16 research outputs found

    In-vitro anticoccidial potential of Saccharum officinarum extract against Eimeria oocysts

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    Present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous methanolic extract from Saccharum officinarum on the sporulation and morphology of oocysts of four Eimeria species (Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. mitis, E. brunetti) of poultry. Sporulation inhibition bioassay was used to evaluate the activity of Saccharum officinarum extract (SOE) on the sporulation of coccidian oocysts. In this assay, unsporulated oocysts were exposed to six concentrations of S. officinarum in 10% dimethyl sulfoxide solution (w/v; 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625 and 0.31%) while DMSO and potassium dichromate solution (K2Cr2O7) served as control groups. The Petri dishes were partially covered to allow the passage of oxygen and incubated at 25-29° C for 48 h, providing 60-80% humidity. The sporulation of the oocyst was confirmed by examining sporocysts under inverted microscope at 40x. Results showed anticoccidial activity of SOE against all Eimeria species as proved by its ability to inhibit the sporulation of the oocysts under laboratory conditions. Inhibition of sporulation was observed in dose dependent manner. S. officinarum extract at higher dose also damaged the normal morphology and shape of oocysts of Eimeria species

    Anticoccidial Effect of Cinnamomum verum Essential Oil and Its Impact on Hematological and Serum Biochemical Parameters in Broilers

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    Background: There are various synthetic anticoccidial drugs available in the market for the control and treatment of coccidiosis in broilers. However, their extensive usage has resulted in the development of drug resistance as well as the presence of drug residues in meat, thus urging scientists to find alternatives for coccidiosis control. Hence, the current research was aimed at the evaluation of the anticoccidial potential of Cinnamomum verum essential oil through the application of both the in-vitro and in-vivo methods.Methods: The bark of C. verum procured from the market was subjected to hydro-distillation procedure for extraction of the essential oil. The extracted essential oil was subjected to in-vitro evaluation in terms of percent sporulation and oocysts damage at six different concentrations (0.31, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10% v/v). Similarly, for the in-vivo trial, 72 broiler chicks were randomly divided into six equal groups (A, B, C, D, E and F). The first five groups were infected with oocysts of mixed Eimeria species while the sixth group was kept as non-infected. When the chicks were 14 days old, the infected groups were orally given 55000 oocysts per bird. On the same day 14, the groups A, B and C were given C. verum essential oil at concentrations of 1, 2 and 3% respectively in feed whereas groups D, E and F served as positive control (Toltrazuril® treated), negative control and the normal control respectively.Result: The results revealed C. verum oil to have an effect on the percent sporulation and oocysts damage. The oil also improved the FCR, lesion score, oocysts score, fecal score and serum biochemical parameters in the treated broilers. However, it had no significant positive effect on the hematological parameters like Hb, PCV and blood cells count, and the weight of internal organs in broilers. For most of the parameters, C. verum essential oil showed a dose-dependent effect.Conclusion: In nutshell, C. verum essential oil possesses significant anticoccidial potential as demonstrated by the results of both the in-vitro and the in-vivo experiments. However, further studies are required for its validation and commercialization in the poultry sector

    In vitro anticoccidial activity of Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) extract on oocysts of Eimeria species of Chicken

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    Background: Due to development of synthetic anticoccidial drug resistance there is improvement of anticoccidial medicines due to which exploration of diverse therapeutic agents is attractive now a days. Amongst original agents’ miscellaneous botanicals have shown encouraging properties against coccidiosis. Present study is also a part of probing innovative therapeutic drugs against coccidiosis which can provide replacement solution to treat coccidiosis.Methods: In current experiment in vitro anticoccidial effect of Trachyspermum ammi (seeds) extract was evaluated. For this purpose, an in vitro sporulation inhibition assay was used. Collected oocysts of four Eimeria species were exposed to six different concentrations (w/v) of T. ammi in 10% Dimethyl sulphoxide solution (DMSO), while Dimethyl sulphoxide and Potassium dichromate solution (K2Cr2O7) served as control groups.Results: Results of study revealed that T. ammi extract showed in vitro anticoccidial effect by affecting on sporulation (%) and damaging (%) Eimeria oocysts in dose dependent manner. T. ammi extract also damaged the morphology of oocysts in terms of shape, size and number of sporocysts.Conclusion: The results strongly support the botanicals applications of T. ammi extract and also demonstrate its potential for use in Poultry coccidiosis control strategies.Keywords: Trachyspermum ammi extract; In vitro; Eimeria; Oocyst

    Acaricidal and insecticidal effects of essential oils against ectoparasites of veterinary importance

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    Ectoparasitism in animals has become an issue of great concern that needs to be resolved to prevent huge economic losses occurring to livestock industry all over the world. Synthetic adrugs have been playing a major role in controlling ectoparasites, but their frequent and irrational use has resulted in drug resistance to routinely used chemicals and their residual effects on food and environment. Therefore, this approach of using chemical acaricides and insecticides is losing its popularity and effectiveness in controlling ectoparasites. So, the development of alternative approaches in ectoparasite management is currently required. Among alternative protocols, plants and their essential oils have played remarkable role in controlling different ectoparasites (ticks, flies, mites, lice) of veterinary importance. Essential oils have been proved to be cheaper, more effective and safer therapeautic agents against different ectoparasites of livestock importance

    Human Cryptosporidiosis: An insight into Epidemiology, Modern Diagnostic Tools and Recent Drug Discoveries

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    Cryptosporidiosis is an emerging food and water borne zoonotic disease, which is caused by genusCryptosporidium. The first Cryptosporidium spp. was isolated from mice in 1907 and gained importance when it was found in an HIV positive patient. It usually causes self-limiting diarrhea in young children and immunocompetent patients. However, it may lead to chronic diarrhea with life threatening condition in immunocompromised patients. Other complications related to this transmittable infection may include respiratory problems, skin rashes and headache. HIV/AIDS patients are highly susceptible host for this parasite. Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis are the known pathogenic species, prevalent among humans and they are being transmitted through contaminated food and water. Usually, the diagnosis of Cryptosporidium spp. is dependent on microscopic technique in many countries, which has a low sensitivity and specificity leading to false positive results. However, for a step forward to successful epidemiological studies, advanced techniques (Serological and DNA-based) provide us the better ways of diagnosis with more sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, no antiparasitic drug has found to be effective againstCryptosporidium spp. except Nitazoxanide which is FDA-approved and effective only when administered along with antiretroviral therapy. In this regard, present review summarizes the various epidemiological studies conducted around the globe along with modern diagnostic tools and the suitable treatment available now a days. This systemized review will help the scientists to better understand all the aspects of cryptosporidiosis at one platform which may help in designing surveillance studies through selection of sensitive diagnostic techniques. The new drugs mentioned in this review may also help to better control this parasite in humans, especially immunocompromised individuals

    Concurrent Infestation of Buffalo Calves with Ctenocephalides felis strongylus and Piroplasms

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    The present report describes four cases of Ctenocephalides felis strongylus infestation in buffalo calves of district Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, Pakistan. The infested animals were suffering from pyrexia, alopecia, hyperkeratinization, accelerated pulse, tachypnea, depression, anemic mucous membranes and ataxia (n=3). Flea infestation was generalized with higher infestation in hairy areas of body especially legs, flank and mane. Microscopic examination of the peripheral blood revealed moderate (n=2) to high (n=2) numbers of piroplasms. All four calves were treated with ivermectin (Ivomec, Merial, France; 0.02mg/kg) twice at 15 days intervals. The treated calves were found aparasitemic on day 10th post treatment. The three cases recovered in 10 days after completion of the second round of treatment. One calf died 8 days after second treatment on day 11. However, the vector role of Ctenocephalides felis strongylus may be better studied on conventional/ molecular grounds using salivary glands of the specimens

    Application of Cypermethrin-Coated ZnS and ZnO Nanoparticles against <i>Rhipicephalus</i> Ticks

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    Rhipicephalus ticks are described as important ticks impacting the costs of livestock rearing and by-products sale. The prevalence and response of ticks towards cypermethrin sprays indicate the need to implement the rational use of acaricides. In our previous studies, ZnO nanoparticles were shown to inhibit the major life-cycle stages of Hyalomma ticks, indicative of promising application of nanomaterials against the hard ticks. The current study was designed to probe into one of alternative options to curtail Rhipicephalus ticks by employing cypermethrin-coated nanoparticles of ZnO (C-ZnO NPs) and ZnS (C-ZnS NPs). The nanocomposites showed a roughly spherical type of morphology and various size dimensions upon characterization using SEM and EDX. Female ovipositioning was declined up to only 48% in ZnS and up to 32% in ZnO NPs even after 28 days in vitro. Similarly, the larval hatching was also impacted, leading to a hatching percentage of 21% and 15% by application of C-ZnS NPs and C-ZnO NPs, respectively. The LC90 in female adult groups were 3.94 mg/L and 4.27 mg/L for the C-ZnO NPs and C-ZnS NPs groups, respectively. Similarly, the larval groups had LC90 of 8.63 and 8.95 mg/L for the C-ZnO NPs and C-ZnS NPs groups. The study is a proof of the concept for incorporating effective and safe nanocomposites as acaricides. The studies on the efficacy and spectrum of non-target effects of nanomaterial-based acaricides can further refine the research on finding novel alternatives for tick control

    Resistance to Cypermethrin Is Widespread in Cattle Ticks (Rhipicephalus microplus) in the Province of Punjab, Pakistan: In Vitro Diagnosis of Acaricide Resistance

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    Control of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (R.) microplus mainly relies on chemical acaricides and cypermethrin is the most widely used acaricide in Pakistan. Farmers frequently complain about its low efficacy, thus, the present study was designed to quantify the frequency of cypermethrin resistance in cattle ticks. Engorged female R. microplus were collected and tested for the efficacy of cypermethrin using the FAO-recommended larval packet test. Resistance factors (RF) were estimated at both the lethal concentration for 50% (LC50) and 99% (LC99) of ticks. Thirty-three samples were tested, of which 8/33 (24.24%) were classified as resistant based on the RF50, and all 33 were classified as resistant based on the RF99. In District Sargodha, when only the RF50 was considered, 45.5% of samples were classified as resistant, but at RF99, all tested samples were identified as resistant. In District Okara, the variation in RF50 estimates was 2.2&ndash;8.3 and variation in RF99 estimates was 10.6&ndash;1139.8. Similar results were found in District Attock, where variations in RF50 were 0.8&ndash;8.5 and RF99 ranged from 9&ndash;237.3. The study showed that cypermethrin resistance is prevalent in these three districts of Pakistan and is likely to be overestimated by classification based on the RF99

    Human Cryptosporidiosis: An insight into Epidemiology, Modern Diagnostic Tools and Recent Drug Discoveries

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    Cryptosporidiosis is an emerging food and water borne zoonotic disease, which is caused by genus Cryptosporidium. The first Cryptosporidium spp. was isolated from mice in 1907 and gained importance when it was found in an HIV positive patient. It usually causes self-limiting diarrhea in young children and immunocompetent patients. However, it may lead to chronic diarrhea with life threatening condition in immunocompromised patients. Other complications related to this transmittable infection may include respiratory problems, skin rashes and headache. HIV/AIDS patients are highly susceptible host for this parasite. Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis are the known pathogenic species, prevalent among humans and they are being transmitted through contaminated food and water. Usually, the diagnosis of Cryptosporidium spp. is dependent on microscopic technique in many countries, which has a low sensitivity and specificity leading to false positive results. However, for a step forward to successful epidemiological studies, advanced techniques (Serological and DNA-based) provide us the better ways of diagnosis with more sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, no antiparasitic drug has found to be effective against Cryptosporidium spp. except Nitazoxanide which is FDA-approved and effective only when administered along with antiretroviral therapy. In this regard, present review summarizes the various epidemiological studies conducted around the globe along with modern diagnostic tools and the suitable treatment available now a days. This systemized review will help the scientists to better understand all the aspects of cryptosporidiosis at one platform which may help in designing surveillance studies through selection of sensitive diagnostic techniques. The new drugs mentioned in this review may also help to better control this parasite in humans, especially immunocompromised individuals

    Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Their Role as Potential Drug Candidates for the Treatment of Parasitic Diseases

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    Protozoa, helminths and ectoparasites are the major groups of parasites distributed worldwide. Currently, these parasites are treated with chemotherapeutic antiprotozoal drugs, anti-helminthic and anti-ectoparasitic agents, but, with the passage of time, resistance to these drugs has developed due to overuse. In this scenario, nanoparticles are proving to be a major breakthrough in the treatment and control of parasitic diseases. In the last decade, there has been enormous development in the field of nanomedicine for parasitic control. Gold and silver nanoparticles have shown promising results in the treatments of various types of parasitic infections. These nanoparticles are synthesized through the use of various conventional and molecular technologies and have shown great efficacy. They work in different ways, that include damaging the parasite membrane, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) disruption, protein synthesis inhibition and free-radical formation. These agents are effective against intracellular parasites as well. Other nanoparticles, such as iron, nickel, zinc and platinum, have also shown good results in the treatment and control of parasitic infections. It is hoped that this research subject will become the future of modern drug development. This review summarizes the methods that are used to synthesize nanoparticles and their possible mechanisms of action against parasites