34 research outputs found


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    If a specimen of literary art is seen as a fine tapestry of words made by the skilled seamstress—the poet, then the lexis and structure of a language are the raw materials—the fabric and the thread—by weaving which into specific patterns the finished product is achieved. The choice of materials and their arrangement into unique patterns always bear an image of their creator, or the artist; thus, a close view of them reveals the artist’s identity and brings out the meaningful message that underlies the ornate running threads. Mostly, the students of literary studies cannot appreciate the beauty of the literary classics on their own. Consequently, they simply mimic the ideas, and sometimes even the words, of famous professional critics when asked to give their own critical judgment on the aesthetic merit or the thematic quality of a literary work in the shape of a home assignment, classroom presentation or an annual assessment test. Now, the researcher has got the inspiration for carrying out this study from an idea expounded in Widdowson (1975) that this mimicry can be replaced by genuine individual opinion if the students, or even those people who have non-academic concerns with literature, are brought to a standpoint from where they can have a closer view of the raw materials, the language resources, which are involved in the making of a literary product. And, if the product in its finished form cannot elicit a desired response from them then making them sensitive to the process of its making can be quite effective in this regard. Through the present study, an attempt has been made to show an easy access to the outlandish world of verse by means of the linguistic route which is laid with the familiar flagstones of grammar and vocabulary. Meaning thereby that in this study the elusiveness of poetry will be dealt with the precision of a social scientist, the linguist. The approach which serves as the basis of this study is not an invention of the researcher; rather, it is a well-known twentieth century approach known as stylistics (Jeffries McIntyre, 2010, p. 30). Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s famous ballad, “The Rime of the Ancient Marinerâ€, being a widely read poem and bearing various stylistics features, offered itself as an ideal object for this study. The poet’s aesthetic message is explored by analyzing the finest details of his linguistic expression. And, careful considerations have been made throughout the study to prevent the overlooking of any instance of deviant linguistic units or recurring patterns for interpretation because such elements contribute largely to the meaning of any literary product. The study is descriptive in its nature therefore qualitative data has been integrated with and substantiated by the quantitative one.  Keywords: stylistics, literature, lexical, semantic and graphological deviation


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    This paper estimates the sediment load transported by Gomal River at Khajuri Katch and Kot Murtaza on yearly-basis. An eight years sediment data (1981-88) compiled by the surface water hydrology division of WAPDA was analyzed and model of power relation was chosen to be fitted to the collected data. Regression analysis was used to establish a correlation between water discharge and sediment load. The model is an attempt to ascertain the rate of erosion in the catchment of the Gomal River since no generalized model has so far been developed to explain the nature of such weathering activities and all such works are situation specific. Relation between the water discharges to sediment load that it carries has been developed to signify the Gomal River catchment’s erosion. The analysis shows that the catchments is  eroding at the rate of 1.67 acre-feet and the sediment water ratio is 3.0% which is the second highest value the world over after Yellow River in China. The variation of different parameters in sediment-water system i.e. water discharge, sediment load, sediment concentration and sediment quality have been estimated from the actual data and are shown by histograms and bar graphs. The relations developed are applicable only to the Gomal River system. It is hoped that the study will invite interest and attention of planners, researchers, and all those concerned with the problems and menace of soil erosion, sediment load concentration in hydraulic structures and its impact over the life span of hydraulic structures i.e. dams deemed to be constructed across the river with the objective to minimize the sedimentation problems

    Anterior Cervical Corpectomy with Cage Fixation for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy

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    Objective:  This study aimed to report the clinical outcome of anterior cervical corpectomy with cage fixation in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Material and Methods:  This observational retrospective study included 36 patients from the Neurosurgery department of Lady Ready Hospital MTI, Peshawar from 2014 January to 2015 December. After performing surgery, the patients were followed up for six months for neurological outcome and various post-operative complications such as infection, transient recurrent laryngeal palsy, screw displacement and improvements in paresthesias and gait ataxia. Results:  Most of the patients have no post-operative complications. Seventy-five percent (n = 27) of patients reported an immediate improvement in paresthesia and fine hand movements and gait. The major reported complications were implant failure (5.55%) and recurrent laryngeal nerve transient palsy in two patients (5.55%) each. Conclusion:  In patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy, with anterior compression, cervical corpectomy with cage fixation is less invasive and an effective procedure with acceptable outcomes


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    This paper estimates the sediment load transported by Gomal River at Khajuri Katch and Kot Murtaza on yearly-basis. An eight years sediment data (1981-88) compiled by the surface water hydrology division of WAPDA was analyzed and model of power relation was chosen to be fitted to the collected data. Regression analysis was used to establish a correlation between water discharge and sediment load. The model is an attempt to ascertain the rate of erosion in the catchment of the Gomal River since no generalized model has so far been developed to explain the nature of such weathering activities and all such works are situation specific. Relation between the water discharges to sediment load that it carries has been developed to signify the Gomal River catchment’s erosion. The analysis shows that the catchments is  eroding at the rate of 1.67 acre-feet and the sediment water ratio is 3.0% which is the second highest value the world over after Yellow River in China. The variation of different parameters in sediment-water system i.e. water discharge, sediment load, sediment concentration and sediment quality have been estimated from the actual data and are shown by histograms and bar graphs. The relations developed are applicable only to the Gomal River system. It is hoped that the study will invite interest and attention of planners, researchers, and all those concerned with the problems and menace of soil erosion, sediment load concentration in hydraulic structures and its impact over the life span of hydraulic structures i.e. dams deemed to be constructed across the river with the objective to minimize the sedimentation problems

    Comparison of targeted retinal photocoagulation versus pan-retinal photocoagulation in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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    The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of targeted retinal photocoagulation (TRP) with pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP) in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). A total of 100 patients with PDR were enrolled in the study. The patients were divided into the TRP group (n=50) and the PRP group (n=50). The primary outcome measure was the proportion of patients who achieved a complete regression of PDR. Secondary outcome measures included the effect of TRP or PRP on visual acuity, visual fields and the need for further treatments. The results showed that the TRP is an effective treatment modality in proliferative retinopathy regression (86%) like PRP group (72%). The TRP group also showed a visual acuity improvement (0.19 logMAR) compared to the PRP group (mean improvement of 0.13 logMAR) with good preservation of visual fields. There were no significant differences in the need for further treatments between the two groups. These results suggest that TRP is safe treatment option for PDR. Material and Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of ophthalmology Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar from January 2020 to July 2021. A total of 100 patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy were included in the study.&nbsp

    Spatial Drought Monitoring in Thar Desert Using Satellite-Based Drought Indices and Geo-Informatics Techniques

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    Drought is a continuous process in Thar Desert, Pakistan. The extent of this drought needs to be assessed for future land use and adaptation. The effect of previous drought on vegetation cover of the Thar region was studied, through combined use of drought indices and geographic information (GIS) techniques. Five years (2002, 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014) were selected to analyze the drought conditions and land use pattern of the Thar region. The drought indices used in this study included the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI). Images of past drought were compared with post-drought images of our targeted area and land use maps were developed for spatio-temporal analysis. The results of the study revealed that vegetation in Thar showed an improving trend from 2002 to 2011 and then declined from 2011 to 2014. The rainfall occurred at a below average rate and SPI values for each year were calculated to be negative, indicating below average rainfall. This actual precipitation data was then compared with the data obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite and R2; Pearson correlation coefficients were also calculated. The R2 values for the years 2002 and 2014 were 0.519 and 0.670 respectively. In the same manner, the Pearson correlation coefficient values for the years 2002 and 2014 were 0.721 and 0.867 respectively. The results showed the TRMM satellite’s over-estimation in calculating rainfall data. Further, the average temperature for the five years under study was analyzed by graphical representation and it was revealed that the temperature of Thar has increased by almost 1 °C during the last decade