21 research outputs found

    Anthropometric Indices of Giardia-Infected Under-Five Children Presenting with Moderate-to-Severe Diarrhea and Their Healthy Community Controls: Data from the Global Enteric Multicenter Study

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    Among all intestinal parasitosis, giardiasis has been reported to be associated with delayed growth in malnourished children under 5 living in low- and middle-income countries. Relevant data on the nutritional status of children aged 0-59 months presenting with moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) and giardia infection were collected from sentinel health facilities of the Global Enteric Multicenter Study's (GEMS) seven field settings, placed in diverse countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia between, December 2007 and February 2011. Then, this study analyzed a robust dataset of study participants (n = 22,569). Children having giardiasis with MSD constituted as cases (n = 1786), and those without MSD constituted as controls (n = 3470). Among the seven field sites, symptomatic giardiasis was 15% and 22% in Asian and African sites, respectively, whereas asymptomatic giardia infection (healthy without MSD) in Asian and African sites was 21.7% and 30.7%, respectively. Wasting and underweight were more frequently associated and stunting less often associated with symptomatic giardiasis (for all, p < 0.001). Symptomatic giardiasis had a significant association with worsening of nutritional status in under-five children. Improved socio-economic profile along with proper sanitation and hygienic practices are imperative to enhance child nutritional status, particularly in resource limited settings

    Gender disparity in care-seeking behaviours and treatment outcomes for dehydrating diarrhoea among under-5 children admitted to a diarrhoeal disease hospital in Bangladesh: an analysis of hospital-based surveillance data

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    Introduction Despite economic development and augmented literacy rates, Bangladeshi households are still discriminating against girls when it comes to seeking medical care. We examined gender disparities in diarrhoeal disease severity and the treatment outcomes of under-5 children.Setting A tertiary level diarrhoeal disease hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh.Participants 13 361 under-5 children admitted to the hospital between January 2008 and December 2017.Outcome variables and methods The primary outcome of interest was severity of diarrhoea, defined as ‘dehydrating diarrhoea’ or ‘non-dehydrating diarrhoea’. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association between ‘gender’ and admission to hospital for dehydrating diarrhoea.Results Data on 13 321 children under 5 years of age were analysed, of whom 61.5% were male and 38.5% were female. The mean (±SD) age of children with diarrhoea was 5.63 (±3.49) months. The median distance travelled to come to the hospital for admission was 10 miles (IQR: 6–25) and was significantly higher for boys (10 miles, IQR: 6–25) than girls (9.5 miles, IQR: 6–23) (p&lt;0.001). Girls had 1.11 times higher odds (adjusted OR: 1.11, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.20, p=0.007) of presenting with dehydrating diarrhoea than boys at the time of hospital admission. Almost 20% of children received two or more medications during the period of hospital admission and this did not differ by gender. The median duration of hospital stay was 11 hours and was similar in both sexes. No gender-based disparity was observed in the management of diarrhoea and in the hospital outcome of children.Conclusion We found that girls were more likely to have dehydrating diarrhoea when they were presented to the Dhaka hospital of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. No gender-based disparity was observed in the hospital outcome of children

    Different Features of Cholera in Malnourished and Non-Malnourished Children: Analysis of 20 Years of Surveillance Data from a Large Diarrheal Disease Hospital in Urban Bangladesh

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    Malnourished children are more prone to infectious diseases including severe diarrhea compared to non-malnourished children. However, data are scarce on differences in the presentation in such children. We aimed to identify clinical differentials among children with cholera with or without malnutrition. Data were extracted from the diarrheal disease surveillance system (DDSS) of Dhaka Hospital of International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) from January 2001 to December 2020. Among children under five in DDSS, cholera positive (culture confirmed) malnourished children (WAZ, WL/HZ or L/HAZ ˂ −2) were considered as cases (n = 920) and children with cholera but non-malnourished (WAZ, WL/HZ or L/HAZ ≥−2.00 to ≤+2.00) were controls (n = 586). After adjusting for potential confounders such as maternal illiteracy, day labor fathers, maternal employment, slum dwelling, non-sanitary latrine use, use of untreated water, and history of cough, it was revealed that malnourished cholera children significantly more often presented in hospital during evening hours (6 p.m. to 12 mid-night) (p p 24 h history of diarrheal duration (p p p < 0.05). The study results underscore the importance of understanding of basic differences in the presentation of severity of cholera in malnourished children for prompt identification and subsequent management of these vulnerable children

    Changing susceptibility pattern of vibrio cholerae o1 isolates to commonly used antibiotics in the largest diarrheal disease hospital in Bangladesh during 2000-2018

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    The efficacy of commonly used antibiotics for treating severe cholera has been compromised over time because of the reduced antibiotic susceptibility. This study aimed to describe the rate of detection of Vibrio cholerae O1 from fecal samples and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of V. cholerae O1 serotypes to commonly used antibiotics. During January 2000-December 2018, V. cholerae O1 was detected in fecal samples of 7,472 patients. Vibrio cholerae O1 Inaba serotype was predominant, ranging from 60% to 86% during the period 2000-2006 except for 2003 and 2005 when the Ogawa serotype was predominant. Later on, the Ogawa serotype became predominant from 2007 to 2015, fluctuating between 52% and 100%. However, in 2016 and 2017, isolation rates declined to 2% and 1%, respectively, but surged again to 75% in 2018. Nearly 100% of V. cholerae O1 strains were sensitive to tetracycline during 2000-2004. Thereafter, a declining trend of sensitivity was observed to be continued and dropped down to < 6% during 2012-2017 and again increased to 76% in 2018. Susceptibility to azithromycin and ciprofloxacin was nearly 100%, and susceptibility to cotrimoxazole and furazolidone was 01% throughout the study period. We also found the emergence of resistance to erythromycin in 2005 and sensitivity to cotrimoxazole in 2018. Thus, the rapid decline of the sensitivity of V. cholerae O1 to tetracycline and a reversed peak after 6 years need continued monitoring and reporting