6 research outputs found

    Visual Interest of Children with Autism in Interior Elements in the Room

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    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can find it very difficult to focus on things that do not interest them or things with too much distraction. Distraction can be received by the senses, senses of sight, smell, hearing, and other senses. Of the various senses, the visual aspect is the most robust sense possessed by children with ASD. Therefore, this study aims to determine the visual interest (sense of sight) of children with autism in interior spaces, especially in therapy rooms. The method used is quantitative. The research location is in a hospital in Bandung. The research object is eight children with autism with the category of low function, difficulty to focus, and low imitation ability with an age range of 3-12 years old. Observations were made by watching video recordings from the ceiling of the therapy room and the front of the child (toward the child's eyes) during one therapy session when the child with autism was alone in the therapy room and when she/he was with the therapist in the therapy room. The significance test was carried out using a one-tail t-test and a single-factor ANOVA test. The results show that the most visually appealing interior elements for the eight children with autism are windows, clocks, doors, and poles. Besides, the average visual interest in windows, clocks, and doors increases when they were alone compared to when they were with a therapist. The conclusion is that every child has different visual interests, but there are similarities of interests with a therapist. During the therapy, children still find it challenging to focus on the material because they look at various directions of the room that the child finds attractive so that the therapy process does not run optimally. This finding means that the more objects/interior elements in the room, the greater the visual distraction they will create. Thus, interior design for children with autism should also be adjusted to their easily distracted behavior (from a visual perspective) to carry out effective and maximum therapeutic activities. Keywords: Visual interest, children with ASD, interior, space DOI: 10.7176/ADS/93-01 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Desain Interior Lembaga Terapi Autis Di Kota Bandung, Indonesia

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    Beberapa tahun belakangan ini kasus kelahiran anak autis semakin meningkat. Data Badan Pusat Statistik menunjukkan sejak 2010 dengan perkiraan hingga 2016, terdapat sekitar 140 ribu anak di bawah usia 17 tahun menyandang autis. Data terakhir pada tahun 2015 menunjukkan sebanyak 25.000 anak autis ada di Jawa Barat. Autis merupakan gangguan perkembangan yang kompleks, disebabkan oleh adanya kerusakan pada otak, sehingga mengakibatkan gangguan pada perkembangan komunikasi, perilaku, kemampuan sosialisasi, sensori dan belajar, dan bukan suatu penyakit mental. (Peeters, 1997). Lingkungan fisik adalah salah satu faktor yang paling sering dilupakan dalam pendidikan dan perkembangan anak (selain dari medis, dokter, psikolog, keluarga, budaya, dll). Permasalahannya adalah semakin banyaknya anak autis di Bandung sehingga diperlukan lembaga terapi yang dapat menunjang pembentukan dan pengembangan perilaku serta kemampuan mereka. Oleh karena itu, lingkungan fisik yang ada diharapkan dapat memberikan pengaruh positif dalam perkembangan anak autis. Maka diperlukan suatu tempat yang dapat mewadahi dengan baik dalam proses penanganan tersebut dengan segala fasilitas yang menunjang di dalamny


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    The accessibility of the hospital building design in Indonesia has not been accommodated optimally. The guidelines regarding the universal design standards arranged by the government have not been implemented as a full assemble, considering hospitals are places where the patients may experience various physical conditions. Patients might need assistive aids such as canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, and gurney to support their mobility, along with the helper. The existing elements of hospital buildings are supposed to be part of the accessibility standards thus the patients and their helpers could access facilities and circulations conveniently. The universal designs are vitals, especially at the Outpatient Installation. It requires comprehensive accessibility due to the various backgrounds of the outpatients. The objective is to investigate the accessibility level of patients according to the existing implementation of the universal design guidelines in the hospitals. The case study is conducted at the Instalasi Rawat Jalan zone of RSUD dr. Iskak. This research is performed by using the quantitative descriptive method while the questionnaires are analyzed by using the statistic descriptive analysis approach. The result suggested that the hospital has not implemented the universal design guidelines as a whole while most parameters are part of the accessibility standards.Ketersediaan aksesibilitas pada desain bangunan gedung rumah sakit di Indonesia masih belum terakomodasi optimal. Kebijakan mengenai standar desain universal yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah belum tegas diterapkan secara menyeluruh. Apalagi jika terkait dengan rumah sakit yang memiliki karakter berbeda dari bangunan publik yang lainnya, mengingat bahwa pengguna adalah orang yang memiliki bermacam-macam keterbatasan fisik, kemudian membutuhkan alat bantu seperti tongkat, kruk, walker, kursi roda dan brankart untuk mendukung mobilitasnya, beserta dengan orang lain yang mendampingi. Elemen bangunan rumah sakit yang ada harusnya masuk parameter aksesibilitas standar agar pasien dan pendampingnya tidak menemui hambatan sirkulasi dan fasilitas. Desain universal sangat penting diaplikasikan, apalagi di instalasi rawat jalan karena banyaknya ragam pasien yang berobat jalan sehingga aksibilitas yang menyeluruh sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat aksesibilitas pasien berdasarkan pada penerapan prinsip desain universal di rumah sakit. Lokasi studi dilakukan pada zona Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD dr. Iskak. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Data kuesioner dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan data observasi menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa rumah sakit belum menerapkan prinsip desain universal secara menyeluruh dan sebagian besar masuk dalam parameter aksesibilitas sebagian standar

    Behaviour and Interaction of Autism Children with Interior Design Aspect at Therapy Room

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    A room should be appropriate to the behavior that is owned by its users. In this field, an interior designer should be able to make sufficient room for the user as well as the activities undertaken in room. Intrinsically for normal users or who have special needs, for example is autism. The case of the birth of children with autism from year to year was increase. Now governments are increasingly concerned with the existence of such cases so that the target to build thousands of special schools with autism in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate further the behavior of children with autism in the therapy room so this research can knowing the frequency of the lowest and the highest behavior of children with autism and the distraction of interaction between children and aspects of interior design that happens to be an autism child can make the process of therapy with more leverage. The method used is qualitative by observation in the field of children with autism (n = 9) the category of low, middle and high function of age 3-12 years who are conducting behavioral therapy and noted the response and behavior of the child with one case study in Bandung. At the end of this study resulted in a conclusion that the most high frequency current behavior of autistic children in the therapy room is seeing a therapist's eyes and the lowest frequency is playing lip and scratched his forehead. Meanwhile, most children with autism are get distraction when interacting with the aspect of the interior design is the floor (like stomping to the mat, saw a mattress on the floor) and sound (such as pat of objects and listen to the sound, covering the ears). Keywords : behaviour, autism, interior design, therapy, roo

    Analisis Tatar Perilaku sebagai Langkah Awal untuk Membangun Desain Interior Sarana Pendidikan Anak Autis

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    Empowering interior design to lead to better development can be done from small things such as paying attention to the means of education for autistic children. Interior designers can play a role in building educational facilities in accordance with the behavior of children with autism. Autistic behavior can be caused by not being able to process information properly from the stimuli of the physical environment (space) around it. The purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior of children with autism as a first step if they want to build an interior design for children with autism education in accordance with the behavior, so it is expected that if they know the behavior in the room, then the interior designer can design the educational facilities according to their needs and will maximum. The limitation of this study is only to analyze the behavior of autistic children in the therapy room according to the researcher's perspective as an interior designer. The method used is observation of children's behavior in the room during the therapy process, using video recorders. Analysis was carried out by anova statistical test. The results showed that there were differences in the number of children's behavior in the room when with the therapist and when alone. Before the therapy process takes place, the child will carry out the adaptation phase, showing curiosity whether the space / object makes the child comfortable / uncomfortable. In addition, children have the same behavior that is easily distracted with interior elements


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    Om Swastiastu, Seminar Nasional pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2016, diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD), Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar dan diikuti oleh 17 pemakalah inti dan artikel pendamping yang dihimpun dalam buku Procceding Seminar Nasional 2016: “Seni Rupa Nusantara Basis Keunggulan Indonesia”. Makalah Seminar Nasional ini call for pa- per, sangat berarti bagi FSRD-ISI Denpasar dalam bentuk procceding yang ber ISBN 978-602- 9855-8-3. Seminar nasional ini juga menghadirkan keynote speaker Wali Kota Denpasar, I.B Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, Pembicara sesi (I) Prof. Dr. Agus Burhan (Rektor ISI Yogyakarta), Pembicara sesi (II) Dr. Dody Wyancoko (Dosen ITB Bandung), dan Pembicara sesi (III) Dr. I Wayan Kun Adnyana ISI Denpasar. Seminar nasional akan diarahkan untuk mengembangkan “cara berpikir” dari berbagai aspek dalam studi seni rupa dan desain, termasuk media rekam untuk penciptaan suatu karya. Panitia penyelenggara mewakili institusi FSRD-ISI Denpasar yang menjadi tuan rumah seminar nasional, mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas partisi- pasi para akademisi dan para pemerhati seni rupa Indonesia seperti: Seni Lukis, Seni Patung, Produk Kriya, Desain Interior, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fotografi, Desain Mode, Film dan Televisi kemudian mempresentasikan dalam seminar nasional ini. Adapun bentuk sub tema: 1). Eksplorasi Seni Rupa Nusantara; 2). Keragaman Seni Rupa Nusantara, 3). Peluang studi dan penelitian; 4). Konsep dan filosofi Seni Rupa Nusantara. Dengan kerendahan hati panitia men- gucapkan selamat berseminar, terutama kepada peserta utusan dari; Universitas Negeri Malang (UNM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) Bandung, Uni- versitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universita Mahasaraswati (UNMAS) Denpasar, Universitas Bunda Mulia Jakarta, dan Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar. Dengan penuh harapan, bahwa kegiatan seminar nasional ini dapat terselenggara den- gan sukses membawa pengalaman baru serta persahabatan abadi. Atas nama panitia, tidak lupa kami mengucapkan mohon maaf apabila ada pelayanan yang kurang memuaskan dan mungkin dilain waktu bisa lebih baik lagi penyelenggaraannya. Salam seni dan budaya. Om Santih Santih Santih O