of allergic reactions in patients and their families were also investigated. Findings: 48. 9% of the patients had high titers of serum IgE (>100 IU/ml). Also, eosinophils over 5/HPF were seen in 15. 6% of patients, nasal secretion smears. There was no significant relationship between eosinophils count and presence of allergic rhinitis in the patients. Otherwise, there was a significant correlation between rhinitis and patients, profession and their locality of living (P<0.05). Conclusion: Detection of serum IgE is mandatory for diagnosis of allergic rhinitis. Besides, it seems that nasal secretion eosinophils count alone is not a reliable finding for diagnosis of the disease

    Impact of high body mass index on allergic rhinitis patients

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    Background Allergic rhinitis is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world and many studies have been done to find its risk factors. Several studies have shown that there is an association between suffering from allergic rhinitis and increased body mass index (BMI), but no consensus has been yet achieved. Materials and methods There is a case–control study conducted in Imam Ali Clinic in Shahrekord during 2014–2015. Fifty-four participants with allergic rhinitis and 54 healthy persons were selected and their body mass index values were measured. Also, demographic data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS. Results The mean body mass index in the case and control groups were 25.03 ± 3.5 kg/m2 and 23.32 ± 2.80 kg/m2 respectively, with a significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.006). In the case group, 53.7% of participants have high body mass indexes but in the control group, 33.3% of participants have high body mass indexes, with a statistically difference between two groups according to χ2 test (P = 0.04). Conclusion These results indicate a significant association between high body mass index value and allergic rhinitis. We underline that this relationship is more prominent in women

    Comparison vitamin D serum levels in allergic rhinitis patients with normal population

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    Background Allergic rhinitis is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide and several studies have been done to investigate its risk factors. Some studies have shown that there is an association between severity of allergic rhinitis and serum level of 25 OH vitamin D, but no consensus has been yet achieved. Objective Given the high prevalence of allergic rhinitis and the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Iranian population, this study aimed to determine the mean serum level of vitamin D in patients with allergic rhinitis and the control group. Materials and methods This is a case-control study conducted in Imam Ali Clinic in Shahrekord (Iran) during 2014–2015. Fifty-four patients with allergic rhinitis and 54 healthy person were randomly selected and their serum levels of 25 OH vitamin D were measured. Also, demographic data and the data on severity of allergic rhinitis were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS. Results The mean serum level of 25 OH vitamin D in the case and the control groups were 29.62 ± 18.44 nmoL (11.8 ± 7.4 ng/mL) and 62.18 ± 18.53 nmoL (24.9 ± 7.4 ng/mL), respectively, with a statistically difference between the two groups (P = 0.001). Also, 4 (7.4%) patients in case group were vitamin D deficient but no one in the control group was vitamin D deficient, with a statistically difference between the two groups according to the Fisher's exact test (P = 0.003). Conclusion According to the results of this study, there is a relationship between serum level of vitamin D and suffering from allergic rhinitis. Special attention should be paid to the geographic characteristics of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Certain health programs should be implemented to cure and prevent vitamin D deficiency in allergic rhinitis patients