8 research outputs found

    Conceptual Overview of MIS and its Importance in an Organization

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    A management information system is an integrated, uniform method for collecting and reporting information about a particular program, event or activity. We can also define MIS as a user machine system which is used for providing information to support the operation and decision making function in an organization. MIS support decision making at all levels of the organization and also supports decision making in both structured and unstructured problem environment. In our paper we have described about the MIS and its importance in an organization. We have also explained various types of information system and the steps involve in designing and developing of an effective MIS in an organization. Keywords: Transactional Processing System, Management Reporting System, Decision Support System and Executive Support System

    Achieving Success through Effective Business Communication

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    In business, communication is used to promote a product or services, relay information within the business or deal with legal or similar issues. We can also define business communication as a process of transmitting information and thoughts between various parts of an organization and also to people outside organization. Effective communication is essential and indispensable for the success of any business. Technology has opened the door to new ways of interacting, but the process is still challenged by barriers that hinder its effectiveness. In our paper we have defined communication process, barriers to effective business communication and various tips to overcome these communication barriers. Keywords: Barriers to Business Communication, Communication Process, Effective Communicatio

    Growing Importance of E-Commerce in Global Market

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    We can define e-commerce simply as doing business electronically.  In this world of new technology businesses need to accommodate to the new types of consumer needs because it is very important for business success. E-commerce enables organization to improve their competiveness. It crosses geographic boundaries, save time and cost. There are many positive impact of e-commerce on many areas and disciplines of business management studies such as marketing, finance, accounting, production and operation management. In our paper we have explained about e-commerce and its different types. We have also explained the future growth and limitations of e-commerce. Keywords: Transactional Processing System, Management Reporting System, Decision Support System and Executive Support System

    SLACC: Simion-based Language Agnostic Code Clones

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    Successful cross-language clone detection could enable researchers and developers to create robust language migration tools, facilitate learning additional programming languages once one is mastered, and promote reuse of code snippets over a broader codebase. However, identifying cross-language clones presents special challenges to the clone detection problem. A lack of common underlying representation between arbitrary languages means detecting clones requires one of the following solutions: 1) a static analysis framework replicated across each targeted language with annotations matching language features across all languages, or 2) a dynamic analysis framework that detects clones based on runtime behavior. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of the latter solution, a dynamic analysis approach called SLACC for cross-language clone detection. Like prior clone detection techniques, we use input/output behavior to match clones, though we overcome limitations of prior work by amplifying the number of inputs and covering more data types; and as a result, achieve better clusters than prior attempts. Since clusters are generated based on input/output behavior, SLACC supports cross-language clone detection. As an added challenge, we target a static typed language, Java, and a dynamic typed language, Python. Compared to HitoshiIO, a recent clone detection tool for Java, SLACC retrieves 6 times as many clusters and has higher precision (86.7% vs. 30.7%). This is the first work to perform clone detection for dynamic typed languages (precision = 87.3%) and the first to perform clone detection across languages that lack a common underlying representation (precision = 94.1%). It provides a first step towards the larger goal of scalable language migration tools.Comment: 11 Pages, 3 Figures, Accepted at ICSE 2020 technical trac


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    ABSTRACT Software testing is the process of analyzing software to find the difference between required and existing condition. Software testing is performed throughout the development cycle of software and it is also performed to build quality software, for this purpose two basic testing approaches are used, they are white box testing and black box testing. One of the software testing technique which I have explain in my paper is Black Box Testing, it is a method of generating test cases that are independent of software internal structure, I have also briefly explore various different approaches to black box testing technique for finding errors. Since black box testing is always based either directly or indirectly on the software specification so it is also called specification based testing. KEYWORDS Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Fuzz Testing, Orthogonal Array Testing, All Pair Testin