622 research outputs found

    Anomalous Hall effect in granular ferromagnetic metals and effects of weak localization

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    We theoretically investigate the anomalous Hall effect in a system of dense-packed ferromagnetic grains in the metallic regime. Using the formalism recently developed for the conventional Hall effect in granular metals, we calculate the residual anomalous Hall conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} and resistivity ρxy\rho_{xy} and weak localization corrections to them for both skew-scattering and side-jump mechanisms. We find that, unlike for homogeneously disordered metals, the scaling relation between ρxy\rho_{xy} and the longitudinal resistivity ρxx\rho_{xx} does not hold. The weak localization corrections, however, are found to be in agreement with those for homogeneous metals. We discuss recent experimental data on the anomalous Hall effect in polycrystalline iron films in view of the obtained results.Comment: published version, 10 pages, 6 figure

    Enhancement of Superconductivity in Disordered Films by Parallel Magnetic Field

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    We show that the superconducting transition temperature T_c(H) of a very thin highly disordered film with strong spin-orbital scattering can be increased by parallel magnetic field H. This effect is due to polarization of magnetic impurity spins which reduces the full exchange scattering rate of electrons; the largest effect is predicted for spin-1/2 impurities. Moreover, for some range of magnetic impurity concentrations the phenomenon of {\it superconductivity induced by magnetic field} is predicted: superconducting transition temperature T_c(H) is found to be nonzero in the range of magnetic fields 0<H<=H<=Hc0 < H^* <= H <= H_c.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Anomaly crust fields from MAGSAT satellite measurements:their processing and interpretation

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    The space distribution of the magnetic anomaly field for the Pacific Ocean is obtained from data of the satellite MAGSAT. A number of long-wavelength magnetic anomalies of the region are identified. A spectrum analysis of a number of profiles of the anomaly field is performed disclosing typical scales of such anomalies. The wave transform of the anomaly magnetic profiles reveals and explicitly exposes the structure of the considered profile. A schematic complex cross-section is constructed, which demonstrates that the satellite data may be used in the study of the magnetic anomaly

    Surface impedance of superconductors with magnetic impurities

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    Motivated by the problem of the residual surface resistance of the superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities, we develop a microscopic theory of the surface impedance of s-wave superconductors with magnetic impurities. We analytically calculate the current response function and surface impedance for a sample with spatially uniform distribution of impurities, treating magnetic impurities in the framework of the Shiba theory. The obtained general expressions hold in a wide range of parameter values, such as temperature, frequency, mean free path, and exchange coupling strength. This generality, on the one hand, allows for direct numerical implementation of our results to describe experimental systems (SRF cavities, superconducting qubits) under various practically relevant conditions. On the other hand, explicit analytical expressions can be obtained in a number of limiting cases, which makes possible further theoretical investigation of certain regimes. As a feature of key relevance to SRF cavities, we show that in the regime of "gapless superconductivity" the surface resistance exhibits saturation at zero temperature. Our theory thus explicitly demonstrates that magnetic impurities, presumably contained in the oxide surface layer of the SRF cavities, provide a microscopic mechanism for the residual resistance.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figs; v2: published versio

    Reconstructing sparticle mass spectra using hadronic decays

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    Most sparticle decay cascades envisaged at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) involve hadronic decays of intermediate particles. We use state-of-the art techniques based on the K⊥ jet algorithm to reconstruct the resulting hadronic final states for simulated LHC events in a number of benchmark supersymmetric scenarios. In particular, we show that a general method of selecting preferentially boosted massive particles such as W±, Z0 or Higgs bosons decaying to jets, using sub-jets found by the K⊥ algorithm, suppresses QCD backgrounds and thereby enhances the observability of signals that would otherwise be indistinct. Consequently, measurements of the supersymmetric mass spectrum at the per-cent level can be obtained from cascades including the hadronic decays of such massive intermediate bosons

    Hall Transport in Granular Metals and Effects of Coulomb Interactions

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    We present a theory of Hall effect in granular systems at large tunneling conductance gT1g_{T}\gg 1. Hall transport is essentially determined by the intragrain electron dynamics, which, as we find using the Kubo formula and diagrammatic technique, can be described by nonzero diffusion modes inside the grains. We show that in the absence of Coulomb interaction the Hall resistivity ρxy\rho_{xy} depends neither on the tunneling conductance nor on the intragrain disorder and is given by the classical formula ρxy=H/(nec)\rho_{xy}=H/(n^* e c), where nn^* differs from the carrier density nn inside the grains by a numerical coefficient determined by the shape of the grains and type of granular lattice. Further, we study the effects of Coulomb interactions by calculating first-order in 1/gT1/g_T corrections and find that (i) in a wide range of temperatures T \gtrsim \Ga exceeding the tunneling escape rate \Ga, the Hall resistivity ρxy\rho_{xy} and conductivity \sig_{xy} acquire logarithmic in TT corrections, which are of local origin and absent in homogeneously disordered metals; (ii) large-scale ``Altshuler-Aronov'' correction to \sig_{xy}, relevant at T\ll\Ga, vanishes in agreement with the theory of homogeneously disordered metals.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Геодинамическая модель глубинного строения палеосубдукционной зоны на восточной окраине Русской палеоплиты и распределение месторождений нефти и газа

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    Known hypothesis of M. Barazangi that quasilinear geological and tectonic zones represent the banded structures, which are parallel to the Urals paleo volcanic mountain belt was used. These zones can be in some interval of distances from a mountain paleo volcanic belt. On the size of this interval (~ 103 km) and the periodical arrangement of quasilinear geological and tectonic zones (of about ~ 300 km width), the paleo subduction speed (~ 5 – 6 cm a year) was estimated on the example of some Siberian regions.Использована известная гипотеза M. Barazangi о том, что квазилинейные геолого-тектонические зоны представляют собой полосчатые структуры, которые параллельны палеовулканическому Уральскому горному поясу и могут находиться в пределах некоторого интервала расстояний от пояса. По величине этого интервала (~10 3 км) и периодическому расположению квазилинейных геолого-тектонических зон (с поперечным размером ~ 300 км) оценивается скорость палеосубдукции (~ 5 – 6 см в год) на примере некоторых районов Сибири. Альтернативой столь высокой скорости палеосубдукции может быть угол палеосубдукции значительно меньше 10°. Результаты расчета могут быть применимы при изучении древних и современных литосферных блоков

    Excitonic condensation in a double-layer graphene system

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    The possibility of excitonic condensation in a recently proposed electrically biased double-layer graphene system is studied theoretically. The main emphasis is put on obtaining a reliable analytical estimate for the transition temperature into the excitonic state. As in a double-layer graphene system the total number of fermionic "flavors" is equal to N=8 due to two projections of spin, two valleys, and two layers, the large-NN approximation appears to be especially suitable for theoretical investigation of the system. On the other hand, the large number of flavors makes screening of the bare Coulomb interactions very efficient, which, together with the suppression of backscattering in graphene, leads to an extremely low energy of the excitonic condensation. It is shown that the effect of screening on the excitonic pairing is just as strong in the excitonic state as it is in the normal state. As a result, the value of the excitonic gap \De is found to be in full agreement with the previously obtained estimate for the mean-field transition temperature TcT_c, the maximum possible value Δmax,Tcmax107ϵF\Delta^{\rm max},T_c^{\rm max}\sim 10^{-7} \epsilon_F (ϵF\epsilon_F is the Fermi energy) of both being in 1mK 1{\rm mK} range for a perfectly clean system. This proves that the energy scale 107ϵF\sim 10^{-7} \epsilon_F really sets the upper bound for the transition temperature and invalidates the recently expressed conjecture about the high-temperature first-order transition into the excitonic state. These findings suggest that, unfortunately, the excitonic condensation in graphene double-layers can hardly be realized experimentally.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, invited paper to Graphene special issue in Semiconductor Science and Technolog

    Excitonic condensation in a double-layer graphene system

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    The possibility of excitonic condensation in a recently proposed electrically biased double-layer graphene system is studied theoretically. The main emphasis is put on obtaining a reliable analytical estimate for the transition temperature into the excitonic state. As in a double-layer graphene system the total number of fermionic "flavors" is equal to N=8 due to two projections of spin, two valleys, and two layers, the large-NN approximation appears to be especially suitable for theoretical investigation of the system. On the other hand, the large number of flavors makes screening of the bare Coulomb interactions very efficient, which, together with the suppression of backscattering in graphene, leads to an extremely low energy of the excitonic condensation. It is shown that the effect of screening on the excitonic pairing is just as strong in the excitonic state as it is in the normal state. As a result, the value of the excitonic gap \De is found to be in full agreement with the previously obtained estimate for the mean-field transition temperature TcT_c, the maximum possible value Δmax,Tcmax107ϵF\Delta^{\rm max},T_c^{\rm max}\sim 10^{-7} \epsilon_F (ϵF\epsilon_F is the Fermi energy) of both being in 1mK 1{\rm mK} range for a perfectly clean system. This proves that the energy scale 107ϵF\sim 10^{-7} \epsilon_F really sets the upper bound for the transition temperature and invalidates the recently expressed conjecture about the high-temperature first-order transition into the excitonic state. These findings suggest that, unfortunately, the excitonic condensation in graphene double-layers can hardly be realized experimentally.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, invited paper to Graphene special issue in Semiconductor Science and Technolog